DC United vs Chicago Fire Chat: Play by Play & During Match Discussion https://www.bigsoccer.com/forum/digichat.php Everyone should have access to that chatroom without regard to cards or membership type. Webcast Information and links from DCUnited.com http://www.dcunited.com/index.cfm?section=main&cont_id=116150 Direct Links Real Audio: http://idirector.mediaxtranet.net/okc2rmv101/v2/onstage/igni001/073102a_ts/073102a_ts_28k.ram Windows Media Player: http://idirector.media.ibeam.com/netshow/v2/onstage/dcun001/072002a_ts_28k.asx
Knave, Thanks for getting everything together in one post! Now if only the DC United players were that resourceful!
I've never done this webcast thing before...which tends to work better: Real Audio or Windows Media Player?
in case anyone else doesn't like the BS chat thing (doesn't work very well on my dial up)... i have an AIM room open titled "DCU at Fire" if you need any help getting in, please feel free to IM me at jmeissen0 -jim (by the way, i like the win media player)