awlright - what's yer folks take on this boy? As a rutgers alum, I've seen him play on the NCAA fields. He was certainly one of the best field players, but... Somehow I get the feeling he's another Villegas? Speed, skill, goals. Granted, he was a college kid back then and certainly can improve to be a world class player - the talent is there... But can the metrostars develop him? Who was the last guy with unrealized potential that the metros made into an impressive player? Faria... (cough cough)
My initial impression is cautiously positive. Given the Metro organization's idiotic past moves, he seems to have avoided some of our basic problems: 1) He's not over 35; 2) He's not a featherweight, a la Klinger (actually Sheppard's got decent size); 3) He's not going to miss the season to finish school; 4) He doesn't have any injuries that would have become apparent by the physical that we never give to new players; 5) And last, his skill and speed appear adequate. All things being equal, I also like it when a player is a local product. So the question now is how much playing time he can get and how he develops. Keep in mind he hasn't even played ninety minutes yet, so asking for goals is premature. Certainly our decimated midfield should help him get some action this month. Also, he did have one fantastic cross in the Open Cup game.
He's rough around the edges, but with some proper grooming I could see him complimenting ndy Williams. Both seem to have a similar look and style about them.
Have to agree, Dustin is potentialy a very good player down the road as his track record indicates it at the NCAA level. Klinger and Diop offer no potential as far as I could tell. Dusting has speed and strength and good skills. Diop has no skills and no speed and Klinger is a weakling at 125 lbs. i like this move getting him. I also like Brian Piesner, their other midfield pickup two weeks ago or so but not sure if they sent him back to the minors or not. Both were good Rutgers players and played a lot of big games in college.
Dustin Shepherd in the short period he has been a Metro has shown significantly more potential than Klinger and Byron Alvarez combined. Klinger and Alvarez are just taking up space.
We'd be beter off starting Dustin over Alvarez, and just play a 4-5-1 (if Mama is out re: the OC match). We could do no worse, probably better.