Not that I think Deering needs to be replaced (this year, anyway), but do y'all think Broome could play defensive mid? alansl
No. Broome is a left back in a 4-4-2. That is his true position. He could fill in at left outside mid in case of injury, but you wouldn't want him starting there. I can see why you ask though. He was the only player we had tonight who showed any balls. At the beginning of the game, I was kind of upset with him. He took this Roberto Carlos attitude and I saw some opposing players get free on his flank for the first time this year. But as the game wore on, he was really our only player who ever showed any individual brilliance or dominance, creating several dangerous chances singlehandedly. I couldn't believe that play late in the first half where he came all the way from left back to make a steal at the top of the box and was in alone with the keeper before passing to a player who missed the shot. He then proceeded to make several more similar plays in the second half. And once again, the goal scored against us did not come from his side.
Broome is clearly playing with more and more confidence every game. With Broome and Chivas on the left side, our most dangerous attacks are coming from there, having surpassed the Suarez/Vaca right side.
I've not been a Broome supporter, but I must admit, he's really made some incredible strides this season. He's probably on the short list for MLS's most improved player award. -Tron
problem solved put bussey's fast ass at def. center mid. , he's strong on the ball and won't get pushed off it and he's quick enough to go forward and still get back. with out a doubt we need to get him on the field
I think the next time Suarez isn't at right back the put Bussey there. He's a Broome starter kit there. What has happened to Zarco? He is now no better than Olivares at right back. As for D-mid that spot will be Jordan Stones for years. He will be the Burns answer to Armas and in a bigger package.
IMO, Bussey should have been playing instead of Olivares all along. More on Jordan Stone, and faster too!
Defensive Mid in the Current Burn Formation In the current Burn 4-4-2 formation, the Defensive Mid has the following responsibilities (somewhat in order or priority): 1. Break-up attacks through the middle 2. Ball-winning 3. Ball distribution (side-to-side & forward when possible) 4. Support the Defenders (when they go forward or when they get beat) 5. Move forward on offensive attacks as the play allows If this is correct, Bussey and Broome are somewhat wasted in this position. Both are fast and dangerous as offensive threats and this position minimizes this threat. Both are also not proven ball distributors (1 touch passes, through balls to the forwards, always being available to support ball possession). This position in this formation is best left to a different type of player than either Broome or Bussey.
i've watched broome closely for the past couple of years. he's not a true defender. lately, he's been just clearing the ball out over the sidelines instead of trying to got one-on-one and get burned like he has in the past. this is definitely more preferable than letting his man go on keep all alone... but it's still preferable to have a strong defender who can body a forward off the ball while not exposing himself to getting "burned" (if you'll excuse the pun) like paul has done in the past. for this reason i think he would make a great defensive mid. he's the fastest player on the burn and he can get back on defensive better than the other mid's on the team - given the experience, he would also recognize an odd man attack easier too. combine that with his blazing attacks on the left side... well, i think this would be the best position for him and the burn by far. if oscar parks himself in the high slot on paul's left side pushes, and vaca positions himself where he belongs... servicing the ball from the forward right third; then that would free a much-needed header-threat from a proven cerritos (he was the best 'heading forward' in the league with san jose) and a goal-scoring threat like kreis... ... geez, if i could only coach the burn for just one season ;-)
Broome has some problems in the corners but what a threat on clearances. I've never seen someone blow by the intended target of a pass, have the ball hit a body part and fall in front of him while running at a very fast full speed and then proceed to get off a shot or decent pass. How many games in a row has he done this now?
Broome does NOT have the distribution skills required to play defensive mid. But he is doing a fantastic job at left back so far this year.
Hey all you SMU fans, didn't Bussey play dmid in his second or third year? Seems like I remember him being very good there and then in his senior year he got hurt and played right mid and right back when he came back.
i watched him play at the cotton bowl a couple of times when he was pushing the ball up in the offensive third on the right side... he doesn't have the dribbling skill he needs to be an offensive mid... so if he could distribute well and play a good defensive half...