Post-match: Crew vs. DC United, Matchday 18

Discussion in 'Columbus Crew' started by hardhead, Jul 21, 2012.

  1. hardhead

    hardhead Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    Columbus Crew
    Crew pull off a 1-0 win!

    Columbus played a good first half ending with a questionably called disallowed goal from Williams. The first minute of the second half started with fireworks: a combination from new signings Arrieta and Birchall. Hammer was solid as usual--saved us more than once. Duka put in a solid 70+ minutes coming back from injury. Meram looking good at forward. I'd like to see him play there more often. Miranda made a couple harrowing blunders. Overall, this looked like a pretty good lineup--and it could be better with a healthy Mirosevic. Hopefully Marshall's ankle injury is nothing serious.

    Another tough match ahead at SKC.
  2. Aaron d

    Aaron d Member+

    May 15, 2005
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Playing your best players + Players playing in their natural position + No Renteria or Tchani = Crew Win

    It's not rocket science.
    cam5fc, chr1st, Bill Archer and 2 others repped this.
  3. JB the First

    JB the First Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Except Meram, who will never be a midfielder. He's a forward.

    Williams is still a beast. Da Andy G Show is still going strong. Arrieta is a new favorite of mine. The dude's a scrapper. Grossman is a lot like Tchani: he sees the field well, he just can't make the passes he wants to make.

    Miranda actually looked like The Guy Who Needs To Improve out there. I think he's starting to decline and it may be time to look for a new RB. Meram is still a forward.

    As far as our formation goes, it's fine if we're going to play the ball along the ground, but Arrieta as a lone forward up top isn't going to win anything in the air. I think with Gaven, Arrieta, Duka, we have guys that can play quick one-two passes, and we saw some of that tonight. Milo could slot in there as well (if he's ever healthy).
  4. hangthadj

    hangthadj Member+

    A.S. Roma
    Mar 27, 2001
    Zone 14
    Columbus Crew
    Any win against DC, no matter what the circumstance, goal scorers, lineup, or year is one of my favorites.
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  5. DhamphirLoki

    DhamphirLoki Member

    Nov 4, 2008
  6. hardhead

    hardhead Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    Columbus Crew
    Another decent night at the gate: 17,150

    Like I mentioned in PBP, the Nordecke looked a little thinner than the past few matches on TV.
  7. deadhamlet44

    deadhamlet44 Member

    Sep 15, 2005
    Where I sit I have a great view of the Crew bench players warming up in the second half. Two things stood out.

    1. James is working hard and glad to be back. All those agility warmup drills he took seriously. He was the first guy though every time. When Ghering was called over to sub, but then sent back, JJ gave him some friendly buisness. It was good to see. Working hard, being a leader and having fun. I can't wait till he is 100%.

    2. Vukovic is going to stay on the bench forever. Where as James went through the paces 100% Vukovic only went through the motions. No way our current coach puts up with that attitude. Vukovic maybe should be in the lineup instead of Mirranda (with Williams filling the open spot) but I doubt coach allows it.

    Other stuff: I like Arrieta. He didn't seem to tire and had nice touches. Please tell Merram when we are up very late in the second half and our guys are getting tired just to take into the corner and kill the game out. Milo (or dilly) for Grossman soon please. I want some mls committee to look at the williams "offisde" call and award him a goal and give me my fantasy points.
  8. redi44crew

    redi44crew Member+

    Mar 27, 2007
    Louisville, KY
    Columbus Crew
    Fantastic night for soccer, and a much needed result. I'm shocked at how many tired bodies were out on the pitch, but Arieta put in a lot of work. He attacked the ball, held up the ball, and also played through the muggings. Ironically he's much like Renteria... can't image those two on the pitch at the same time.

    Oh, and Ben Olsen is a whiney beyotch.
  9. Micheluzzo

    Micheluzzo Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    loling at the DC forum's post game comments. buncha mark ass tricks, trick ass marks, skeezers, skanks, skig skags & skappywhops. We can hang like nutz with any team in the league.
    Robbiegoal, NUFCBayern and zman31 repped this.
  10. Timon19

    Timon19 Member+

    Jun 2, 2007
    Akron, OH
    Can someone translate this into English?
    kgilbert78 repped this.
  11. Shamrock Rovers

    Oct 4, 2007
    Lima, Ohio
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    just got back from the game, it was a great game to be at.
  12. C-bus

    C-bus Member

    Aug 2, 2006
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    From, about Arrieta

    You know how I know you didn't watch the whole game :rolleyes:
    deadhamlet44 repped this.
  13. mmradio13

    mmradio13 Member+

    Apr 13, 2008
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Good result.

    Didn't Birchall's family just get to Columbus. I know they were trying to get here, but if they were at the game tonight, that makes his goal even sweeter. Welcome to Columbus.

