General Praises Speed of Fallujah Success The [very] big question is, are they prepared to hold onto it? If there is one constant theme of this war it is that the US has underestimated it's enemies and/or overestimated itself. The attack on Fallujah was much better orchestrated than the previous attempt, will the occupation of the city be improved as such as well?
So the US military has learned something. But don't you think that the "Insurgents" have learned something as well? For one thing their ranks are swelling, it's changed, the fight against Saddam is history, this is a fight of Islam, a jihad against the US and it's colony of Israel. This war is not going away any time soon. Agreed the attack on Fallujah was better organized but then everyone knew it was coming including the insurgs and most of them moved out, another reason why the city was taken so fast. I doesn't matter if the US wants to hold on to it, it'll just tie up troops while another city (Mosul?) becomes the next on the list. Troops on the ground are going to get thinner and thinner.
Do you have any support for that? Also, while a lot of the insurgents themselves may be fighting a jihad against the US and Israel, I think if US occupation ends support amongst the general public would dry up.
Well, let's recall what happened in Najaf. Moktadr al Sadr and his thugs held the mosques and the population hostage, the Marines came in, and booted them out. The people cheered when the the Mahdi were crushed. I think in general the population in Falluja is more sympathetic to the anti-democratic fascist terrorist jihadists (I won't deign to call them "insurgents" like they've all got Che Guevara posters), but probably not by much. So, we'll see. Things were certainly NOT going to get better if we let this sore fester. I think it's likely that things will be better rather than worse. But you never know.
The latest on that was on 60 minutes today by another (disgruntled) ex CIA analyst. He was the man on OBL and sounded pretty plausible. But that was jus one source...but I'm off out to dinner right now.
Yeah next time don't warn innocent people so that the left can have their field day when they accidentally get gunned down. Oh wait, we did warn them, and in the process some terrorists escaped which the left is having a field day with. The left just wants their cake and to eat it too---some kind of perfect world where we take out all the bad guys, lose none of ours, and no innocents die. Thank god these guys weren't around in the late 1700s when we needed a revolution.
Would you like me to point out that the architect of the welfare state in the USA was in the White House was prosecuting the war against fascism, while many conservatives were -- how shall I put this? -- a little more conciliatory towards Der Fuehrer? In other words, conservatives can be real p u s s i e s when it suits their purposes. "He did not have to transfer his Nazi assets at the end of World War II, all he had to do was transfer the ownership documents - stocks, bonds, deeds and trusts--from his bank in Berlin through his bank in Holland to his American friends in New York City: Prescott Bush and Herbert Walker. Thyssen's partners in crime were the father and father-in-law of a future President of the United States."
As much as I want to believe that the insurgents are done, I really don't. I give it two or three weeks until the car bombing and the like starts up.
They've already done it. So we gain Fallujah, but lose Mosul. Our military leaders would probably suck at Risk.
2 minutes ago, some asian anchor on CNN (sorry, don't know her name) had some "war expert" on, who gave a summary of how the military "let Zarqaui and most of the insurgents get away" and then the anchor lady says, "so the 38 soldiers died for nothing." And proceeded to shake her head as if she should be military strategist. Crazy how bad news people are at hiding their slant.,1280,-4614717,00.html
Have you seen the footage, because I have on reuters. He leans around a wall and has his rifle horizontal. Takes careful aim for a couple seconds, fires, says he's gone, and switches weapons with someone else. So basically what happens on the video does not jive with what the paper is describing. Nowhere on the video do you see an injured Iraqi, nor do you hear a "request" to get neared to an injured Iraqi.
Um, you seem to forget that we went to Iraq to get WMDs, and that the people of Iraq would greet us with flowers. Let's get back to that fundamental reality, and THEN judge the 2nd Battle of Fallujah, ok? This is supposed to be part of the war on terror. Well, what did those poor saps from Fallujah have to do with 9/11, or any act of terror against the US? Riddle me that, Rush.
My opinion is that this kind of things always happen in a war (being that precise incident correctly reported or not). That's why war is horror and anyone should do anything to avoid it. I don't feel like discussing again the issue "was the war justified?" but... I have to confess that sometimes I think "maybe if common americans happy in their homes had to experience directly what war is, they (many of them) wouldn't be so easy with starting them". It's depressing to see that what only matters is the number of dead americans. I had my mom to tell me stories about how it feels to be under heavy bombings (WW2). I think this helped me to be always in touch with reality. As a side note - I am still angry at how media easily accepted the idea of not allowing independent reporting.
Well for the average American, sacrificing for the war effort involves spending the 99¢ on a yellow "Support Our Troops" magnet for their SUV. The fact that the media sanitizes almost every war image we receive doesn't help either. As long as they make war look more like a video game and less like what it really is, the majority of people just aren't going to get it. The insurgents still appear to be more wideapread and bigger in ranks than we're giving them credit for.
These are no longer (and I'm not really convinced they ever were) truly used to show support as much as looking trendy whilst "showing support."