That's all well and good, but I think given what has transpired Fan Appreciation Night should feature: 1. Free Beer. Hell after what's happened, free heroin. 2. Autographed jersey? Hell some of the defenders should come and clean my house. 3. Pin The Tail on Ngwenya at half time. Better yet, pin the 2X4 on him. 4. 50% of all merch for season ticket holders? How about DCU pays me. Your thoughts?
I would very much like a throwback jersey. But the other stuff - 50% a DC United v Portsmouth scarf - 2009 away jersey - $2 hot dog (psst, costco $1.50 w/ soda)- wow.
Let me be first to say that as a thank you to our wonderful FO for appreciating us tomorrow District Ultras are going to pick a date next year as a Team Appreciation Night. Events will include supporting the team and singing and such.
$2 for grey hot dogs!?! Have the F*****ng lost their minds? They need to lubricate me and give me an oil change...
What worried me a bit was that the merch discount for ST holders at that same link yesterday was 30% (and only mentioned the team store). Today it's 50% (and adds kiosks). They didn't cross the line from 'we appreciate you' to 'going out of business sale', did they? Sorry to say that was my first thought when I saw another 20% added overnight.
I'm going to show my appreciation by staying home tonight. With my luck, they'd just insult me further with a blowout win over KC.