one more contraction: the devil rays lets keep the white elephant in st Pete for futbol great place to rent and have professional games for the new rowdies or something.
If the Devil Rays are contracted, and I don't believe they will, St. Pete needs a tenant for that place. The only likely option is soccer or NBA. If the Magic bolt Orlando, I would bet the farm on them ending up in the Ice Palace not the Fruit dome. So that leaves soccer. Does anyone have the number for the Mayor of St Pete? This would be an interesting turn of events, because the Rowdies were linked with the Dome back in 1987. The general plan was to play in the old MISL, St Petersburg even sent city officials to a MISL expansion seminar. However, there was bad blood between the Cleveland Force owner and the Rowdies management over the sale of Tatu in 1984. Seems that Rowdies and Force had a deal signed until Dallas offered more money. Rowdies claimed that Tatu did not want to go to Cleveland and NASL rules prevented selling a player to a club he did not want. I think the dispute was settled out of court. The Fruit Dome would not be perfect, but if it brings back soccer I am all for it. We would be the first A League or MLS club to play in a dome.
You can take it.. whichever way you want it.. MLS will not play under a dome... Were not ***************ing baseball..
MLS won't play in a dome. Right. They only play on 50 yard wide fields in SJ, and on recycled tires in Chicago. Yup, that MLS is a class operation I tells ya. Enjoy your team while you can fruitcake.
Someone missed the '94 World Cup? Games were played under the Dome in Detroit. What is good enough for the World Cup is good enough for MLS, one would think. Hmm.. no games played in Tropical Storm conditions, no fireworks being set off by a direct hit from a bolt of lighting? Hmm... where would all the fun be? ;-) The turf and the Trop is FieldTurf. FieldTurf is officially recommened by FIFA for all levels of play, including International matches. Also, Tropicana was a Mutiny sponsor for the last season. Sounds like it would work. Cheers,
How far can a foot go up your a$$? Far enough to change my studs with your tongue. And don't answer for MLS. They can come up with their own stupid answers. Thank you. Tony Flash
Hey, I don't have a problem with this. If St. Pete has a venue with a surface that is 120 by 75, has two regulation goals and plays like fieldturf, I don't give a crap that it's inside. The NCC Naperville mistake is a problem, because the blades are a about a quarter inch too long, maybe just an eigth. And it's too damn hot because there's no dome over it. If the ball rolled just a little better and there were no lines, they'd be fine with it INSIDE AN AIR CONDITIONED DOME. This Saturday, the Burn and Fire will square off in Round II of the Brimstone Cup. You could melt brimstone on the aluminum seats in the Cotton Bowl that WE are going to be standing on. It will be 110 inside the Cotton Bowl. We'll be lucky if the soccer is decent, and no one dies. Would I trade a good indoor surface for that? Probably.
Where are the Quakes in the attendance standings? Dead last!!!!!! Pathetic for the reigning champions and current league leaders. Enjoying while you got em cause they won't last much longer there.
The problem I see with the Mutiny playing at The Trop is the same problem the D-Rays have there now. Location. How well would a team draw in St. Pete? I'm of the thinking that even as bad as the D-Rays are, they would have better attendance if they played in Tampa. I've never been to a Rays game because I don't like baseball, but I might have gone to one if they played in Tampa, especially now. Maybe someone will build a new baseball field in Tampa for the Mutiny to be sole tenants of. The reason SJ's tiny little stadium is always empty for Quakes home games is, the people of San Jose know that "San Jose Earthquakes" doesn't sound as good as "Oklahoma City Earthquakes."
I don't know St Pete that well but if a soccer team ever played there, I'd just want it there until a soccer specific stadium could be built in Tampa, I also feel that attendance would be better in Tampa. That's my guess!
IBT, Instead of bleeding teal, let's hope you can bleed some fans for the remaining home game. Only 6,500 for the premier US tournament quarterfinals? Where are the Mutiny in the standings? Saving a spot for the Quakes if attendance dosen't pick up!!!!!
So, if MLS came back to Tampa Bay, you wouldn't go unless it was in a staduim in Tampa? I drove from St. Pete to Tampa for Mutiny games... missing only 4 games in 6 years (due to refereeing soccer in a tournament). Never complained about having to drive across the bay. So, a new bigtime SSS were built in St. Pete, Clearwater, Oldsmar, Brandon, Ellenton, or heck... even Brandon, you still stay home? Sheesh... Sounds like a 'true' fan.
Yes, I would drive to St Pete to watch an MLS game. I drove to Mutiny games when I lived in Daytona Beach. I've only just moved here... the Mutiny were contracted after I decided to move. I just got the impression that MLS wouldn't draw better in St Pete... that's a guess by me. But I have no trouble driving to the games, I'm not American, I support MLS, but I moved out of Daytona beach because that place will never have MLS. I honestly think some people are lazy and would'nt drive accross to St Pete to see the game... but I'm not talking about the fans on the list. Plus, it would be further for the Orlando fans to drive. I'll accept anything to get MLS back though.
I think we are dreaming if we think MLS would come back to the Trop. And it's a bad dream at that. If anyone thought RJS was bad, they ain't seen nothin till they've been in that cavern in St Pete. I've been to the trop and can't say that I've yet enjoyed a single game yet, win or lose. Give me a Tampa Yankees single A ball game in the breeze any day. I'm casting my vote for soccer any way we can get it, but not even even MLS is so stupid as to relocate to that inverted sinkhole in St. Pete. Not even Garber.
I've been to the Trop as well. Lighting games and Storm games were pretty fun there. Hmm... baseball is fairly boring no matter where it is played. Even if they played outdoors, who would really enjoy suffering though a Devil Rays game?? Cheers,