Matteo, Ritch and Ueltschey (whatever) are living in Dunny's old place.
I know sometimes we all comment on how developmental players get payed too little. But, is this guy an example of one that is possibly payed too much?
Is this the only newsworthy item that can be written about. MLS is so sad. I'm losing intrest more and more.
The thing is its not the only newsworthy item. They could talk about how perhaps the fire peaked too early, or about (fasten your seat belts!) tactics (!), or about how New England and DC both have tpough games today which bodes well for the Crew playoff positioning. There are writers in MLS who do this stuff for the fans. Ivan Galcerp in New Jersey is one, Steven Goff in DC is probably the best out there. There are plenty of storylines to be following this weekend, and through the season, its just that too often the columnists/reporters are faced with the job of promoting the team, rather than reporting on that. And you know what, it's gonna be that way for a while. It's gonna be that way as long as MLS is a fringe league, which may be our whole lifetime. But, those who follow the league enough while having every right to be frustrated by the reporting know that there are so many more storylines to be following throughout the season. You just gotta be intelligent enough to find them. Basically, all I am trying to say is that quality of reporting isn't what makes a league special or entertaining. If it was, I'd be excited about the NBA instead of bored to death with it.
Re: Re: Dunseth Rents Out His House There's not much opportunity for a GK to get starts and playing time when there are two veterans in front of him and he is sent to an A-League team with an established GK in Montreal. He's like a third string QB, nothing for him to do except pick up a check and train. That's why GK are given until 26 to develope. Of course, the problem was compounded even greater by the fact that Andrulis decided it would be way better for the Crew organization to help develope KC's DP GK instead of giving Ueltschey the minutes against Santos. I've not seen him play outside of College, but he's been solid as a pro with A-League teams. I'm more ready to get rid of Ritch who can't get any playing time as a forward, even though the Crew was depleated in that position.