Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach thread

Discussion in 'Honduras' started by jcvf90, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. jcvf90

    jcvf90 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
    Boca Raton, FL
    Who should it be?
  2. Catracho_Azul

    Catracho_Azul Member+

    Jun 16, 2008
    New Orleans
    Corinthians Sao Paulo
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    lol they already ruled out Dunga...and Maradroga??? really?? Maradona has never been named :D
  3. jcvf90

    jcvf90 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
    Boca Raton, FL
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    I know, but I thought it was a funny title....If only Keossessian was still available....Primi is my choice. Someone said Guima, but I would hate having a Tico coach us, just makes me want to vomit to think about it.

    Who would do a good job from S. America?
  4. Catracho_Azul

    Catracho_Azul Member+

    Jun 16, 2008
    New Orleans
    Corinthians Sao Paulo
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    other names...Bradley, Kenton, Ardilles, De Los Cobos...
  5. cheguevara04

    cheguevara04 Member

    Apr 19, 2005
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    No matter who we choose, I guarantee we will bitch, moan and the media and 'special interest groups' in our country will make it impossible for him :rolleyes: My guess is another 28 years unless our raw talent is able to make up for our countless errors (which is entirely possible).

    I read the comments being written by even my own friends and you would think Rueda led a team that humiliated us in the World Cup. I simply can't believe the fact that he is so critisized in Honduras for playing such a defensive style. Fuc*ing Georgie Welcome was one of our starting forwards?!! We are so ignorant collectively that we don't realize that if we would not have played a defensive style against Spain or Chile, we would have been embarresed. The injuries to Costly and Rambo were devastating to us and forced Rueda to play defensively. He did the best with what he had.

    Unlike the ignorant masses in our country, I thank Rueda. He did an excellent job and will be missed. Reinaldo did wonders with limited resources. He led our team to our first World Cup in 28 years and in spite of the legions of morons in Honduras will be remembered rightfully so as a hero.

    It will be interesting to see who Honduras hires for the job. I know that if I were a coach of international experience, pedigree and fame, I would want nothing to do with this job. Facts are the facts. Just because we all love the Honduran National Team lets look at the reality of this position. Rueda who just led us to our first World Cup in 28 years and did a VERY respectable job is looked at as a dunce and we are collectively happy he is leaving. Considering how ungrateful this fan base is, the unrealistic expectations, pressure, the corruption and many hands in the collective pot, this is simply not an attractive job.

    Gentlemen, I love our National Team, but at least amongst ourselves lets be honest about this job and many faults of our federation and fan base.
  6. jcvf90

    jcvf90 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
    Boca Raton, FL
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    I'll write you down for Primi then. :p

    Injuries did not help, and he could have picked some other players, but that is that. He did what no one else in Honduran history had done, qualify us to a WC without having a tourney being played in our backyard.

    No Tico, Mexican, American or European.
  7. cheguevara04

    cheguevara04 Member

    Apr 19, 2005
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    If I were a betting man I would say 'De Los Cobos' is the lead candidate. Bob Bradley will be coaching in the USL before he coaches our national team. There is NO WAY he comes to Honduras. We can't afford him and I think he is wise to our many faults and corruption. Lets get that thought out of our heads right now.
  8. cheguevara04

    cheguevara04 Member

    Apr 19, 2005
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    Maradiaga is another one who wants nothing to do with the National Team. I know that personally. Take that one to the bank.
  9. jcvf90

    jcvf90 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
    Boca Raton, FL
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    If you say so.

    De los Cobos would only mean, Mexican's talking crap. Bring someone from the deep south then.
  10. cheguevara04

    cheguevara04 Member

    Apr 19, 2005
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    Who could he have picked? Please explain? Norales? Please, he would not have made one bit of difference. Costly? He was injured. I don't care if he was kicking the ball around with his son, this was the freaking World Cup.

    JCV, personally I thought he could have picked a better lineup against Spain. That said, I respect Rueda enough to think he knows better. We lost 2-0 and kept the final score respectable. Chile outplayed us thru and thru. Rueda's line up and style of play against Chile kept that game close and and gave us a boxers chance. Lets not kid ourselves. We are a poor third world country playing in the World Cup. Rueda gave us a chance at least. We could easily have beaten Switzerland and drawn Chile. Unfortunately we got a bit unlucky, but to say Rueda did a bad job and be happy he is leaving like so many are in Honduras today leaves me sadly shaking my head.
  11. cheguevara04

    cheguevara04 Member

    Apr 19, 2005
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    If Maradiaga takes this job, ile fly you and your family out to Roatan and show you one hell of a good time. Not happening bud. Not because 'I say so' but maybe because I know first hand.
  12. jcvf90

    jcvf90 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
    Boca Raton, FL
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    See I appreciate what Rueda has done, but I won't shy away from constructive criticism. I think that knowing the Striker problems we have, he should have taken Bengston instead of one of the 3 right backs he took. As much I hate to say it, I rate Bengston above Welcome. Obviously Welcome had to go, his heart is the biggest of them all. Hindsight is 20/20, so take my opinions with a grain of salt. I also think It was a mistake only taking 23 players to the Eurotrip to save money. They should have taken as many players they could aka the full 30.

