Davids...Roma bound?

Dieses Thema im Forum 'Juventus' wurde von Forza_Juventus gestartet, 12 August 2003.

  1. SueB

    SueB New Member

    23 März 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Heard Davids was tossed within the first 15 minutes of that qualifier. I can imagine Davids with pent-up steam is a very dangerous thing.
  2. juventusfan10

    juventusfan10 New Member

    20 Mai 2003
    Providence, RI
    Juventus FC
    so its perfect time to bring him back into the mix, right? sue?
  3. Juve all the way

    Juve all the way New Member

    3 September 2003
    Appiah has had few good games agreed

    but cant be compared to what Davids has done for us for the past five years. Appiah still has to go a long way before he can permanently replace Davids.

    "He is a great player and his career illustrates that fact." David Trezeguet on Davids

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