Post-match: Crew @ Cincinnati - 2023 MLS Cup Playoffs: Conference Final - 12/2/23 6:00 PM

Discussion in 'Columbus Crew' started by chr1st, Nov 27, 2023.


What will be the result of the Crew's 12/2/23 match vs Cincinnati?

Poll closed Dec 2, 2023.
  1. Win by two or more goals in regulation

  2. Win by one goal in regulation

  3. Win in extra time

  4. Win by PKs

  5. Lose by PKs

    0 vote(s)
  6. Lose in extra time

  7. Lose by one goal in regulation

  8. Lose by two or more goals in regulation

  9. See results

  1. chr1st

    chr1st Member+

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  2. Kyle Crew

    Kyle Crew Member+

    Feb 23, 2013
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  3. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

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    Win by two (or more).
  4. POdinCowtown

    POdinCowtown Member+

    Jan 15, 2002
    What did they decide on Miazga, after he tried entering the referee's locker room after the NYRB match? Is he back for the ECF?
  5. Paul171121

    Paul171121 Member+

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    Dec 14, 2018
    POdinCowtown repped this.
  6. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite BS XXV

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    Get on the 'bus! PXL_20231127_191154234.MP.jpg
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  7. TKyle

    TKyle Moderator
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  8. POdinCowtown

    POdinCowtown Member+

    Jan 15, 2002
    Yeah, it should be pretty obvious if he was in that area and whether he succeeded in getting inside or not. Why does it take so long to investigate? PRO filed their complaint against him, is MLS just going to piss off their officials?

    Miazga missed their Philly game due to yellow card accumulation and should miss FCC's next 2 or 3 MLS matches for his serious misconduct vs the referees. Or if he is entirely innocent, there should be security video showing he was elsewhere than outside the ref's dressing room.
    Ueberjames repped this.
  9. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

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    IIRC the dispute is about his demeanor and the timing.

    Miazga claims that it was well after the game, he had showered and changed and simply, politely, knocked on the door because he was confused about what had happened and hoped for some clarification.

    That's the Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm narrative.

    The referee report apparently says he stormed in immediately after the game like the SS kicking in the door of a Jewish family and belligerently confronted the official in a threatening manner.

    If you have to pick one then based on the fact that Miazga has always been an arrogant, obnoxious asshole I'd have to go with version 2.
  10. TrueCrew

    TrueCrew Member+

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    MLS has no guts. Miazga will play. He shouldn't, but he will.
  11. YITBOS

    YITBOS Member+

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    How fuct is it that MLS gives coach of the year award before this game is played?
  12. KCbus

    KCbus Moderator
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    It's a regular season award.
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  13. KCbus

    KCbus Moderator
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    Even if Miazga had been an angel -- I've got no reason to think the referees would concoct a story like this just to make a player -- any player -- look bad. I see no reason to think the referees would be anything other than objective.

    Now, it's certainly possible that even the most impartial of observers can get details wrong when tempers and hot and it's a tense situation, but the mere fact that tempers may have been hot and the situation would have been tense doesn't seem to help Miazaga's case.
    Bill Archer repped this.
  14. Meddlin' Truckstop Owner

    Columbus Crew
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    Aug 21, 2022
    #14 Meddlin' Truckstop Owner, Nov 28, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2023
    Beyond Miazaga's status, I think there is tremendous league office interest in seeing FC Cincinnati reach MLS Cup.

    This is Cincinnati's window.

    Supporters Shield, Coach of the Year, League MVP.
    Vazquez possibly off to Germany. FCC going for the city's first major pro sports title since 1990.

    Lots for MLS and Fox to hype if they win.

    In contrast, Crew's window is opening, won in 2020, All-Star Game next year, will be among pre-season favorites to win in 2024.