    They should have taken one or two U-20 players for the experience and 8 more guys. Luis Ramos should have had a shot at some point, Melvin, Mariano, Norales, Leveron, and Bengston should have made the trip to Europe with the 23 being announced on June 1st.

    Don't take it the wrong way, I appreciate what he did, but he was not perfect and constructive criticism is always good. Much blame goes to the player's attitude though, the majority IMO. Certain players (Rambo, Edgar I'm looking at you). Anyways we need to build on the success of this past 4 years. We reached many heights, qualifying for youth WCs, Olympics and the WC, lets make this habit by bringing in a good coach.

    "If you say so" (in reference to the Primi talk) was meant in the original way, not in a sarcastic way, I know you have the connex, so if you say its he is not taking it, I believe you. I saw the interview on Diez, but thought if the offer was right, he would take it.
  13. ElLeonOlimpia

    ElLeonOlimpia New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    i think de los cobos is good but all the mexicans trolls and mexicans periodistas will talk so much mroe shit i can see it now, it gives me shivers.:(
  14. cheguevara04

    cheguevara04 Member

    Apr 19, 2005
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    See JCV, I appreciate your opinion. Having watched Bengston play every game last season mostly in person, I respectfully disagree. Your other points and educated and well thought out. You are entitled to it. Maybe in another thread we can have a thoughtful conversation about that topic.

    There is a difference between that in what you said above and what I am seeing today and the collective reaction in Honduras today calling Rueda every name in the book and as if this resignation is a reason to celebrate.

    I know it must seem like I am awfully critical on our Federation and fanbase. I'm not a person that sees the glass as half emply or consider myself a pessimist. I just can't help but be disgusted at the constant level of ignorance in Honduras. Most of you live in the U.S. and should thank the lord everyday for that because you are not exposed to an uncanny level of stupidity day in and day out.
  15. jcvf90

    jcvf90 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
    Boca Raton, FL
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    The masses tend to overreact and take things to extremes, its always been that way in poor/uneducated countries. So I got Twitter, follow Diez there, and the comments seem to be much more, intelligent. :D

    Lets make a thread for the POST WC discussion, now that the heat is down and we can think rationally, without our hearts on the sleeve.
  16. cheguevara04

    cheguevara04 Member

    Apr 19, 2005
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    I'm not sure if 'De Los Cobos' would be the right person or not. What the hypocrite Mexican trolls have to say or media have to say should not be reason for us not to see the bigger picture. He did a good job with El Salvador. He is an excellent manager and understands the region. With that said, i'm not sure if he is the right person. I simply have not given it much thought.
  17. Catracho_Azul

    Catracho_Azul Member+

    Jun 16, 2008
    New Orleans
    Corinthians Sao Paulo
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    I think De Los Cobos did a good job with El Salvador. If it wasn't for the 2-0 lead they gave up in San Salvador against USA they would've been in the thick of things...and things would've probably changed like the 1-0 loss in Trinidad...giving up their 1 goal lead in the US.

    I like how he plays, I like his formation...somthing like a 3-5-2. We definately have the players to run this formation.

    from the words of Che..."If I was a betting man"...My money would be on Restrepo, but the man I'd love to see lead this team would be Keosseián.
  18. cookiefritas

    cookiefritas Member

    Jun 30, 2008
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    I like the Guimares and De los Cobos options. Guimares has a proven track record, and has shown to have a style of play that favors a team with similar characteristics to ours.

    I like De los Cobos, because he made a very disciplined team with El Salvador. I think our young players have started to get a sense of discipline under the Rueda regime, and could thrive under a similar system.

    P.S. I am happy Rueda is leaving, he tried to change the way our players think and play, which is a strategy that was destined to fail since he chose such an old player base. He did do more good than bad to Honduran soccer, we needed more discipline and different behavior from our players. Unfortunately, he went to far and the players started to turn on him.

    He kept old players on a fast decline on the first 11; Guevara being a has been that did not belong in the starting 11. Never gave a chance to Luis Ramos, made him travel from far away to not give him one minute on the pitch at the gold cup.

    The bottom line is that Rueda is a naturally defensive coach, he believes that you cannot lose a match if you do not concede a goal. He would had played defensively even if he had Rambo and Costly at his disposal. Remember that he embarrassed us in the away games we needed most. He played defensive soccer against the USA in Chicago when it was obvious our team was extremely confident and fear could be seen in the US team.
    We later found our wind with consecutive thrashings of our opponent, and it was followed by a total embarrassing defensive style at the Azteca. Basically whenever our team was starting to believe in themselves he shot their confidence by making them think they couldn't beat their opponent away and playing ultra defensive.

