Copa America 2024 - General Thread

Discussion in 'FIFA and Tournaments' started by KRCSoccer, Oct 13, 2022.

  1. BocaFan

    BocaFan Member+

    Aug 18, 2003
    Queens, NY
    Surprise nobody mentioned that they messed up the draw! :laugh::laugh: I was wondering what the heck they were doing by putting Bolivia in group B. Even during the demonstration of the procedure before the draw they failed to even mention the restriction of having no more than 2 C'Caf teams in a group.

    Then they messed it up a second time by putting Jamaica in group D even though they were drawn before CONCACAF 6. OMFG! Can't make this stuff up. So embarrassing :eek:....
    r0adrunner repped this.
  2. marianelah

    marianelah Member+

    Jan 14, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It’s conmebol. They’re almost as incompetent as concacaf. Interesting how the ticketing will work out. I’ve heard rumors they’ll be using Cat 1 to Cat 3 … similar to the World Cup.

    as much as I hate Ticketmaster; hopefully they don’t mess up the ticketing. Like the nightmare we had in Qatar with Secutix
    NNNJJJ, AMooz and GoalGoalUSA repped this.
  3. GerVZLA

    GerVZLA Member

    Caracas FC
    Nov 12, 2023
    Y como estuvo el único precedente de un torneo jugado en EEUU incluyendo a CONMEBOL y CONCACAF cuando jugaron Venezuela y México?
  4. BocaFan

    BocaFan Member+

    Aug 18, 2003
    Queens, NY
    They couldn't even beat Jamaica comfortably in the Azteca during WC qualifying (nor any of the other top 6 CONCACAF teams for that matter).
    vancity eagle, DrScorpio and GerVZLA repped this.
  5. marianelah

    marianelah Member+

    Jan 14, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Mexicos effectiveness vs Conmebol. The Children are at the bottom.
    edcalvi repped this.
  6. marianelah

    marianelah Member+

    Jan 14, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    And the real OPINION metric: people putting their money where their big mouth is…. Where’s Venezuela?
  7. GerVZLA

    GerVZLA Member

    Caracas FC
    Nov 12, 2023
    No, but according to this guy, Mexico is a Top Team and Venezuela is even worse than El Salvador

    And that's why Mexico will win the group "comfortably."
    I am totally aware that Venezuela is going to participate, and I will make it a little clearer to you: Just as happened in the Centenario, Venezuela will have a better participation than Mexico.

    You keep seeing statistics from the past and believing that Venezuela is the same as it was in the 90s/2000s, keep watching second-class soccer in CONCACAF and let us South Americans give our opinion on first-class soccer, woman!

  8. bigsoccertst1

    bigsoccertst1 Member+

    United States
    Sep 22, 2017
    Dude, you should dial it down some. Your opinion becomes irrelevant as you dismiss others who stayed participating on this site while you disappeared from it years ago.

    Lady "Supa Hot Fire" shot you down with demographic facts about immigrant population in the US, busting all that stuff you brought about Cubans/Puertorricans/Colombians/Venezuelans outnumbering other groups in this country. MEX fans will steamroll any fan group during CA 2024 because they are here in the millions. No way around that. They show up to every match, unlike Venezuelan crowds who only pack US seats if ARG/BRA is their rival.

    Regarding VEN chances at CA 2024, I suggest looking at it this way: the Organizing Committee sought to protect MEX passage to knockout rounds. Why do you think their *random* draw placed ECU+VEN+JAM in MEX's group?

    Heavy business interests rule this tournament, it is the main reason why it is here. MEX has some friends inside, while VEN does not. So, borrowing baseball terms, that's strike one.

    For strike two: VEN defensive line. PER had not scored once during 2026 WC qualifiers, until it faced VEN less than 3 weeks ago. Its backline is now faultering due to injuries, and more importantly because their MLS defenders have been found out. At least PER did.

    Lastly, VEN fed wants to field VEN refugees during CA 2024. Players who cannot leave US territory, and lack match exposure in Conmebol qualifiers. Works great for sentimental wankfests, but will hardly help defeating teams like MEX or ECU.

    So, enjoy the ride and keep rooting for your team. Don't expect others to root for you.
    edcalvi repped this.
  9. GerVZLA

    GerVZLA Member

    Caracas FC
    Nov 12, 2023
    Blah blah blah

    1.- I do not expect to root Venezuela, and I am not saying that Venezuela is going to do X or Y thing, what I say and insist is that it is not a "Comfortable" team, nor is Ecuador, and neither is Jamaica.

    2.- Venezuela's defensive line continues to be among the best in CONMEBOL (Only 3 goals against, 1 from Colombia in Barranquilla, one from Brazil in Brazil and one from Peru in Lima) and only one of the defensive line plays in the MLS

    3.- That Venezuela has not gone to a World Cup is not a factor that determines inferiority, far from it. I think many would agree that if Venezuela played in CONCACAF it would have gone to a few World Cups and if Mexico played in CONMEBOL it would have left to go to a few too.

    Finally, the time spent or not spent on the forum has absolutely nothing to do with the rant, this is the second time you've brought this up and it's totally meaningless.
  10. bigsoccertst1

    bigsoccertst1 Member+

    United States
    Sep 22, 2017
    Apparently, English is your second language so try reading again what I posted.

    You must be confusing me with another member of BigSoccer. Perhaps that's only natural when you spend most of your energy generating more heat than light with your posts.
  11. DrScorpio

    DrScorpio Member

    San Lorenzo
    Jan 6, 2022
    Sorry but I cannot take this seriously, Mexico having the same odds as USA, and Chile having more than Ecuador is ridiculous. And this was saw this before the draw.

