Sigh. Rivalry? Wherefore art thou, rivalry? I guess this forum will wither and die. Unless we're all going to start picking on Ghana or DPK now.
There is no more Atlanta so the attempt at getting in the last word or whatever it was meant to be failed miserably. In other news, MOVE THE WUSA TO CANADA! WAR!
ah mel, still having trouble reading posts I see-I said I would miss saying atlanta sucks. but the upside is that atlanta will suck in our minds for evermore, never having a chance to shake its image of chokiness. as for any canuck rivalry, i think rivalry implies that the team you are rivals with, actually has some sort of chance to ruin your world. can't say that about canada-not yet. they have this little problem tomorrow called germany. we will see exactly how much of a threat they are during that game. Deutchland uber canada! I will be there enjoying a canuck defeat!
No Trophies For the "Beaten Ones" One of the few positive things I can say about the collapse of the WUSA is that none of us will ever have to hear from any of those especially obnoxious "Beaten fans" about any championships that they won. Instead the "Beaten Ones" will simply be remembered as three time losers. Some of my best memories from the WUSA include being there at SAS Stadium last August to watch the Courage come from behind to defeat the "Beaten Ones" on a Golden Goal by "Grandma" Overbeck in the 2002 semis, hearing from Kate Sobrero at Spartan Stadium last month that Atlanta had choked again and that Boston had finished on top of the WUSA table, and finally being there at Torero Stadium for FC3 and getting to watch the "Beaten Ones" lose again in the postseason for the third straight year.
I find it so damn ironic how people call Beat fans whiny. This thread was about stupid people in suits who can't do their jobs, and it STILL turns into a we hate atlanta thread. That's *#*#*#*#ing sad.
(Now) It's a historic fact......... This may be a different version of the "Circle of Life" matter how much you try to post about other things, the conversation always comes back to how much Atlanta Sucks!!!
lol, well I wasn't talking about that, I was talkin about that I agreed w/ you on somethin involving the Beat.
well we had to do something with the one wanted to talk about the guys in suits....not quit whining about it. Let's talk about canada vs germany instead
This topic and subsequent ramblings have now officially come under the MicroScope. Beat bashers are such morons. Evidently, in your glaringly amateurish minds, the Beat can’t be one of the best ever because they lost in PK’s in FC1 and in OT in FC 3. How ridiculous of a criterion is that for greatness? Maybe in American football or basketball but this is soccer people! Do you not watch the rest of the world play this game? Play-offs, and American addition of one game scenarios that only really determine the secondary champion of a soccer league. Fair enough that the WUSA and MLS could not resist the American version but professional leagues world wide understand that championships are won and greatness determined by what happens in the course of an entire season, not some one game showdown. In my opinion, the 3 Founder’s Cups in the WUSA proved very little in 3 years EXCEPT: Year 1: That Hooper and Sun Wen are not good at PK's. Year 2: That Risse and Prinz were the BEST midfielder/forward 2-some of all time in the WUSA. You think the Freedom choked in that game? No more than the Beat did in either title game. Year 3: That Wambach is the best young forward in the world.... and that Mia Hamm is not only the best player ever but that she is the best leader ever in big games...AND That Wambach is the best young forward in the world....did I say that already? The ABOVE is all the Founders Cups ever proved because EVERYONE who knows the world's greatest game KNOWS that club soccer greatness is determined in league and what teams accomplish day in and day out. Can any of you even comprehend Arsenal playing Manchester United AGAIN after a league worth of playing each other (they play 2wice/season) to determine the EPL Champion? That would be just as much of a joke as claiming that the Beat sucks because they lost 2 Founders Cups in which they tied one (lost in Pk's) and lost the other in sudden death OT. Here in America, we feel the need to have a final...ok fine but don’t be acting like that one game is the measuring stick of a soccer team's success. The bottom line is that the Beat kicked every team in the league's butt, except for the Courage, for three straight years over the course of 63 regular season games. To make matters more frustrating for you Beat bashers, Atlanta wiped the floor with 6 of 7 teams WITHOUT the help of Brandi, Mia, Julie, Joy, Kate, or any of the other Founding Favs. They did it without Prinz, Pinchon, Meinert, Dagny, Katia, Risse, Smith or Sissi. They did it without Hollywood names or college super stars like Wagner, Wambach, or Slaton and they did it better than any other team..HANDS DOWN. That is what drives you people nuts. Let's be honest, the Beat had 3 legitimate superstars: A 35 year old Canadian goal scorer, a 23 year old Japanese midfielder and the best keeper ever. Beyond that, the Beat was a blue-collar team whose support players actually got better year after year. Think Bivens and Nancy