Might as well get this started. I'm only going to have audio, so hopefully someone else will be watching.
GOOD GOD!!!! I just saw the wild feed picture on DK, and it is honestly, as G*d is my witness, the smallest crowd I have ever seen at an MLS match. There might be under 100 people in thestands you can see on TV.
I saw today that DIego Walsh has what they called an "athletic something-or-other" which in reality is a hernia.
Call 877-CREW FAN and they're offering ten dollar tickets for this Saturday, according to the ad. This is the answer the marketing geniuese have settled on: lower the prices to embarassing levels.
Schulte at left back, Herdsman on the right. Klien a half-step from a goal. Gaudette scoops it up first.
5th minute, KC pressure, but Crew actually looked quite good. corner to KC. Zavagnin shoots over from Oklahoma.
This is sad. Defending MLS Cup Champions. Freddy Adu. Holiday Weekend. And ticket prices have to be lowered to attract bigger crowds.
Guy on the radio is saying what we've all figured out...KC is holding up the deal for Walker. Nothing on what the deal actually involves.
At least they are doing something, I believe this is the first time they have ever lowered prices for a regular season game. Too bad only the diehards are watching this game.
well, everyone does leave for the holiday weekend. how many people come to columbus for vacation? at least some people will get something that resembles worth for their money.
We know that...nothing on what is being given up on our end, other than the speculation that Merz had yesterday.