Discussion in 'Business and Media' started by copaantl98, Aug 25, 2002.

  1. copaantl98

    copaantl98 Member

    Apr 9, 2002

    Brandi Chastain is the only soccer related one on this poll. It's about which moment is the most memorable. Over 80,000 votes have been tallied and Chastain is last.
  2. The Gribbler

    The Gribbler Member

    Jul 14, 1999
    Cedar Hill, Texas
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    maybe its because no one in their right mind gives a rat's ass about women's soccer....
  3. Treetaliano

    Treetaliano Member

    Jun 29, 2002
    Charlotte, NC
  4. norfcath

    norfcath New Member

    Aug 17, 2000
    Oh, I don't know. I think I'm reasonably mentally healthy, and I thoroughly enjoyed the WUSA final. I would give a rat's ass, but we don't have many rats in Pennsylvania, at least not of the chauvinist kind.
  5. copaantl98

    copaantl98 Member

    Apr 9, 2002
    I don't follow women's soccer very much. But if it's soccer I'll take it over any sport.
  6. toot86

    toot86 New Member

    Apr 29, 2001
    Long John Silver's

    COME ON GUYS Lets show ESPN that we have a power in the voting polls and show them that soccer matters!! LETS START VOTING!!!!!!
  7. copaantl98

    copaantl98 Member

    Apr 9, 2002
    Actually, the poll is gone. ESPN Polls tend to dissappear quickly.
  8. sydtheeagle

    sydtheeagle New Member

    May 21, 2002
    I wonder if the ability to be completely non-discriminating, and to almost obsess over a sport rather to be a fan plain and simple (and objective) is a characteristic that's unique to the American soccer supporter and is, in fact, one reason why "Eurosnobs" find them so hard to take seriously from time to time.

    I'm from England. Soccer is the one and only game I truly love. But would I "take soccer over any (other) sport"? You have to be kidding. I would rather watch the Super Bowl than a woman's soccer game. I would rather watch the Stanley Cup than a college soccer game. I would rather watch the World Series than a High School soccer game. Just because it's soccer DOES NOT make it good soccer.

    If you can't see the wood for the trees...if you have no ability to be critically objective about something you like...your contribution to "the debate" is, it seems to me, going to be pretty marginal at best. There IS such a thing as soccer that isn't worth watching, you know.
  9. Treetaliano

    Treetaliano Member

    Jun 29, 2002
    Charlotte, NC
    Re: Re: ESPN Poll

    Fixed your post
  10. copaantl98

    copaantl98 Member

    Apr 9, 2002
    I don't think you would quite understand. All my life I had to deal with baseball, basketball, and football. I'm willing to support soccer in any way.
  11. The Gribbler

    The Gribbler Member

    Jul 14, 1999
    Cedar Hill, Texas
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    My dislike for a shitty sport has nothing to do with the fact that women play it. I enjoy women's tennis, and not just Anna Kournikova I'll have you know.
  12. Claymore

    Claymore Member

    Jul 9, 2000
    Montgomery Vlg, MD
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: Re: ESPN Poll

    Anna Kournikova plays tennis? :D
  13. pething101

    pething101 Member

    Jul 31, 2001
    Smyrna, Ga
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: Re: Re: ESPN Poll

    News to her.

    If I had seen the poll, I would have voted. I don't mind the WUSA, just annoyed that they went head to head with MLS at 4 pm on Saturday. Therefore I watched no WUSA matches this year.
  14. norfcath

    norfcath New Member

    Aug 17, 2000
    I hope you watched the final, at least. It was a classic.
  15. copaantl98

    copaantl98 Member

    Apr 9, 2002
    Second of all, you misunderstood me. I'm not implying that I would watch any type of soccer over the Super Bowl or something. I'm saying that I would want soccer to be the most popular over any of the other sports. For example, in that poll, I wanted soccer to be the winning one regardless if it was men's, women's, or high school soccer.
  16. tcmahoney

    tcmahoney New Member

    Feb 14, 1999
    Hint: If you want soccer to be more popular, worry less about polls and work instead on convincing people that soccer is fun and therefore worth their time, energy, money and passion as a fan.

    Voting on polls can be fun, but anyone who thinks ESPN polls or any other sort of online poll will make or break the sport in this country is completely delusional.
  17. copaantl98

    copaantl98 Member

    Apr 9, 2002
    I spend much more time in convincing people that soccer is great. When soccer wins or loses a poll, it won't make or break the sport. But it certainly cannot hurt. Don't forget the US and Mexico qualifying game in Columbus made the showcase highlight becasue it won the poll.
  18. sydtheeagle

    sydtheeagle New Member

    May 21, 2002
    Perhaps I did, but I still simply don't understand your logic at all, and I think the above makes the same point as my first reply.

    I believe that we can take it as read that both of us (you and I) love soccer, but why do you give a toss if it finishes top of a poll about which sports other people like? I mean, what difference does it make? I like soccer...I watch soccer...what the rest of the world watches makes not a single jot of difference to me. If everyone else wants to watch American football, good luck to them. It's absolutely no skin off my back.

    And that was my point, an odd thing that seems to be unique to American supporters. Liking the game is palpably not enough for you. You want everyone else to feel the same way, too. If that's true, I honestly think you are wasting your time and fighting a losing battle not because of anything to do with whether or not soccer is a great sport, but simply because people make decisions for themselves and trying to impose your views on the rest is simply a waste of energy that would be better spent enjoying the game with other people who do like it already.
  19. Mattbro

    Mattbro Member+

    Sep 21, 2001
    Sydtheeagle, you'd understand copaatl98 better if you'd grown up in the U.S. You don't have to fight the good fight for soccer in England because the sport is already huge there. It's easy to be charitable about other sports when they're not relegating your favorite sport to a little blurb on page 12.

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