    I've reached my conclusion on Meram- he is very dangerous in the attacking 3rd and looks like he is going to do something when the ball finds his feet. However, his passing accuracy is fairly poor for a player of his skill so he really knows how to kill attacks in the middle 3rd of the field. However, his attacking abilities in the final 3rd- which we lack more than anything- are too great to really get hung up on his midfield deficiencies.

    I can't believe Arrieta missed that goal. However, I still think he is our #1 striker.

    Loved seeing Tchani on the bench. I like his physicality, but his lack of technical ability will never allow for him to flourish. He needs to work on his ball-work all winter.

    THOMA GOL BigSoccer Supporter

    Jul 16, 1999
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Arrieta's skillset off the ball is just as awesome as when he has the ball. That off the ball running and smarts in the channels is what I like about the guy. Keeping that ball on the ground, he'll find a way to make things happen.
  15. SourCream&OnionUtd

    Nov 19, 1998
    Korb is billy big balls and apparently doesn't need shin guards, so I was glad to see Dilly and Josh double up on him in the first half. Dilly won the ball off him cleanly on a few occasions early on. In fact, Dilly, Eddie, and Meram all won tackles inside DC's half in the first half to put them under constant pressure. Recipe for success. They did an excellent job in that first half and it is a shame Williams was robbed yet again because I thought we deserved to go in ahead and he certainly deserves one.

    McDonald is a clown. I've been saying it for months on here but he really struggled out there and what a waste of money he is. Oh well, it's not our problem. Jakovic, OTOH, looked good to me. Outran Arrieta down the channel and was neat on the ball.

    Really pleased for Birchall. He fits right into the hardest working team ethos. Last week against KC, he was the only one still really running and working late on once it had been settled. Now he's in there where he belongs, the fitness is there or thereabouts now, very happy to have him aboard.

    Not ready to anoint Arrieta just yet. Yeah he never stopped working, played a perfect pass for Birchy, and showed a trick, but really, after watching Renteria for so long I think even a tuna sandwich would've looked like an improvement in attack for us.

    And Miranda did look nervous, didn't he? Especially in the first half.

    But we did not kill the game off at all. It should have come sooner than that. DC had way too much of it in the late stages and you could say we were lucky to hang on. It's good that we held on for a great turnout on a beautiful night. Something to build on, I guess.
  16. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    THe team has not seemed very fit and the late collapses have only reinforced the impression.

    And Olsen has always been a whiney little bitch. It was always a miracle that he could perform on the field with all of the histrionics. He didn't get the name Baby Ben by accident.
    THOMA GOL repped this.
  17. JB the First

    JB the First Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Meram. Is. A. Forward.

    You see, they just don't work hard enough in practice.
    American Brummie repped this.
  18. Jamooky

    Jamooky Member+

    Mar 24, 2006
    Cleveland, OH USA
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.
    Micheluzzo and JayFunkeyFresh repped this.
  19. JB the First

    JB the First Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Two other gems from last night, both from MeRo:
    -MeRo shoving Meram to the ground instead of defending, then turning around and acting like he didn't do anything.
    -MeRo dropping all the way to the backline to try and take the ball from his own center back.
  20. coachchris

    coachchris Member

    Feb 19, 2007
    Galloway, OH
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    Early in the 2nd half, Arrietta was getting abused, mostly by McDonald (the clown), grabbed, pulled, thrown down, basically mugged. I was pleased that he fought through it all and had effective possession after all of that.
  21. foozer

    foozer Member

    Dec 19, 2005
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    I think it was MassiveCityFFC who tweeted this originally, but that first half was some of the best offensive soccer we had played since the 2010 game against Philly to end the season. Accurate, quick, one-two passing on the ground. If we keep playing like that, we'll make up the points we need to get back into the playoff picture. We still defended way too much in the second half, but this game was light years ahead of most of what we've seen so far from this team.

    PS Duka is a game changer. He was a boss.
    DAFCrew and DGA57 repped this.
  22. JB the First

    JB the First Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    And yet we still completely lacked good scoring chances. We converted the only one we had from the run of play. I guess that's an improvement.
  23. hardhead

    hardhead Moderator
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    Aug 19, 2008
    Columbus Crew
    That's not accurate. Williams' goal at the end of the first half probably shouldn't have been disallowed and Arrieta missed a wide open shot at 73'. I would say those two were both great scoring chances.
  24. JB the First

    JB the First Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Both came off set pieces. I'm talking run of play and finding a killer pass.

    Williams's goal was nice. Arrieta's missed chance was just a fortunate tip of the scales in a post-set piece scramble.
  25. crew2112

    crew2112 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    Dayton, OH
    Columbus Crew
    Why was Gaven at forward? I thought he was ineffective at that position. He did do well linking up with the midfield but was never in a position to shoot. I thought Meram and gaven should have swapped early on.
    With James and mendes healthy and (marshall hopefully healthy) I hope to never see Gehrig in the 18 again. That guy makes me nervous. I think going forward we should have arrieta and Meram (hopefully Jelen) at forward with renteria off the bench. Mirosevic on for grossman. That would be a solid team.
    Micheluzzo repped this.

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