could biggotry spread to epl if of join

Discussion in 'Scotland' started by ads_uk, Jul 30, 2002.

  1. ads_uk

    ads_uk New Member

    Jul 5, 2002
    I personally think it would all of a sudden teams would be labelled as prodestant teams etc... this could take the heat off rangers and celtic but we don't want it spreading.

    This is the only thing I have against the old firm joing epl or nationwide or whatever because you'd have to kill me to stop me getting a season ticket if rangers joined a better and british league.
  2. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    What do you mean all teams would be labelled as Protestant?
  3. ads_uk

    ads_uk New Member

    Jul 5, 2002
    prodestant/catholic. some teams will be labelled prodestant, others catholic which will just divide the two further because it will spread from rangers and celtic.
  4. Parkhead_Faithful

    Parkhead_Faithful New Member

    Dec 19, 2001
    Wouldnt happen.
  5. ads_uk

    ads_uk New Member

    Jul 5, 2002
    have rangers & celtic signed up to spl pay tv?
  6. Parkhead_Faithful

    Parkhead_Faithful New Member

    Dec 19, 2001
    The meeting will be held later today about that I think, Personally I dont think it would work unless the championship was better this year, the last 4 have been crap.
  7. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    I wasn't sure what you meant at first but no that wouldn't happen. I'm not sure how every club could be labelled as one religon or another.
  8. Parkhead_Faithful

    Parkhead_Faithful New Member

    Dec 19, 2001
    Some of the english clubs can be, like liverpool and everton, I believe everton were the traditionally catholic team in liverpool and pool were the traditionally protestant.
    As I said though it wouldnt happen.
  9. Popero

    Popero Member

    Jul 5, 2002
    I can't imagine it becoming a big deal. If anything, I think it would become MORE about the football than ever, and that is a very good thing.
  10. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    Right. But those are the only clubs I know of that have a well known religous history and I don't think that's even a big part of the rivalry.

    I'm sure there'd be heated rivalries and high risk matches if the Old Firm were to move to the Premiership or Nationwide Division.
  11. wu-tang beez

    wu-tang beez New Member

    Apr 19, 2002
    Irving, TX

    Is this 4real? Are the remnants of the SPL really going to go out like the old WAC & form their own league? American collegiate fans should recall how the WAC disbanned and formed the Mountain West. Neither faction was guaranteed an automatic bid to the post season. If this precedent hold true, will the SPL and the old firm lose CL & UEFA rights?

    I heard the old firms will be joining the 1st division rather than the EPL. I believe this is better for league, since promotion should be proven, not delegated.

    Back to the topic, I think the protestant majority in England will unlikely pick up on any unionist/nationalist biggotry. As far as I know, Everton, has never been a hotspot for religious debate.
  12. ads_uk

    ads_uk New Member

    Jul 5, 2002
    I didn't know there was a place called everton :p
  13. -cman-

    -cman- New Member

    Apr 2, 2001
    Clinton, Iowa
    The Brits can't be bothered to crack heads over religion. They are too busy cracking heads over football. ;)

    Read my lips... The Old Firm will NEVER be in England.

    P.S. There's only one "g" in bigotry idiot.
  14. wu-tang beez

    wu-tang beez New Member

    Apr 19, 2002
    Irving, TX
    Don't they look so content running thru the field together? Brothers from the same cloth 4ever!

    big ups to Brian again for the pics & giffs

    I thought bigot had only one "g" but I said," no way I'm the only one that doesn't spellchk my post." :)
  15. Parkhead_Faithful

    Parkhead_Faithful New Member

    Dec 19, 2001
    and the title of poofiest picture ever goes to.... :D
  16. Maczebus

    Maczebus Member

    Jun 15, 2002
    These are really the only two in English football, but even that's pushing it. It's not really an issue with these two.

    And also, I think it's the other way round (I'm willing to be proved wrong though) - that Liverpool are traditionally 'Catholic' and Everton are 'protestant'.
    Hence the Dalglish connection with Celtic and Duncan Ferguson/Gazza/Stuart McCall/Walter Smith link with Rangers.
  17. ads_uk

    ads_uk New Member

    Jul 5, 2002
    its not clear cut, alan stubbs used to play for celtic and graeme souness used to manage liverpool straight from rangers.

    rangers connection with everton came through walter smith really id be glad for merseyside even if there was a general divide like there is in glasgow if they don't start the rubbish about the ira and uvf and people trying to condone what they do when the answer is they are both a bunch of ersehails. If they took a comical view to religion like father ted does with catholisim then the banter might be interesting and fun but the way it is you end up just ignoring your fellow supporters.
  18. SJFC4ever

    SJFC4ever New Member

    May 12, 2000
    That is true. Some people take the whole thing far too seriously. Problem is, some people will always have a sense of humour bypass. This leaves us witht the issue whether or not everyone else should take more responsibility in their actions on these issues. But then you get the whole "guns/bigotry don't kill people; people do" argument, so we're back where we started.

    It's hard to see a way out sometimes.
  19. Parkhead_Faithful

    Parkhead_Faithful New Member

    Dec 19, 2001
    Are we talking about nil by mouth here?
  20. ads_uk

    ads_uk New Member

    Jul 5, 2002
    The two teams seem closer than ever and the two sets of fan(ny)s seem further apart cos of the biggotry nonsense.

    I'll be able to vote at the next election and and if it came down to it I'll probably vote for the party that promises a solution whatever it is and not just a table.
  21. Popero

    Popero Member

    Jul 5, 2002
    The problem is the Catholic/Protestant division is still pretty wide.

    Reading an Irish-American newspaper the other day, I read that a 19-year old Catholic was murdered in Belfast seemingly because he was wearing a Celtic shirt.

    It's a real shame.
  22. ads_uk

    ads_uk New Member

    Jul 5, 2002
    me and my rangers mate were discussing this in rather more detail than you usually do in a forum. The pope in the late 17th centuary supported william and many of the williamite army were catholic, we both agreed on that so from that point on the theory behind the sectarian comments doesn't make much sense.

    I must admit if there was a test on this I would fail it as I'm not certain about all the facts as they are pretty uninteresting facts anyway.
  23. SJFC4ever

    SJFC4ever New Member

    May 12, 2000
    Many catholics were in William's army because many of the Catholic countries in continental Europe (I think France was one) wanted him to win. Why this was the case I don't know.
  24. ads_uk

    ads_uk New Member

    Jul 5, 2002
    the pope was definately on williams side he gave him his support.

    did anyone see that program a few weeks ago with roger moore the bond guy about the church of rome during the cold war and it was all spys and the usual spy stuff you associate with spys like killing everyone, the usual.

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