Hey Everyone, I'm coming from Oklahoma City to see the Beat play on the 7th and 10th. And I was curious if anyone knew what they might be giving away on the 8/10 (Saturday) game? I know that there are give aways, but I was curious if anyone knew if they would be giving away stuff at the door, like posters, or anyting to that subject?
I'm not sure, but I'll see if I can find out. I can bring you some cool stuff you can get autographed. I've taken a lot of pictures this season and I can put a collage together for you. They are really cool for player signatures. Who are your favorite players? I'm good friends with Susan and Terry... they might have some stuff they can give you as well! I'll check. What's your first name? I'll be there the 7th and 10th as well. We can meet you somewhere at the stadium...Do you already have tickets? I have two that I wont' be using that night (the 7th). You can have them if you like. They are great seats in the section behind the players (the shady side of the stadium!!). Flix, phats, AB1, Terry, Susan and I all sit near each other. We'll get together with you so we can say hello if you like! Have a safe trip!!
On Beat Street as you enter the stadium, major sponsored have booths, and there are frequently giving away t-shirts, noise-makers, etc. Posters and t-shirts with Beat names are not given away, but are purchased at the Beat Gear booths. Just beforre the game they will kick/throw a dozen soccer balls into the stands. Sometime they come through during the game and throw t-shirts into the crowd
AB1 doesn't sit. But I work at the beat mobile as you enter the stadium and i do tattoos on the east or west side of the stadium it changes from week to week.
Kim-Go Beat, My name is Lauren. I will probaly be the only one there wearing one of the few Nikki Serlenga shirts. As for tickets yet, as of right now I don't think I have any, my mom is talking to the Beat Office about tickets and stuff like that, and some guy said that we get 2 for 1, and we can sit anywhere we want because we're coming from so far. But I will probaly be sitting somewhere around by the bench or so. Anything to get autographed would be great, I have a few things, but most of it I've got it from friends, and EBAY, because being from Oklahoma and being a BEAT fan, there's not exactly alot of stuff around here, well more like nothing. But my friends have sent some pictures, I've got a couple of them blown up that I would love for my fav. players to sign. Speaking of which, my favorite players are Kylie Bivens, Nikki Serlenga, Anne Remy (For Obvious reasons ), Nancy and Julie Augustyniak. The only real Beat memorbilla stuff that I do have is: -Autographs and letters from those players, -A little BEAT 2002 photo I got from the website/newsletter -a Nikki Serlenga 8X10 photo I got from EBAY Other than that, I've got nothing. A team poster, anythying would be great. I do plan on buying a BEAT jersey while being there. Thanks!
Lauren, I'll put something together for you of your fave players. If you would like...perhaps you and your family can go with us to Jocks and Jills after the match. You can follow us there. We know some of the players fairly well and would be glad to introduce you (several go after the matches)! We'll see you there!! Kim
Hey Lauren! I have a team poster you can have. And you won't be the only one wearing a Serlenga jersey - she has alot of fans here. Let us know how to get in touch with you before the game and we will HOOK YA UP!
Kim-Go Beat, Well, since these are my first WUSA games ever, I will probaly be at the game right when they open the gates (90 mins before kickoff) and the hotel we're staying in is in fact the hotel that the opposing teams are staying at, Hyatt Regancy. Which I hope to intend to meet, Kim Pickup, Mandy Clemens, and Heather Mitts. But as for Jocks and Jills, I will have to see, I don't know if my family and I will go eat afterwards, being our last night in Atlanta on the 10th. I am leaving Oklahoma City on the 7th, and attending the game that night, and leaving Hotlanta on the 11th. I will keep you posted on what we might be doing and where you might be able to meet me, I will be meeting some friends I've been talking to online for over a year now, but I will let you all know my whereabouts.
flix, THANK YOU FOR THE TEAM POSTER! I appriciate it. Like I told Kim-Go Beat. As of right now I do not know my schedule for my time being there. But I don't know that I will probaly be there at the stadium right when they let us in, and probaly around section 116 behind the benches or so. Also, It's good to know that there are Serlenga fans there, I've just heard that with her being a founding player, she doesn't really get the fan base she should get as a founding player. But I will have a Serlenga shirt on, and purchasing a jersey later.
We love all of these players. We don't known Remy well yet. All of them are very nice, very approachable. Jock and Jills is really a fancy bar. The food is respectable, but people go there to drink and hang out, not for the food. We can never guarantee how many players will be there, but there are usually some. You'll want to hang around the field a bit after the game, because that's the best time to get autographs. If you want a true replica jersey with a player's name and number on it, you have to order on-line at the Beat Store at the Beat's website. All they'll have at the game will be generic jerseys with no name on them. They will have T-shirts with Serlenga, Sun Wen, Bivens, Parlow, and Scurry.