Ella Masar breaks silence on magicJack

Discussion in 'NWSL' started by ForeverLOST108, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. ForeverLOST108

    ForeverLOST108 Member+

    Jan 23, 2010
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Ella Masar officially breaks her silence on magicJack in her blog:

    It's extremely insightful and has a whole lot of detail of what went on team wise.
  2. Mister Crossbar

    Mister Crossbar New Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    I've already got it screencapped in case it "disappears."

    That sound you hear is the dam breaking...
  3. pasoccerdad

    pasoccerdad Member

    Mar 17, 2008
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    it did, or the link is not working
  4. ForeverLOST108

    ForeverLOST108 Member+

    Jan 23, 2010
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    As do I.
  5. ForeverLOST108

    ForeverLOST108 Member+

    Jan 23, 2010
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Link seems temperamental. Works sometimes, sometimes doesn't. I'll just post the blog in a quote box.

  6. Mister Crossbar

    Mister Crossbar New Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    The first time I tried loading the page, I got a database error. But, on the second try it worked. It's probably a load issue with the server/database (two many connections all at once).
  7. kool-aide

    kool-aide Member+

    Feb 1, 2002
    a van by the river
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    United States
    It's getting re-tweeted like crazy. I'm guessing the servers will hang up some tonight.
  8. Katreus

    Katreus Member

    Jul 3, 2011
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    United States
    What a cluster****. I'm so sorry to hear about this happening to Masar. :(
  9. kool-aide

    kool-aide Member+

    Feb 1, 2002
    a van by the river
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    United States
    As ridiculous and angry making as her post is (and it's damning), it is also clear that she's left out large (and even more damning) pieces.

    Andy Crossley (former BOS GM) confirmed that mJ never had trainers and the players asked other teams to tape them prior to games.
  10. Mister Crossbar

    Mister Crossbar New Member

    Aug 21, 2011
  11. shlj

    shlj Member+

    Apr 16, 2007
    FC Nantes
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    I am going to Paris for my mum's birthday, I wil personally thank her at the PSG game for writing this blog.
  12. JayJay

    JayJay Member

    Jan 21, 2000
    Brew City
    Thank her for all of us.

    It is sad to think of all that this guy was able to get away with. And I'm sure that this isn't even close to the extent of it. I can't blame the WPS for trying to get away from this guy as quickly as possible. I just wish they would have followed their own rules in doing so.
  13. kool-aide

    kool-aide Member+

    Feb 1, 2002
    a van by the river
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    United States
    In the brave post, Masar said she can talk now b/c her nose surgery has been paid for so she doesn't have to worry about not getting money owed. I wonder if other players are still owed money and will stay silent until (if?) they get what's owed.
  14. kolabear

    kolabear Member+

    Nov 10, 2006
    los angeles
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    United States
    Besides PitchInvasion, Ella has it posted on her own blog but it's also suffering from overload. We can read it, apparently, on the 5th post of the thread but we should give traffic to Pitch and Masar's blog later.

    Among the journalists and bloggers who are linking to this article are several who have been very consistent reporters of news on women's soccer including WPS. Most of you are, I'm sure, quite familiar with them and perhaps follow them on Twitter but perhaps it's not a bad time to mention some of them again:

    @chris_awk - Chris Henderson from All White Kit (what was his username around these here parts?)
    @jenna_awk - Jenna Pel from All White Kit
    @GrantWahl - Grant Wahl / Sports Illustrated
    @duresport - Beau Dure / Sports Myriad, ESPNW contributor
    @JeffKassouf - Jeff Kassouf / Equalizer Soccer
  15. patricksp

    patricksp 91.9 Crew Fan Rating

    Nov 4, 2007
    Columbus Crew
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  16. katie14

    katie14 Member

    Apr 17, 2002
    Okay pardon me for saying this but it seems like Abby is not quite the leader I thought she was. I knew that there was the whole Hope/WC 2007 fiasco in which Abby was pretty vocal about wanting Hope off the team but I just didn't know this about her. Just out of curiosity does anyone else have any details on Abby's role in all this? Sorry not trying to create drama about Abby's role but I was just really curious.
  17. nine

