Eliminatorias Sudamerica en TV - Fecha 11

Discussion in 'CONMEBOL' started by vipnerd, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. vipnerd

    vipnerd Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    La Mitad + Román
    Parece que solamente veremos 2 partidos de esta fecha en TV USA ...

    Viernes 19 16:30 Uruguay-Paraguay - GolTV

    Viernes 19 20:00 Argentina-Venenzuela - GolTV

  2. vipnerd

    vipnerd Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    La Mitad + Román
    Telemundo tendra 4 partidos en diferido:

    Sabado a las 2 pm EST

    Sabado a las 4 pm EST

    Domingo a la 1 pm EST

    Domingo a las 4 pm EST

    Probable que 1 o 2 de aquellos sean partidos de CONCACAF, como Honduras-Costa Rica o Guatemala-Canada.

    Ojala pasen 2 de Conmebol al menos. Se sabra con mas exactitud mañana despues que concluya la fecha de hoy. :cool:

  3. vico

    vico Member

    Aug 6, 2001
    Stockholm, Sweden
    alguien tiene un enlace para poder ver los partidos por la red?
  4. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    En Quito: Estadio Atahualpa
    Ecuador - Brasil (4:00 p.m.)

    En Barranquilla: Estadio Metropolitano
    Colombia - Bolivia (6:00 p.m.)

    En Montevideo: Estadio Centenario
    Uruguay - Paraguay (6:45 p.m.)

    En Buenos Aires: Estadio Monumental
    Argentina - Venezuela (7:45 p.m.)

    En Lima: Estadio Nacional
    Perú - Chile (8:00 p.m.)
  5. DanRod78

    DanRod78 New Member

    Mar 30, 2003
    Kansas City, KS
  6. im letting it stream on my computer ill keep it up to 6:00 so i can see the colombian game IF they show it i wasw looking up about bars and they use these guys calle prostar maybe we could start a web service

    pay them for the satellite uplink rent or buy some servers and charge for games via the internet

    its just an idea but i tihnk its a good one we could use some type of p2p video streaming to cut down on bandwidth too
  7. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
  8. vico

    vico Member

    Aug 6, 2001
    Stockholm, Sweden
    muchas gracias por los enlaces.

    en el canal de kuwait estan pasando españa con inglaterra. asi que no van a mostrar ecuador y brasil. quiza los otros partidos sudamericanos?
  9. Garcia

    Garcia Member

    Dec 14, 1999
    Castro Castro
    That is what I am watching, but don't know who is winning 1-0. :eek:

    It is a pretty good signal btw.

  10. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    espana gano 1-0 con gol de Hornos

    ahora tv kuwait tiene paraguay vs Uruguay - nice feed :cool:
  11. Garcia

    Garcia Member

    Dec 14, 1999
    Castro Castro
    Yea, watched Uruguay win, 1-0.

    Now, Argentina/Venezuela...remember, never smoke around the kids! ;)
  12. afa10fef

    afa10fef Member

    Aug 13, 2004
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    wat is the website for tvkuwait??
  13. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    telemundo/NBC will show colombia/Bolivia friday nite 10pm
    saturday: ecuador vs Brazil 4pm
    sunday: uruguay vs paraguay 1pm and then panama vs ES en el rommel Fernandez
  14. Pibe#10

    Pibe#10 Member

    May 1, 2003
    Nat'l Team:
    Caracol TV Internacional - Colombia vs. Bolivia 10.15pm esta noche, Jueves 18.

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