English players Dual Nationality thread #2

Discussion in 'England' started by roverman, Sep 26, 2020.

  1. Jimmy Skitz

    Jimmy Skitz Member+

    Leicester City
    Nov 4, 2020
    no the won't as they legally can't identify the alleged victim and doing so could do that so unless she waves that and there is no reason for her to do so. Remember there was apparently new evidence that couldn't be made public due to this law that show him to be innocent or at least cast doubt on his guilt
  2. Regis Prograis

    Regis Prograis Member+

    Tottenham Hotspur
    Feb 8, 2020
    He’s got 5 goals and 4 assists in under a 1000 minutes in La Liga and Copa del Rey after being out of the game for basically 18 months, that’s very good on a team who have finished 15th for the last 3 seasons.
  3. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    Then the FA can’t realistically expect a lot of people to be comfortable with his return. Rightly or wrongly people who work at Man Untied didn’t trust their club’s efforts to bring him back based on that reasoning so I am not sure how the FA could expect the same for an England call up.
    BarryfromEastenders repped this.
  4. MrSnrub

    MrSnrub Member+

    Oct 7, 2018
    I think in la liga he has 2 non penalty goals and 2 non set piece assists, alright for his level of team but we're not talking prodigy levels here. He's a long way from "greenwood is back!" Talk for putting in decent displays at a mid table team willing to put up with his lack of work rate.

    Adding in a couple of goals from a 13-0 win against a non professional 6th tier side in the Copa del Rey is the kind of massaging of his level of performance and figures I was talking about.
  5. horrisengleton

    horrisengleton Member+

    Jul 18, 2023
    Valencia, Spain
    It's more the fact he's only a few months back from a very, very long absence that was going to be very difficult to come back from yet he already looks like his initial potential is still in tact.

    His performances don't yet warrant an England call-up but it's the fact his ceiling is still so high. Also we're not massively stacked in his position, after Saka our next best left-footed winger (true winger) is Bowen. That's not great depth.
  6. Regis Prograis

    Regis Prograis Member+

    Tottenham Hotspur
    Feb 8, 2020
    I was more putting it in the context of a bloke who hasn’t kicked a ball professionally for a year and half, these are very good stats for a team like Getafe who really struggle to score goals historically in La Liga.
    horrisengleton repped this.
  7. Jimmy Skitz

    Jimmy Skitz Member+

    Leicester City
    Nov 4, 2020
    the FA also don't want to go down the legal route of him challenging them banning him from selection for something he is legally innocent of, his legal team would destroy them in court and some former greats would be heavily disparaged in order to do so unless you think every other England players has been whiter than white, John Terry for example was allowed to play again after the racism case
  8. horrisengleton

    horrisengleton Member+

    Jul 18, 2023
    Valencia, Spain
    He also, understandably, started pretty slowly. The quality of his performances have been ramping up rapidly.
    roverman repped this.
  9. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    Pretty sure the FA cannot be challenged legally over a selection decision in any circumstances. For a start there is no selection criteria setting out what a player needs to do be selected.

    Had John Terry been awaiting trial for Racism now a days he would not be called up.
  10. MrSnrub

    MrSnrub Member+

    Oct 7, 2018
    I guess I would need to see a lot more than just the occasional decent match. That he has a lot of technical plusses was never in doubt, just like ravel Morrison historically used to always pop up with the odd highlights displaying his talent when he was a similar age, and similarly they also used to miss out the massive failings in his game discussing his potential. Though for what's it's worth i would be amazed if greenwood didn't have a much better career than Morrison.

    He's doing decent for getafe in a luxury role which may well be his best use going forward. It's still early days for him so we will see how he does by the end of the season. Bowen is an interesting comparison as a honest player who's doing far far better statistically but people are also willing to have more clear headed appraisals of him as a player.
    horrisengleton repped this.
  11. BarryfromEastenders

    Staff Member

    Jul 6, 2008
    #4661 BarryfromEastenders, Dec 18, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2023
    People just create an entirely different reality on this Greenwood issue and just ignore so many issues about the case.

