Dutch cuisine

Discussion in 'The Netherlands' started by sonicdream, Sep 8, 2003.

  1. Frieslander

    Frieslander Member
    Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2000
    North Jersey
    Where in Militia-gan do you live? You can at least get some speculaas at Meijer.

    My personal favorite, which may be more of a Dutch-American thing is butterletter (boterleter?). Sometimes it's just called the generic, "banket." It's a pastry filled with almond paste. If anyone has ever had a Good Humor toasted almond ice cream bar they have an idea of what the flavor is like.
  2. White-green Pride

    FC Groningen
    Feb 23, 2001
    Groningen, Nederland
    Nat'l Team:
    A 'boterletter' is indeed a dutch thing. You can buy 'em mostly in December when it's 'Sinterklaas'
    (St. Nicholas)
  3. DSC05

    DSC05 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jun 25, 2002
    Detroit, MI
    I live in an eastern suburb of Detroit.

    I found out there is a place that sells some Belgian beer and food, but not Dutch .
  4. tmeuz

    tmeuz New Member

    May 13, 2003
    Denver, CO
    Many cities don't necessarily have the restaurants but do have Dutch grocery stores- I know this is the case for at least Denver and Salt Lake City (short trip for you easterners...). You can buy most of the popular items there.
  5. AFCA

    AFCA Member

    Jul 16, 2002
    X X X rated
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    Guess who's going to eat roti in a minute?
  6. tmeuz

    tmeuz New Member

    May 13, 2003
    Denver, CO
    sure, rub it in. I'm guessing you'll have no trouble finding a place to watch the game either...
  7. AFCA

    AFCA Member

    Jul 16, 2002
    X X X rated
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    I'm sick... spent all day in bed. That's where I'll stay. Seems like a decent enough place to watch the match.

    I might be persuaded to give an almost live text report.
  8. tmeuz

    tmeuz New Member

    May 13, 2003
    Denver, CO
    That would be very helpful- uh, for persuasion- I'll buy you a Denver omelette next time you're in Denver (where the hell do Denver omelettes come from anyways). Maybe I'll even start a Denver cuisine thread....
  9. afgrijselijkheid

    Dec 29, 2002
    AFC Ajax
    just tried one of those incredible indonesian places the other night and today had the warme ribeye bruin broodj of a lifetime... DAMN that thing was good!! funny though, it had 'americangrillesaus' on it... it was delicious but ive never tasted that before in my life lol

    had to dig up this old gem, i'll go through and see how many i've tried so far
  10. sonicdream

    sonicdream Member

    Sep 27, 2002
    West of Suez canal
    AFC Ajax
    I can't believe you actually went back there again..
  11. afgrijselijkheid

    Dec 29, 2002
    AFC Ajax
    oh! i forgot to mention sonicdream hooked me up with my first indonesian meal ever last week (which was awesome)... and all hot chicks should dig him the most
  12. ajaxusa

    ajaxusa Member

    Jul 6, 1999
    Okay, now I'm back from 10 days in Amsterdam, and let me just say... you don't go to Holland for the food or the weather. You go to see Ajax kick P$V's a**! ;-)

    Now, onto the subject at hand... food. The most traditional Dutch food of all is anything out of the wall at FEBO after about eight or twelve glasses of Heineken (or better yet, Palm... those Belgians make the tastiest beer) and a rousing day of watching Ajax kick P$V's a**! ;-)

    Oh, and I tried something new and tasty called a Brussells loaf (endive wrapped in ham and cheese and baked, veeeerrry tasty), but methinks that's Belgian and not Dutch? Whatever, it's good, especially after watching Ajax kick P$V's a**! ;-)
  13. elainemichelle

    elainemichelle New Member

    Jul 20, 2002
    I like goat.

    This is awesome but I like the dark chocolate better.

    (My mom just left for the grocery store and this is what I forgot to tell her to get.)

    This is the only thing my mom learned how to cook the whole time we were in Holland.

    My dad also got me very into the mayo with fries thing and I usually mix with ketchup as well.
  14. elainemichelle

    elainemichelle New Member

    Jul 20, 2002
    I wish I wouldn't have read this thread. I've been thinking about it all day...
  15. Toolhead

    Toolhead Member

    Jul 6, 2003
    Williamsport, PA
    Philadelphia Union
    Man that sounds exactly like a Hot Dog. That's where you take all the left over parts of the cow, grind them up, add some seasoning then form them into big links and cook either on the grill or by boiling them. Served on a roll, actually there pretty good as long as you don't think about what's in them.
  16. johan neeskens

    Jan 14, 2004
    I'm back in Holland now but the things I missed most when I was living in England were:

    1. Drop (liquorice)

    2. Stampot (mashed potatoes with some class of veg mixed in, my fave is Hete Bliksem (mashed potatoes with apples and carrots)

    3. My mum's pea soup

    4. My gran's Dutch apple pie

    5. Vla (looks like custard but comes in different flavours, my fave is Hopjesvla)

    6. Stroopwafels

    7. All sweets served during SInterklaas (St Nicholas), notably pepernoten and speculaas

    8. Raw herring

    9. Plain and simple cheese sandwiches, preferably rye bread and extremely mature Gouda cheese, the kind that crumbles.

    10. Dutch yoghurt.
  17. panicfc

    panicfc Member+

    Dec 22, 2000
    In my chair, typing
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    I love those things.
  18. afgrijselijkheid

    Dec 29, 2002
    AFC Ajax
    that sounds like a perfect dinner meal mmmmm
  19. AFCA

    AFCA Member

    Jul 16, 2002
    X X X rated
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    Piss in a pot and call it soup eh? At least it's warm, right?

    Queer folk down there.
  20. tmeuz

    tmeuz New Member

    May 13, 2003
    Denver, CO
    Dutch pea soup is amazing- nothing like what you'd get in the states. It's thicker, more flavorful, and they throw in an assortment of different types of pork/sausage. Dutch sausage is also called 'rookworst'- maybe like kielbasa?

    I could sure go for a kroket today...
  21. johan neeskens

    Jan 14, 2004
    Oi! That's my mum you're talking about.
  22. Seedorf

    Seedorf New Member

    Aug 4, 2003
    Minneapolis, MN USA
    OUCH! Let's not rip on somebody'e poor, defenseless mother. However, if that person is a PSV fan, then their mother is fair game. Clearly, then that would make their mother a whore!

    Also, my favorite part of Dutch cuisine: Grolsch.
  23. Frieslander

    Frieslander Member
    Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2000
    North Jersey
    I was in the Netherlands with a couple of friends of mine. My one buddy loves chocolate milk and thought some chocolate vla was what he wanted because it came in a carton. He got some funny looks on the street when people saw him drinking it. Even though it was a little thicker than the average drink he enjoyed it.

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