    Hopefully, getting a "fair shake" Saturday from the match officials will not be a challenge.
    TKyle, TrueCrew and stanger repped this.
  15. Minnman

    Minnman Member+

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    Why would MLS have any interest whatsoever in having a specific 2 million population market (Cincy or Columbus) reach MLS Cup? In 2008, we were supporters shield winners, had the league MVP and defender of the year on the roster, the coach of the year, were the league’s charter franchise that built the first soccer specific stadium, and played in a city without any modern history of ever having a pro sports championship. But I never had a sense we were the league’s preference to get to MLS Cup.

    Are you seriously implying the league will try and affect the outcome of this game? Come on.
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  16. the_rickler

    the_rickler Member+

    Feb 9, 2013
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    It does seem as though they’re dragging their feet on the Miazga case. How long could an “investigation” like this take, two days tops? In this day and age, there’s security cameras everywhere and I’d assume, one was pointing directly at the locker room. I’m sure there were at least 6-10 people including security, standing around in the pathway between the Cinci and ref locker rooms. It seems as though the league is intentionally dragging this out.
  17. Kyle Crew

    Kyle Crew Member+

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    MLS was probably hoping Cincy lost so they wouldn’t even have to deal with it.
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  18. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

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    The question I've had from the second I heard this tale of woe is where was the security?

    Every sport known to man has a security guard outside the officials' locker room. I assume it's a mandatory league requirement for obvious reasons.
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  19. 96er

    96er Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    My goodness yeah, I’m just imagining Don Garber rubbing his hands together salivating at the thought of the millions of eyeballs and advertising dollars that would roll in if Cincinnati were to advance to the Cup. No doubt he’s on the phone with the refs right now, conniving and scheming deviously about how to best dispose of the dastardly Columbus Screw so they don’t ruin his brilliant plan to get Cincinnati to the championship game.

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  20. TrueCrew

    TrueCrew Member+

    Dec 22, 2003
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    We have scored at least 2 un every PO game so far, though we need AET to do it in the last one.

    Our 10 PO goals have cone from a wide array of players: Cucho (4, 1 PK), Arfsten, Nagbe, Amundsen, Matan, Rossi, Ramirez.

    Assists: Rossi (3), Moreira, Yeboah, Morris, Cucho, Matan, Molino.

    In four games, our front 3 attackers all have goals and assists. Cucho with 4 G & 1 A. Ramirez & Arfsten have goals off the bench. Plus Nagbe & Amundsen chip in with a goal each.

    Rossi has 3 PO assists to lead. Cucho & Matan with one each, as does Yeboah. Morris & Molino also with one.

    Yeboah's assist is the only scoring contribution from the WBs, but improved D may be more important.
    TRUJDUB21 and Bill Archer repped this.
  21. Crew96Fan

    Crew96Fan Member+

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    My guess is that this "investigation" will wrap up just after Cincy loses and he will be suspended for the 1st and 2nd games of next season.
    POdinCowtown and TrueCrew repped this.
  22. Meddlin' Truckstop Owner

    Columbus Crew
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    #22 Meddlin' Truckstop Owner, Nov 28, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2023

    Cincinnati is notoriously fickle as a sports market, attendance dropping when a team does not compete. Making a final helps solidify FCC's position in the market.

    And, in recent times, nothing helps future expansion fees projections like an newer team succeeding.

    Also, sports leagues and their broadcast partners love new, fresh narratives that can draw in casuals.

    FCC is fresh, the Crew aren't.

    I don't think anyone is scheduling a conference call.

    I also think match officials are human and will feel pressure to make sure FCC gets every benefit of the doubt, especially at home.

    Saturday's goal vs the Union felt that way.
    TrueCrew and stanger repped this.
  23. Hamburgler03

    Hamburgler03 BigSoccer Supporter

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    Let's make it an AAA kind of day.
  24. Meddlin' Truckstop Owner

    Columbus Crew
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    Aug 21, 2022

    See my post above.

    I think the match officials will be under tremendous pressure Saturday to give FCC every benefit of the doubt.

    No one has to tell the match officials anything.
  25. Big J 0526

    Big J 0526 Member+

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    lets party like its 2008!

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