Augustyniak. Oh yeah, and the Beat was great in the college drafts despite always having the last couple of picks. Admittedly, the year 2 draft was not good but in year one and 3, the Beat chose best, even with late picks. Besides the obvious reasons that the regular season finish is regarded AROUND THE WORLD as the measuring stick for greatness in club soccer, also consider that the 21 game season is combined with an off season of work and player development, two or more drafts, a preseason training program and a season's worth of games where each team plays each other 3 TIMES. The result of all of the above tell the true story and that story points to the Beat as one of, if not THE best team over the 3 short years. If you want to Beat bash because 2 of the best players in the world missed PK's or because Mia and Abbey are the best front line in the world then go ahead but you are showing your ignorance when you do. Consider the following when you Beat bash in the future: ALL TIME RECORD AND POINTS: TEAM WINS LOSSES TIES POINTS TITLES (League finishes) 1. Atlanta Beat 30wins 17loss 16T 106pt(+13) 1 Regular Season Title (1st,4th,2nd) 2. S.J. C-Rays 26wins 24L 13T 91pt(+2) 1 Founders Cup Title (2nd, 5th,6th) 3t. Washington 26wins 25L 12T 90pts(+2) 1 Founders Cup Title (7th, 3rd,4th) 3t. Philadelphia 25wins 23L 15T 90pts(+2) No titles (4th,2nd,8th) 5. Boston 24wins 22L 17T 89pts(+2) 1 Reg. Season Title(6th,6th,1st) 6. San Diego 23wins 21L 19T 88pts(+2) No titles (5th,7th,3rd) 7. Carolina 25wins 27L 11T 86pts(-2) 1 Reg.Season Title & 1 FC Title (8th,1st,7th) 8. New York 19wins 33L 11T 68pts(-14) No titles GOALS (Rank) GOALS AGAINST (Rank) +/- Atlanta 99 (3t) 69 (1st) +30 (1st) Boston 98 (5th) 99 (5th) -1 (4th) Carolina 99 (3t) 103 (6th) -4 (6th) New York 91 (6th) 130 (8th) -39 (8th) Philadelphia 101 (2nd) 104 (7th) -3 (5th) San Diego 84 (7t) 96 (4th) -12 (7th) San Jose 84 (7t) 83 (2nd) +1 (3rd) Washington 106 (1st) 95 (3rd) +11 (2nd) Since we are talking about Atlanta here and how you soccer midgets make your entire judgment on this team based on their PK loss and OT loss in FC games, here is Atlanta’s record versus each team in the WUSA-All TIME. For you play-off lovers I will put any additional wins or losses in play-off games in ( ).. ATLANTA vs Washington 6 wins, 2 losses (1), 1 tie ATLANTA vs San Jose 5 wins, 2 losses, 1 tie (1)* (Pk loss actually scores as a tie) Atlanta vs CAROLINA 1 win, 6 losses (1), 2 ties ATLANTA vs Boston 5 wins, 2 losses, 2 ties ATLANTA vs Philadelphia 4 wins (1), 3 losses, 2 ties ATLANTA vs San Diego 4 wins (1), 2 losses, 3 ties ATLANTA vs New York 5 wins, 0 losses, 4 ties The Atlanta Beat, who apparently suck, have a winning record, over a 3 year and 63 game span, against EVERY TEAM IN THE WUSA except the Carolina Courage. Clearly the stats don’t lie concerning who was the best team in the WUSA All time in 3 regular seasons. The conversation should end there. In any other professional playing nation, that would be “nuff said.” However, if you still want to talk play-offs because your American vision demands that we do let’s consider EXACTLY which team DID show the best in play-off games? Was it Atlanta? They had 2 wins in OT, 2 losses in OT and a loss in Pk’s. 5 play-off games is pretty good and being the only team to play 5 games in the play-offs is pretty impressive but admittedly, after kicking every team around over a 5 month period each year, the 4th game against any particular opponent was a difficult challenge for the Beat. They were the ONLY TEAM to make the playoffs in 3 straight years. The beloved Freedom played in 4 play-off games and won 2 (3rd win was in PK’s) but they were only 1 win and 1 loss in Founders Cups. I suppose the Freedom choked in FC2? Seemingly if a team loses, they choked right? I don’t remember them choking…I remember the Courage winning that game because they deserved it, not because the Freedom choked. How about the Courage? Now this team has a case…they won the Regular Season Title AND the FC in the same season. Undefeated in 2 play-off games and the only team to have 2 trophies…pretty good. Big games were their thing in Year 2 but they finished 8th and 7th the other 2 years. All those other must wins to get into the play-offs went against them in Year1 and Year 2 so where does that leave them? Are they 2-year chokers? I don’t think so but you probably do. I say we give the ALL TIME play-off team award to the Freedom since they did win advancement in 3 of their 4 play-off games. That leaves the Beat and the Courage and NO ONE ELSE because no one else is even close. Two teams that do deserve mention though for their ridiculousness at play-off time. First up: Boston Breakers. Their much-maligned defensive leader Katie Sobrero called the Beat chokers when her team won the Regular Season Title this year? Come come now Kate. Kate’s record against the Beat was 2 wins, 5 LOSSES, and 2 ties. In addition, the Beat embarrassed Kate’s breakers in their first ever home game in Boston, the Beat eliminated Boston from play-off contention in year 2 and outscored the League Champions in 03 by a total of 9-1. After Kate’s famous remarks in SJ, her team promptly went out and lost in PK’s at home in their first and ONLY play-off game. They could not muster a single goal at home in their only play-off game ever. So much for the Breakers and big games. FYI, do you think Lilly choked when she missed her PK? I don’t. I think she just missed. Sometimes people just miss, even when they are totally focused and brave and ready. It happens and it does not mean she is a choker. PS. Lilly is the best. The other play-off team worth noting is that Philadelphia Charge team. Arguably the most talented roster in each of the 3 years, this team laid an egg in the second half of each season and completely flopped in the play-offs. Year 1, ahead by 2 at the half they lost in OT to the Atlanta Beat. Year 2, after cruising through the regular season, the Charge went scoreless at home to lose to the Freedom. 