    nine New Member

    Jul 16, 2010
    Atlanta Beat
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    If Abby was as complicit as it sounds, I have lost a whole lot of respect for her.
  18. kool-aide

    kool-aide Member+

    Feb 1, 2002
    a van by the river
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    There's a lot unknown now. At this point, Abby, Rampone, Hope, Boxx -- the experienced veterans look REALLY bad. But Borislow may have some power other than a paycheck over them. There's clear evidence that he's a bully/abuser and they get into people's heads.
  19. wokeupfuzzy

    wokeupfuzzy Member

    Apr 24, 2010
    wow. thanks for reposting it all here. It's all disgusting, but the way he toyed with her health is particularly vile (who would do this to another human being?).

    If we were to hear every player's side of the story, I think we might feel sorry for most of them. It sounds like they were played against one another while the ever-present threat of killing the league was dangled over their heads. Probably each thought she was doing what was best for the league (however misguided and brainwashed).

    I hope we hear more of these accounts.
  20. scubasoccer

    scubasoccer New Member

    Jul 7, 2011
    I 'm starting not to like some of the wnt players. I will not support traiters who have the ussoccer federation backing them, while others none nt players get screwed.
  21. CCSoccerFan

    CCSoccerFan Member

    May 2, 2009
    I gotta agree with this but I will reserve judgement until we learn more.. I suppose she could redeem herself and share what she knows. She should have been on MJs ass right away about the player's nose needing evaluation if she's a so-called leader.

    I am STUNNED that it was not REQUIRED by the league to have an athletic trainer on the staff. Even the poorest of colleges have trainers for their athletes.

    And MJ owner is a total ass. I once worked for an ass, but I'm not afraid to speak out and I did. Found out I was not the first in that company ... More like the fifth! Got out with a good settlement because they knew I could have gotten lots more. I have never sat back and let people control me and these young girls should not let a man in power and with the purse strings control them. Nothing good comes from that for them, only for the ass taking advantage of them.
  22. kool-aide

    kool-aide Member+

    Feb 1, 2002
    a van by the river
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    United States
    It looks bad for Abby & the other USWNT players on mJ but I'm sure they have a truth to tell, too. As someone said on twitter, whistleblowing isn't for everyone and others have to really check w/ lawyers/family. You know Borislow is going to sue if at all possible.

    As for the trainers, WPS operations agreements required a lot of things and if you read the court documents, you'll see Borislow ignored many of the requirements.
  23. sisterluke

    sisterluke Member

    Sep 27, 2008
    Los Angeles,CA
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    I am officially heartbroken over this story. This man is sick! SICK! I'm re-posting this everywhere so everyone knows the truth about these girls.

    As for Abby....I thought Abby Wambach was different, I thought she was a leader and a role-model to young people everywhere. I thought she did the right things. Now I realize she is a phony and pathetic and only cares about herself. I have absolutely zero respect for her now and how she treats her teammates.

    I have a Wambach #20 USWNT jersey in my closet and if this is really the truth, I'm going to burn it up. I can't stand fakes.
  24. Mookie141

    Mookie141 Member

    Feb 10, 2008
    Sky Blue FC
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    I KNEW something in the milk wasn't clean. Honestly that's why I've been so crabby about US women's soccer and not really feeling the urge to cheer the team on or post on here while they made their WC run. After a year or so ago there seemed to be an air of b**tcery, especially after those Twittergate incidents. Something just didn't feel right. Just goes to show you anyone can foster and fool you with an image.

    Told ya'll they "erased" Kai.

    Those big names never really got behind the product or brought it up during their lovely interviews. Hell the whole league folded along with the hopes and dreams of many people and not a f**k seemed to be given from that direction.

    *Ends 2 years worth of rant and vent*

    PS: I have a strong feeling they could live off of Pia's checks just as fine without Dan's.
  25. kool-aide

    kool-aide Member+

    Feb 1, 2002
    a van by the river
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'd hold up on the fire b/f hearing more. It is early yet in the news cycle. People thought Richard Jewel was the ATL olympics bomber for a while, too. But right now, it looks bad for Abby & the USWNTers that were w/ magicJack.

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