    Insist, that Mexico is in a really bad moment, in other times they would pass easily, but this time it wouldn't be weird if they don't advance.
    jagum, GerVZLA and ganapordiego repped this.
  12. vancity eagle

    vancity eagle Member+

    Apr 6, 2006
    Couldn't beat Canada or Jamaica at home. Lost to Qatar at the Gold Cup. Got outplayed by Cameroon in a "home game" friendly.

    I dont think they get 9 points. Almost positive about that. They honestly might not get out of the group, and there may be nothing their "home fans" will be able to do about it.
    BocaFan, GerVZLA and ganapordiego repped this.
  13. GerVZLA

    GerVZLA Member

    Caracas FC
    Nov 12, 2023
    Im not the one pointing to other Teams with disrespect
    ganapordiego repped this.
  14. mfw13

    mfw13 Member+

    Jul 19, 2003
    Newcastle United FC
    Perhaps....but in that case they would have dumped KC and perhaps Charlotte for stadiums in the NE.

    And the schedule doesn't reflect that either.

    Panama is the only teams that plays all three of their group stage games in the Atlanta-Orlando-Miami cluster.

    No team plays all three of their group stage games in the three Texas cities (Arlington/Austin/Houston).

    Brazil and Ecuador are the only teams to play all three of their group stage games in the 'Southwest" cluster (SF/LA/Vegas/Phoenix).

    So in total, only three of the 16 teams get "clustered".....
    bigsoccertst1 repped this.
  15. mfw13

    mfw13 Member+

    Jul 19, 2003
    Newcastle United FC
    It'll be interesting to see where they set ticket prices.....if it's $75+ through Ticketmaster (with all their fees), that could seriously impact attendance.

    You've got quite a few matches between teams without huge fan bases in the USA....

    Peru - Chile
    Peru - Canada/T&T
    Chile - Canada/T&T
    Ecuador - Jamaica
    Venezuela - Jamaica
    Uruguay - Panama
    Uruguay - Bolivia
    Panama - Bolivia
    Colombia - Paraguay

    Those are all going to be hard sells if the cheapest tickets are $100+ after fees.....
  16. Athlone

    Athlone Member+

    Feb 2, 2013
    Nat'l Team:
    Mexico is definitely the favorite in this match. That being said, were they to fail to win comfortably, it wouldn't be the first time in the last 5 years that they've messed that up. Mexico's record against Jamaica since 2017 includes:

    - 3 Wins
    - 3 Draws
    - 2 Losses

    And only one of those wins (the most recent, 2023 Gold Cup - 3-0) was truly comfortable and utterly uncontested. The other two were closer 2-1 victories in WC qualifiers, the first of which required a late comeback from Mexico to win on the road.

    Again, Mexico is the favorite in this one for sure, but I don't think the outcome is quite as certain as you're making it out to be here.
  17. Glamourboy10

    Glamourboy10 Member

    Feb 12, 2014
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Do we have resale tickets, swapping forum only, set up yet? if so can someone share the link, if not Admin can you please create one. If Ticketmaster is in charge of this thing, touts will have a field day..
  18. soccer_23

    soccer_23 Member

    Feb 6, 2014

    Peru and Colombia fans will show up in large numbers in the US, but maybe not enough to fill a stadium without a well-supported opponent playing too. Those NFL stadium are huge by soccer standards.

    The others I agree will be lightly attended. I hope the organizers are smart enough to use drastically varying face values between the different matches.
  19. Penarol1916

    Penarol1916 Member

    Apr 22, 2002
    Chicago, IL
    I really wish that Uruguay’s KC game was against Panama. Getting into that one will be more difficult now.
  20. HomietheClown

    HomietheClown Member+

    Dusselheim FC 1971
    Sep 4, 2010
    Man if Lorenzo can somehow incorporate Cucho Hernandez into this tournament I think he may be the missing link for Colombia winning the whole thing. He has played even better than Messi the last few months within MLS and was the main reason Columbus are Champions! MVP of the Final!
    He has built a USA fan base and the masses will go crazy for him everywhere he goes!

    **(I am kinda half joking but kinda half serious.) ;):ROFLMAO:
    marianelah repped this.
  21. oc2004

    oc2004 Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    Group A 3 prior champions
    Group B - none champions
    Group C - 2 prior champions
    Group D - 3 prior champions

    Groups A, C, D all have more than 10 total wins.

    Mexico is the only team in group B which has previously been in the podium
    HomietheClown repped this.
  22. bigsoccertst1

    bigsoccertst1 Member+

    United States
    Sep 22, 2017
    The lowest-attended match in CA 2016 was ECU vs PER (Glendale, AZ; 11937 in a 63K venue).

    PER fan base looked weak outside of the US Eastern seaboard. Its upcoming match at Kansas City won't have a strong attendance. It is unclear how many will attend its first match at Arlington, TX.
  23. marianelah

    marianelah Member+

    Jan 14, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    2016 Peru had massive support. Gareca was coach and they finished 3rd in Copa America 2015. In time they developed a massive traveling fan base that culminated with their defeat to Australia in Doha. My Peruvian buddies are disappointed with the current squad and I haven’t heard of anyone willing to travel to see the current team play.
  24. DrScorpio

    DrScorpio Member

    San Lorenzo
    Jan 6, 2022
    I didn't saw this before.
    I can't see how Group A is more a group of death than Group B. Outside Argentina most of group A teams are worse than group B teams. Chile and Perú are in a worse shape than Ecuador and Venezuela.
  25. Paul Calixte

    Paul Calixte Moderator
    Staff Member

    Orlando City SC
    Apr 30, 2009
    Miami, FL
    Orlando City SC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Question is how many are willing to travel up from Houston...

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