0-2 in the play-offs with great teams. Hmmm. That should just about do it for now. Stats don’t lie and I don’t believe that one game FC’s determine who is who in the short history of the WUSA. If combined trophies are the determining factor, the let’s say the Courage is the best ever. The Courage also has a great record versus the Beat and the Freedom but that whole 8th place 7th place thing really hurts their cause. If play-off wins mean everything, then let’s go with the Freedom even if they only beat the Beat 2 times versus 6 losses. The Freedom also struggled mightily against the Courage. However, if total number of wins in regular season and play-offs is the formula for saying who is the best all time, then there is no contest…It’s the Beat…but then there is the whole thing with their record versus the Courage. I have an idea. Let’s bring back the Beat, the Courage and the Freedom and have a round robin tournament charity event to determine the BEST EVER. Just for fun. Let’s bring the Breakers so everyone can get at least one win. Surely, there is enough money left for that?
:stands and applauds: you know I love this team...I've supported them by driving thousands of miles each season and spending at least $3,000 - $4,000... You know what? I'd do it all over again. Look at those freaking statistics??? 69 goals against!!! The next closest one is SJ with 83 allowed! +30!! ... only three teams were in the plus on goal differential... one was +1 and the other was +11... the Beat bested them by +29 and +19 respectively!! Do you know how amazing that is??? one came close to us! Yet the Beat were never awarded a Defensive player of the year award. The combination of Bivens, Nonen, Nancy Augustyniak, Julie Augustyniak, Dayna Smith, Lisa Krzykowski and Leslie Gaston ...all no-names... schooled this league and all their big name US Nat'l team players each and every year... without recognition (other than from their fans...the most loyal in the league). You guys can't say anything substantial against what Microscope has stated. It's because he's right and there is no debating the facts. Atlanta was the overall best team in this league. The Beat players nor their fans need a metallic cup to prove that. We KNOW it and no amount of Beat bashing will ever change that. Thanks, Microscope. I don't know who you are... I've always thought you were a Beat staffer or maybe even on the coaching staff... but thanks for posting the stats that prove what Beat fans have always known... The Beat rock...and no one comes close to their accomplishments! "soccer midgets"....... laugh my a$$ off!!!!!!!!! Kate Sobrero can kiss my a$$... her frustration at the 6-0 spanking the Beat gave Boston in game two in 2003 will always be a fond memory for me. Kate's team finished 5th overall in GAA... way to lead in the back, Katie!!!!!!
Geezus I thought the beast fans didn't want to ruin this thread with talk about their seasonal failures. All that to defend the queens of choke? That’s one way to end the discussion, bore us to death with facts which have nothing to do with the beat’s chokiness…which Hooper has nicely infected Canada with…….
You're very bad with generalizations. But anyways, might as well let this thread die now. You had to come and ruin it, like every other fricken thread you've posted in. Now, that deserves a "Geezus".
Yeah Kim Kim, thanks for your support...I am "in the know" with the Beat but not as far in the know as you give me credit for. Mostly I just know to go to the people who would know what is what when I decide to step in an set somebody straight. I remember having to come after you once when you were upset about the Beat letting Lisa go. See, everything turned out ok with that... Lisa played great for SD and helped them get to the play-offs and Beat fans got to see why the Beat went with Gaston. I get to keep my job which is more than I can say for the staff at Beat HQ., or the rest of the league for that matter. Beat bashers are funny don't you think? They can't handle the truth. (Don't confuse them with the facts) The only team that really can talk smack against the Beat is the Courage...but even they had 2 miserable years in the WUSA. The bottom line is that the Beat did it right for three straight years and they have a lot to show for their efforts. IF the WUSA had continued, no doubt the Beat would have continued its domination of the WUSA and eventually brought home many more trophies to go with their Reg Season Championship from the first year. Hopefully we will get to see them get that chance. Until the next time someone on here spouts off absurdities...I am out.