My appolgies if this has been posted before. On the FC Dallas website they have posted the 1st of 4 parts about the expansion draft. The part that is up there now is pretty much what was posted 3 months ago on the MLS site. But this caught my attention... "An MLS team will not have to protect P-40, Junior International or Development Players on list for 2005, [B]but some P-40 players will graduate before Expansion Draft." [/B] I assume this means that if Eddie graduates (and how can he not if he led the League in goals) we would have to protect him? I thought I read earlier (maybe on 3rddegree) the word on the street would be that he would not have to be protected. If so, that seems a bit unfair that we would have to protect 12 out of 19 players while other teams would have to protect 12 out of 18 players. And what about LA? With Herzog and Bo retiring does that mean they get to protect 12 out of 16, Leaving only 4 players unprotected while Dallas has to leave 7 on the table? Buzz - Do you know when the list of players who are left unprotected will be released?
I have learned that Eddie is going to be graduated and yes he will have to be protected, which means 7 players left exposed by FCD. But the entire thing is 10 rounds and it says each team can only lose 3 players (you can retract one player each time you lose one.. if my math is correct... 3 players per team for ten teams is 30 rounds... so with only 10 rounds some teams will not be losing 3 players. What you read on 3rd Degree was the logic you just ran through that says it doesn't make sense to me to graduate them. But it also says the word was Eddie would be graduated. I listed him as graduated and beeding protection on my expansion draft list. the link you listed says they will run four parts. Part four is the week before the expansion draft and will have hte FCD protected list.
Stephen Goff of the Washington Post has reported that Brian Carrol and Alecko Eskandarian will be graduated as well. Was anyone else amused by the caption under the picture: 'Eddie Johnson is a player that FC Dallas will probably want to protect.' Buzz, looks like you've got some competition for in-depth reporting and analysis on the team.
Well, divided by 2 expansion teams = 15 rounds ...but yeah, still not everyone will lose 3 players. Every team could lose just 2 players.... while at the other end of the spectrum... 6 teams could lose 3, 1 team could lose 2 (or 2 teams could lose 1), and 3 teams could lose 0. At least I'm pretty sure
It is limited by rule to 10 rounds.... With two expansion teams, that's 20 players drafted (barring passes) So of the 60+ players exposed (6+ for 10 teams) only 20 will get taken.
Yeah, I know shows in the breakdown I listed: 2x10 3x6, 2x1, & 1x0 But anyways....this is what you said before... Basically I was correcting the 30 "rounds" to equal 15 rounds of 2 players, since you had already used that there were 2 expansion teams as a given in your second part here, but not in the first. Otherwise it would be 20 "rounds" instead of 10 rounds of 2 players.
Part II is up on and it covers areas such as how these 2 teams will be able to stock up on players. Very interesting. I guess the change in media relations people over there is paying off...GREAT stuff for us uneducated on these type of things.
Oh I see my typo.... I screwed up the entire thing with my typo of rounds... I was trying to say 3 players lost per team is 30 players.... which is more than can be taken in 10 rounds.. gosh dang it... My bad. I am only making this worse and harder to understand.