Facchetti's No. 3 shirt withdrawn

Discussion in 'Inter Milan' started by Nojatuoli@tleetti, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. Nojatuoli@tleetti

    Nojatuoli@tleetti New Member

    Aug 1, 2006

    If this goes through, the No 3. shirt will be retired and it will no longer be assigned to players.

    I can understand this as a tribute to great man and a great footballer, but I still dont think they should do it. They should keep the No. 3 shirt in rotation and that would be a real tribute to Facchetti. His Inter No. 3 lives on, on the pitch.
    It must feel great for a player to be able to wear the same number shirt as someone like Facchetti.
  2. tim10

    tim10 Member

    May 23, 2006
    Melbourne, Australia
    Fitting of such a great man.

    By the way who wore Number 3 this season for Inter?
  3. Nojatuoli@tleetti

    Nojatuoli@tleetti New Member

    Aug 1, 2006

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