I do. Though he is not the most adventurous or creative coach out there, he is very strong mentally. and i hope he has finally come to the end of his bad luck
Low has done a fantastic job for us, he's taken this team to another level and built it from the bottom up. He's not a tactical genius, but he knows how to handle huge egos and implement strategies which work. One criticism of him is that he has failed to incorporate our growing number of youth players. But in 2010 and 2012, look at the differences in the squads, we have the youngest squad heading into the tournament, yet one of the most experienced (At an international level). He is just gradual in his development, and doesn't want to introduce new players who might not be able to handle the pressure - he takes things one at a time and sticks with what he knows, which, in my view, is better especially if you don't have a group of xavi's and ronaldos. People say he isn't creative, but we've been winning on and on again. I say his conservative outlook is what is needed. Introduce players slowly, using friendlies - and trust those who have given you results before. It is not perfect, but players are not chess pieces, they have egos and personalities and as a coach - you have to be extraordinary delicate. Even though people bash him for being too stubborn, I can hardly say that hasn't paid of for him in the past.
Hey bud, this is Barcelonas era, and its tough for any coach, renowned to not - to have gotten the results needed to win. I am not going to say Loew is a brilliant coach bla bla, but we have done very well considering Spain is one of the greatest teams in history, and one of the few things standing in the way between us and a title.
Yes, guy! Nice topic for a thread! Yeah, I love him, kind of in that man-crush sort of way. Interestingly, he's quite popular with female soccer viewers in Japan, older women in their 40s. Even in Japan he's known for his fashion sense and that quality he has, call it "je ne sais quo." He and Arne Friederich. I think they must have shown a clip of the two of them on television or something, because one day my girlfriend comes up to me and says do you know "Friederich?" At the press conference before the Dutch match, one of the female Chinese reporters even asked him what he'd wearing for the game. Anyhow, the two are popular with women in Japan.
Hey, wasn't it at Euro 2008 where Jogi was suspended for a match and the tv camera showed him lighting up a cigarette and puffing away sitting up in some pressbox looking nervous? The guy looked like one of those desperate, frustrated housewives suffering from anxiety. I remember the whole bar erupted in laughter when they showed the scene on the big screen.
I certainly don't. He strikes me as a pompous and vain politician-type person. I don't like the way he treated Ballack, Sammer and everyone else who has an independent mind. As a true metrosexual he regards outspoken people as a threat and prefers weasely or schoolboy personalities. He is a schemer who tries to install his cronies in the DFB, distorts the truth (Ballack) and tries to ingratiate himself with the mass media and the politicians by making political statements. I would not be surprised if he were to pursue a career as a sports official or politician.
He also has the Eye of Providence tattooed on his buttocks. Or so I have heard. Mighty suspicious either way.
I used to like him about 5-6 years ago, but since he took over from Klinsmann his arrogance towards German football history really turns me off. Whenever someone asks him about German football of the past - even the 1972 team - he goes all dismissive every time. Very annoying to me. His ideology of 100% zonal marking regardless of the situation (= zonal defending at setpieces) is downright ridiculous and has cost Germany the 2010 World Cup final and also meant trouble against Denmark. But he seems to become less dogmatic about this during this tournament.
When I played centerback, zonal marking always seemed best to me in theory. You can't get "picked". In practice, there are always players not smart enough to execute it.