Cuse at Wave...Blast at St. Lou

Discussion in 'Pro Indoor Soccer' started by Inddor Fan, Jan 31, 2016.

  1. Inddor Fan

    Inddor Fan Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    Arsenal FC
    Just watched a good portion of both games.

    Blast really dominated and it seemed like St. Louis really didn't care. Get irritated, get chippy, something.

    The Wave put up a great effort to come back, but Cuse finished well. If you're gonna lose, that's the way you lose. If there were 3 more minutes in that game, there was a brawl on the horizon.
    Not that I condone that sort of thing, but you gotta give a crap.
  2. SteveCo

    SteveCo Member

    Mar 23, 2014
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I attended the Baltimore/Ambush game - the Ambush checked out after the first quarter. Not much energy or effort going on from Saint Louis, they were going through the motions, mostly. An efficient and workman-like effort from Baltimore - they put on a clinic.

    Another fan met some of the players after their agonizing loss to Chicago on Friday night and he said that the players looked 'mentally hurt' by the overtime loss. If my team had blown a 3-goal lead in the fourth quarter and lost, I too would be discouraged. I agree - at least scrap around and get in the grill of the opponent some of the time. The Ambush were very tentative on offense, few shots. Give Baltimore a lot of credit for their defense, but not much forward movement from the Ambush offense either. A couple of our guys were trying to play hard but the whole team needs to put in a full effort.

    It appears that a season of losing is taking its toll on their motivation and confidence. A lot of roster changes will be needed to give the Ambush new energy and ability to win close games next year. Glavin has already improved the organization and form of the team on the field, but there is not enough talent to win consistently right now.
  3. NickWISoccer

    NickWISoccer Member

    Apr 26, 2011
    Wave have clinched the 3 seed in the Central and will play either Chicago or Missouri in Round 1 which will be a home and home. pretty much all the Waves losses have been close. they play both Missouri and Chicago and would have to win both to have any shot at moving up to the 2 line
    SteveCo repped this.

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