    We were starting to prove that we were probably the most dangerous team in concacaf, with the ability to score at will. Instead of building on that, he tried to make us something we are not, a defensive team. Obviously, it backfired on him and so I am glad he is gone.
  19. ottoevans

    ottoevans Member

    Apr 7, 2007
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    I honestly beleive we should get another coach from South America. This past world cup has proven what a high level teams down there are. Their style is not that different than our game (compared to european style). And the competition in the national and international level is miles away than ours.

    Getting a coach from Honduras would be taking a step back. Lets be honest, our national league is not even better than the MLS and not even close to the Mexican League.

    Qualifying competition is also one of the weakest in the world (concacaf) we battle with the likes of Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago and Guatemala. While even teams like Ecuador are used to playing against Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Chile.

    If i had to choose (and if we can afford them ) I would pick Alejandro Sabella, Edgardo Bauza, Claudio Borghi around those types

    Also I beleive we need a coach who can deal with the arrogant players we tend to always produce.
  20. jcvf90

    jcvf90 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
    Boca Raton, FL
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    Your list is great otto, but Borghi just started at Boca, and we all know that people that come from Argentinos dream about going to Boca (player or coach). That would be a major Coup.

    Edgardo Bauza would be awesome, he is more reachable, but would cost alot, and his homefield advantage in Quito was a of big help.

    Claudio Borghi would be tough, I think the Argentine coaches are tough because they coach high profile teams. Also IMO Borghi just road on Veron's coattail for that Copa he won. His team does play good attacking football, I'd take him over any Honduran.

    I was also thinking Gerardo Pelusso, doing well with U. de Chile, and looking at his track record, he seems to like to attack, would please alot of naysayers.
  21. honduran4life

    honduran4life Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Orlando, FL
    CD Marathón
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    we should run FENAFUTH, hands down.
  22. Catracho_Azul

    Catracho_Azul Member+

    Jun 16, 2008
    New Orleans
    Corinthians Sao Paulo
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    yall are idiots. :D I mean this in the nicest way :)
  23. cheguevara04

    cheguevara04 Member

    Apr 19, 2005
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    I have said my peace :)
  24. Catracho_Azul

    Catracho_Azul Member+

    Jun 16, 2008
    New Orleans
    Corinthians Sao Paulo
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    choking on my baleada as I'm reading this.

    I knew Che was going to get to him before anyone else did.
  25. cookiefritas

    cookiefritas Member

    Jun 30, 2008
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Dunga, Bradley, Maradroga? or another 28 years of pain?..The who should be the NTs next coach th

    I knew it would sound as if I was contradicting myself.

    What I tried to say is that while Rueda did a descent job ( he was average at everything, we didn't win a single competition with him ) he had run his course and stopped improving the team.

    The team needed discipline, something that Rueda provides. The problem was that Rueda tried to force his system into the team, he did not try to make a system with the players he had at his disposal. We need a coach that will instill discipline, but realize that our current pool of players will never be successful defending at all times.

    Whenever we defended we were always in danger, there were always big holes on the defense.

    Che you seem to think that Rueda did a good job in the worldcup, and that we had honorable results. I completely disagree.

    We lost to Spain 2-0. If you only look at the score sheet, that is a decent result. I see that the only thing you care about is results. But I think we were humiliated in that game. The score should had been much worst. Villa missed a penalty, El tierno and Mendoza made diving saves after Valladares had been beat. In my opinion, that game was the second worst thrashing in the worldcup, right after the portugal-korea game.

    I think that we never had a shot on goal against neither Spain nor Chile, and you think that is an acceptable statistic.

    I admit that I was wrong about saying that he used old players. I just felt the average age of the team was way too high, but I guess he was playing the cards he was given. I think Guevara was a huge reason why our team was weak on defense, he was basically another DM and he was constantly beaten and was usually out of position on defense. Pavon scored many goals in qualifiers, but I think he was too old to take to the worldcup. Those two did some positives during qualifiers but looked old and slow in the worldcup, I think he rode them too long.

    Basically we did not score a goal in the worldcup, and during the first two games we didn't even have a shot on goal. I would think that we should be extremely solid on defense if we don't ever put a shot on goal. Even though the score line didn't show it. We were an easy team to attack in the worldcup, we didn't provide any resistance on defense. So in essence, in the worldcup we always looked like the opposing team was going to score at will on us, and on top of that, we looked like we were simply incapable of putting a shot on goal. Rueda did many good things to Honduran soccer, but in the end, for whatever reason, it was obviously not working out.

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