    Last time I checked one media site was reporting his progress online (Daily Mail I think) and the reaction to just reporting his displays was so bad that they stopped reporting on him. Is any notable media organisation even highlighting his progress anymore?

    His club went into a revolt when there was a plan to bring him back, threatening a walkout etc but it is all going to change after a bit of a break.

    Whatever happens I can’t see England working anyway. He was treated like Hannibal Lecter by his club before this issue whenever he went off with England. He can’t do this, he needs special guidance and only those in his close circle know what to do. They treated England like they were the issue and not him.

    He didn’t even seem to have much interest in England anyway.
    roverman, hussar, Gaz811 and 1 other person repped this.
  12. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    The Daily Express have a positively slanted article about his last match The Athletic still have to turn off the comments on articles about him - such as one about Getafe’s sell on clause achievement.
    BarryfromEastenders repped this.
  13. AJ123

    AJ123 Member+

    Man Utd
    Feb 17, 2018
    From what I've read his dad pulled him out of squads because Southgate wouldn't guarantee him a starting spot. His dad thought it was a waste of time for him. If true it reflects poorly on them. You have players like Bamford that would give their right leg just to pull on the England shirt once.
    roverman and BarryfromEastenders repped this.
  14. Jimmy Skitz

    Jimmy Skitz Member+

    Leicester City
    Nov 4, 2020
    if the FA tell a manager that they cannot call him up it will get out and he will have every reason to sue the FA as why are people convicted of drink driving allowed to play yet an innocent man is banned? you really are being dumb if you don't see the issue this would cause and you brought up the FA not letting him play not me.
  15. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    Except that courts in the UK do not get involved in sporting matters except in exceptional circumstances. This wouldn’t be one of them.

    If a manager really really wanted him the FA probably would accept it but would make sure that if it went wrong for some reason the Manager would have to go as well
  16. Jimmy Skitz

    Jimmy Skitz Member+

    Leicester City
    Nov 4, 2020
    he'd make it one of them, the courts don't get involved as people don't tend to go to them, this would be a slam dunk case against the FA
  17. MrSnrub

    MrSnrub Member+

    Oct 7, 2018
    #4667 MrSnrub, Dec 18, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2023
    The guy didn't even want to be picked for England before all this started, now you think he'd be suing the FA to force his selection?
    roverman and Port Vale Fan repped this.
  18. BarryfromEastenders

    Staff Member

    Jul 6, 2008
    Whatever happened behind the scenes it was definitely one of the strangest situations that I can recall regarding a young player coming through. That was all before the specific incident. A lot of big red flags and question marks would be around and international football dynamics are so different to club football. It’s just so much harder to protect a player from themselves.
    Port Vale Fan and AJ123 repped this.
  19. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    Just not how the court system works. There is no law that says the FA has to justify why someone is or is not selected and there are allowed to ser whatever criteria they choose. Neither would CAS get involved in such a circumstance (They might if FIFA or UEFA blocked him but not the FA.).
  20. Jenks

    Jenks Member+

    Feb 16, 2013
    Lmao what could he possibly sue the FA for?
    Fireburn47 repped this.
  21. Jimmy Skitz

    Jimmy Skitz Member+

    Leicester City
    Nov 4, 2020
    actually they do if they ban him they have to justify not banning people with criminal convictions, the FA would never be dumb enough to tell a manager they cannot pick him
  22. Jimmy Skitz

    Jimmy Skitz Member+

    Leicester City
    Nov 4, 2020
    who knows I'm not the one saying the FA will ban him
  23. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    Even if they did it couldn’t be challenged in court.
  24. Jimmy Skitz

    Jimmy Skitz Member+

    Leicester City
    Nov 4, 2020
    yes it could the FA are still subject you UK employment law and players are paid to play for England, they choose to donate the money to charity
  25. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    Actually apperences fees is much more like a Freelancers who have few employment rights anyway.

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