does Octavio have a hole where his brain should be?

Discussion in 'New York Red Bulls' started by glorygloryspurs, Jul 31, 2002.

  1. glorygloryspurs

    glorygloryspurs New Member

    Jul 18, 2002
    bronx ny
    What is octavio thinking starting Addo? That had to be the dumbest red I have seen in a while. Just when I think the defense can't play any worse.......So frustrating.
  2. Section113

    Section113 New Member

    Feb 26, 1999
    So it was Octavio who chopped down the crew player?
  3. comrade

    comrade New Member

    Aug 20, 2001
    Yeah, I really can't believe Zambrano, especially after Addo told the coaching staff he was planning on getting sent off tonight.

    Who should replace Addo, Sir Alex?
  4. mscheffel

    mscheffel New Member

    Jul 29, 1999
    NJ, US
    Re: Re: does Octavio have a hole where his brain should be?

    Where did you hear this (planning on getting sent off)?
  5. glorygloryspurs

    glorygloryspurs New Member

    Jul 18, 2002
    bronx ny
    octavio didnt cut him down, but he certainly made the very poor decision to start Addo. He cuts the team down in the press, but he's dreadfully unable to find the right combination. I know the i juries don't help, but Petke, Paulie and Addo are struggling something fierce and should be benched.
  6. MetroZebra

    MetroZebra New Member

    May 24, 2002
    I think that I have been pretty fair to OZ, thinking that after all he is the third winningest coach in MLS history, so he should stay on. WRONG. He should be let go soon. Hopefully during All-Star weekend. The team just can't afford to keep losing and a breath of fresh air in a new coach would do wonders for this team. He is just putting guess-work lineups out there to try and solve our defensive woes. Juggling the lineup isn't working OZ, wake up! You've tried it how many times now?????? Can you say, "A-League"????
  7. metrosct

    metrosct New Member

    Feb 17, 2002
    Rowayton, CT
    In my opinion, Oz's big mistake last night was not inserting substitutes after the game was tied on the Diallo goal. It was quite clear in the stands that several players (Chrono and Lisi in particular)were exhausted. They were playing a man down and had expended a great deal of energy picking up the attack in the 2nd half. While Oz doesn't have a lot to work with on the bench, Jeff Moore should have been inserted. Further, the team should have sat back at that point and looked to counter.
  8. comrade

    comrade New Member

    Aug 20, 2001
    Re: Re: Re: does Octavio have a hole where his brain should be?

    It was in the same paper that said the sky is falling.
  9. elephantstone

    elephantstone Member

    Feb 12, 2001
    Harrisburg, PA
    I agree here. When it's 2-2, Moore in for Lisi. Especially a man down, we needed some extra defense and fresh legs on the field. It's not like Lisi was adding a whole lot to the attack anyway.
  10. metrosarenumberone

    metrosarenumberone New Member

    Jul 27, 2002
    Landing, NJ
    send addo into the hudson river
  11. mscheffel

    mscheffel New Member

    Jul 29, 1999
    NJ, US
    I didn't see the game (damn fsny-less digital cable) so I can't comment on the Addo play, but, geeez, does the guy owe you money or something? Other than that game, I thought he has been fairly solid for the team.
  12. Soccerski

    Soccerski Member

    Dec 2, 2000
    Georgetown, CT
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Addo has been fairly solid as stay at home defender. My observation is that when he starts, he runs out of gas late in the first half and about the 60 to 70th minute.

    I thought the problem on Wednesday was that Addo was pushing into the offense and getting caught to far upfield. That and his lack of endurance was the cause of the tackle from behind.

    I thought Addo's role was as a deep stopper, playing in front of Petke and Jolley in a central defensive triangle. His responsibilties should hve been slowing down the Crew's attack in central midfield and providing central defensive cover when Jolley or Petke are taken out of position because Chrono and Ziadie get caught up field.

    On Wednesday, Addo was playing more like a two way central midfielder. I thought that was the problem. The quesiton is whether Addo took that role on his own, or was it because that was what OZ told him to do. Whoever made that tactical decision was a major contributor to Addo getting the Red Card.

    The other problem was that the two other midfielders - Paule and Lisi were generating virtually no offense in the first half. That may have forced Addo into a more attacking role.
  13. metrosarenumberone

    metrosarenumberone New Member

    Jul 27, 2002
    Landing, NJ
    with how poor addo played. I have seen 1st graders i coach play better than addo did. and about 13 of my 20 1st graders cant even get the ball passed one foot. But addos playing made petke look like a hero.

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