Dempsey to Sounders?

Discussion in 'San Jose Earthquakes' started by mangerson, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. SoccerMan94043

    SoccerMan94043 Member+

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    more than a notch or two (I didn't think he was that great of an MLS player)... he may now be one of the scariest attacking players we'll play against (whether he clicks with Seattle or not).
  2. ant0n

    ant0n Member+

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    Keane is more dangerous.
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  3. SoccerMan94043

    SoccerMan94043 Member+

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    Right now he is, that's for sure.
  4. falvo

    falvo Member+

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    You look at the old NASL & Pele's Cosmos and the classic World Cup matches of 1994 and although I commend the Seattle fans enthusiasm to a point, I never thought I'd ever live to see the day 70,000 fans would turn up to see an American player make his club debut. I guess congratulations should be in order even though I don't really see or understand the big attraction. My compliments just the same!
  5. evade6317

    evade6317 Member+

    Jun 27, 2007
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    Watching the Timbers-Sounders game, and Dempsey is doing his best USMNT show-boating and is getting dispossessed a ton around the 50th minute.
  6. ant0n

    ant0n Member+

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    What did I say? Wanna be Ronaldinho is back in the states.
  7. evade6317

    evade6317 Member+

    Jun 27, 2007
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    Oh yeah, we are of the few that see him pull that stuff regularly and fail at it. Even though they lost, the Portland defenders and midfield kept putting him in the ground most of the game. It was pretty funny to watch.

    Seattle deserves Dempsey IMO. He thinks he's a midfield maestro and he's not, and they paid out the nose for him. Just like Seattle fans think they have had "Championship" teams when they haven't, and they have paid tons of money for a mediocre team with a huge and delusional fanbase.

    A match made in heaven.
    bri637 repped this.
  8. DotMPP

    DotMPP 'Quakes fan in Stumptown

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    When he wasn't attempting to showboat (and failing), he hit several midfield maestro passes. :rolleyes:.

    If he figures out he's not going to get the calls in MLS that he's used to getting elsewhere, and stops the showboating, they'll get their money's worth out of him.
  9. evade6317

    evade6317 Member+

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    True, the man has great vision and did have some great passes, but his ego seems to always get the better of him when he does well and he begins showing his ass. A perfect example of this was when he was with Fulham and royally screwed his team out of three points. Instead of just heading in the blocked PK, he decided to Joga Bonito a bicycle kick and missed wide like a jackass.

    I hope he keeps it up.
  10. ant0n

    ant0n Member+

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    If he keeps drinking it up with Johansson tearing it up in Holland Dempsey will be the shortest serving captain in Nat's history.
  11. DotMPP

    DotMPP 'Quakes fan in Stumptown

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    He was interviewed yesterday on Morning Addition as part of a story about the huge turnout Seattle got with him.

    He thinks he can showboat here, whereas he was encouraged to 1 - 2 touch in the EPL...

    He doesn't get it.
  12. evade6317

    evade6317 Member+

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    This is a perfect example of why I have never been a fan of his. He'll screw his team over so he can try to be a player he's not.
  13. falvo

    falvo Member+

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    #238 falvo, Aug 27, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2013
    70,000 tickets sold to watch Dempsey? :rolleyes:

    Maybe next he will give a speech???
    "Love, Love. Love"!
  14. ant0n

    ant0n Member+

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    That's why LD will remain the best player in this country's history. He got it.
  15. falvo

    falvo Member+

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  16. evade6317

    evade6317 Member+

    Jun 27, 2007
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    Oh man is he ever overrated. Nice display of his "class" on that PK.
    SFan415 repped this.
  17. falvo

    falvo Member+

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    $31 million worth of class! :)
    evade6317 repped this.
  18. falvo

    falvo Member+

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    I didn't see Dempsey last night against the Gals as I was dozing off is he inured?
  19. Earthshaker

    Earthshaker BigSoccer Supporter

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  20. falvo

    falvo Member+

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    Wow, a hammy worth 31 mil. It better turn into Prosciutto sooner or later!;)
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  21. falvo

    falvo Member+

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  22. QuietType

    QuietType Member+

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    Told you guys I was more concerned about Dempsey getting hurt on crap turf than anything else. Ruining our USMNT chances all so Seattle can have their star.
  23. falvo

    falvo Member+

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    As opposed to the 90's, the USMNT has so much depth that either with or without Dempsey, the USMNT can be re-tooled and Clint can be replaced. I mean regardless of how much they've made him out to be, even though he was/is a good player , he will never be a savior.
    evade6317 repped this.
  24. Ibid. Aja

    Ibid. Aja Member

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    Did that pointless rabona during his debut do him in?
  25. evade6317

    evade6317 Member+

    Jun 27, 2007
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    This is very true. Dempsey is not a world beater. Sure, he's made some crucial goals for the US and had a good year for Fulham, but overall he's slow and irresponsible.

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