I'm sure someone on this board will be too tempted to refer to the Dean scream in Iowa, but on a serious note, the DNC badly needs a serious overhaul and an actual message for voters. We can't have the infighting and lack of clarity that has caused the last two Democratic campaigns to be disastrous in terms of focus and message. Dean, for all his flaws, is all about giving personality and character to the Democratic party.
Dean's only flaw was speaking the truth, and even trying early on to reach out to Southern voters. He'll be able to keep the party on message without whoring out the party. The Democratic Party owes Howard Dean BIG TIME... especially after the hatchet-job the DLC did on him. It's time to get away from the DLC and Clinton run to the middle. The gauntlet has been laid. Dean's got the stones to run it.
I'm not much a fan of the DLC, but I recall Clinton was the guy that won two elections and a (let's be honest, sheesh!) liberal Senator from MA lost an election.
I don't think "Mental Patient" is the best personality for the Democratic Party, but I may be wrong....
I recall the same thing... And you're right, we shouldn't run another liberal senator from MA... It should be a Western Governor, someone like Bill Richardson... But this is the position of DNC Chair, not President... And can someone tell me how Howard Dean is a mental patient? Because of a direct mic? Seriously... It kills me that Reeps can get away with throwing a label loaded with bullsh!t like "a liberal senator from Massachussettes" like it's satan's spawn as opposed to what? Cracker Ass Southern Baptist Conservative? Straight dope for the Nation... The Doctor's In.
I think this is a mistake by the DNC and that it will too easily be spun against the Democrats. Dean is viewed as an anti-war extremist by jesusland. Appointing him will hurt the Dems chances in jesusland.
If the Dems' plan is to win over Jesusland, the game is over. The plan should be to win Ohio, win back Iowa, and win states south and west of Colorado (inclusive.) Except, forget Utah. Everything that helps the Dems win Ohio, Iowa, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Nevada, is a good idea.
I'm tired of this crap. I'm tired of watching the GOP lower our expectations of government and our elected leaders. I'm tired of lowering our sights. I'm tired of "the soft bigotry of low expectations". We (the DNC) should celebrate our beliefs; we should take a stand and show the American people that we can and should expect more from government than a fatter paycheck and faux "security" and "morality"; we should clearly define our party as an organization that believes that you can't pay teachers too much or provide enough help to those truly in need. We should proudly provide our vision of an America not divided by the demons of our darkest nature, but one of raised standards and intelligent and thoughtful debate. In short, the DNC needs to embrace true liberalism and challenge the RNC to abandon the "divide and conquer" strategy which debases our election process. If Howard Dean is the man to do it, I'm behind him 100%.
OK, let's get this out of the way for something like the 6 millionth time: Dean is not a liberal. He was against the Iraq War, but being against the Iraq War does not make someone a liberal; it makes them sane. Look at his NRA record, his compromise on the gay marriage issue, his balanced budgets, his tax cuts, etc.
Wasn't that the Leo McGarry speech when he fired everyone on Bartlett's campaign except Toby? Kidding, it does sound like that, but you are right. Question is, will this getting back to Dem values win in 2008?
Exactly. Plus, he is also a doctor, so he will be the perfect guy to have around when the results of the next election come in and everybody is fainting and having heart attacks.
Just look who else is interested or has been linked with some interest. I'll name one who was pretty much told to look elsewhere, John Edwards. In theory, most of the people looking to head the party are actually looking for a better position for the nomination. I'll give you another name, Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack. I really question this... Who are the 240 or so members of the party who will be making this choice? and Why not allow all the party paying members to vote?
Because they chose John Kerry, a man who Karl Rove wanted to win the Democratic Nomination - and some might argue helped orchestrate Kerry's DNC victory. They didn't want to go against Dean because it would have been a real choice for the voters, someone who would have been in true opposition to the Repubs and Neocons, not a Washington insider easily painted as a flip flopper who voted for Bush's War.
The parties in the US are NOT dues-paying organizations. So there's no such thing as "party paying members."
JUST THE THING FOR THE DEMOCRAT PARTY! A FAR LEFT LIBERAL! yup... Dean for the DNC! That will help Jeb Bush in 2008! IntheNet Jeb Bush in 2008!