Convey/Hahnemann: Reading v. Crewe, 10-23 (R)

Discussion in 'Yanks Abroad' started by BuffloSoldier, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. BuffloSoldier

    BuffloSoldier BigSoccer Supporter

    Jan 31, 2000
    Northern NJ
    Same old, same old. MH starts, BC on the pine.
  2. BuffloSoldier

    BuffloSoldier BigSoccer Supporter

    Jan 31, 2000
    Northern NJ
    1-0, Sidwell with the goal.
  3. afgrijselijkheid

    Dec 29, 2002
    AFC Ajax
    kitson with the 2-0 four minutes later

    2-0 reading

    btw at wigan...[result]coventry city ties up 1-1[/result]
  4. BuffloSoldier

    BuffloSoldier BigSoccer Supporter

    Jan 31, 2000
    Northern NJ
    Owusu makes it three before the break.
  5. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
    Nat'l Team:
    Second half on, two minutes in and 4-0, ingy ingamarrson on a header off a corner.
  6. Shark

    Shark Member

    Mar 12, 2004
    Leesburg, VA
    Maybe Convey will get some substantial minutes the 2nd half, and get a mop up goal as the push forward.
  7. pething101

    pething101 Member

    Jul 31, 2001
    Smyrna, Ga
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    No way I would change the chemistry of this team right now. Sorry Convey.
  8. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
    Nat'l Team:
    In addition to the four goals, Reading is shooting at will. The announcers are calling for a ruthless streak, but it's hard to imagine Reading getting more offensive than they are right now.
    To be ruthless, however, they're calling for fresh legs. Maybe, but I'd think you add a defender, up by four.
  9. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
    Nat'l Team:
    Convey coming on, waiting on the sideline.
    MH has been impressive this half. Reading is feeling pretty good, which means a couple chances out of nothing for Crewe.
    Convey for Little.
  10. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
    Nat'l Team:
    To say Reading is more active is impossible, but there's been no let up at all. Convey is not the focal point, by a long way. The focal point of their attacks are the kids getting the ball back in play after their shots. But he fits in well, and there's no noticeable dropoff. He sounds as if he's playing smart, simple balls and playing at a good pace.
  11. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
    Nat'l Team:
    10 minutes left. still 4-0. Reading still pressuring, Crewe getting some space.
  12. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
    Nat'l Team:
    BTW: the field is flooded today.
    On the notion of disrupting the chemistry here, that has to be a consideration. This team is playing very well.
    That said, it's also a talented team, with it's share of internationals. Owuysu is a ghanian int, and just now seems to be finding his stride after six months in Reading.
    Convey will find a spot, btw. he makes really smart runs, again and again, and his teammates are getting more used to that.
    Also, as I type, sounds like Convey's longest run with the ball at his feet this season, but hoping to pass the whole time, he does little with it. covers 30-40 yards.
  13. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
    Nat'l Team:
    "Convey just high and wide, from distance. It was a lovely strike from Convey, and, to be honest, only a few feet above the bar."
  14. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
    Nat'l Team:
    FT 4-0.
    MH did what was needed, and did have a couple nice moments. convey played. about as much as could be asked for, right now.
    We're going up. :)
  15. LittleMaradona

    Feb 25, 2001
    Haven't I heard that the last couple of years?
  16. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
    Nat'l Team:
    Yes, and always from me. But, then again, the Red Sox are in the series. :)
  17. Beppe

    Beppe BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Aug 29, 2004
    Convey has been dealing with a reality check. He was supposed to go to Reading and become a star and he is showing that he is a sub in the English Div 1. Maybe if he actually knew how to play football if would be a diffrent story. Reading is at fault for this because they could have easily signed a guy like Eddie Gaven who makes Bobby Convey look like overated player that he is. I hope for the US national teams sake that he does not make the 2006 WC team. Spector will be a much better alternative to him at LB and Beasley and countless others can play the left wing role better than Convey.
  18. uniteo

    uniteo Member+

    Sep 2, 2000
    Rockville, MD
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    so do you jump in as an ass EVERY time the opportunity arises or just in relation to's a popular breed, that.
  19. sch2383

    sch2383 New Member

    Feb 14, 2003
    Northern Virginia
    Two things:

    1) No they could not have signed Eddie Gaven as he does not qualify for a work permit.

    2) Do you really know more than Bruce Arena and Glenn Hoddle when it comes to selecting players?
  20. LittleMaradona

    Feb 25, 2001
    Who deemed that he was to be a star for Reading? Based on his current talent level, he is right where he should role for a good D1 team. He has upside, and it will be interesting to see how he eventually pans out in another year or two.
  21. Beppe

    Beppe BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Aug 29, 2004
    The bottom line is Reading fans have labeled Convey an overpriced failure. The kid simply lacks talent. He has plenty of heart but he cannot dribble a ball or shoot on goal. The one thing that trips me out on yank soccer fans is you guys defend a player that sucks. What is the point in that? I know all of you have watched him and have seen how crappy he is but all of you defend him like you gave birth to the guy. Wake up ad smell the espresso because his talent will weed himself out of the US national team pool unless he can develops his skills to another level. He is not even Seria C level. Please do not get offended by this just accept the facts. ;)
  22. fidlerre

    fidlerre Member+

    Oct 10, 2000
    Central Ohio
    Oh yes, how correct you are :rolleyes: Care to provide any evidence to back your claims?
  23. sidefootsitter

    sidefootsitter Member+

    Oct 14, 2004
    Neither is talent.

    Both are acquired skills.

    Give Bobby some time. He'll be OK.
  24. Malkamus

    Malkamus New Member

    Jan 24, 2002
    It just might be better for Convey in the end to continue his career in a new country and new league by slowly getting integrated as a sub, etc. than throwing him out there and expecting him to score a brace every match...I've gone back and forth about Convey but I'll give him a season or two with Reading before I say he's a failure...

    Sounds like Crewe are itching to play in League 1 next season...

  25. XYZ1234

    XYZ1234 New Member

    Oct 26, 2002
    Coaches do make mistakes when evaluating players. Just because Arena or Hoddle show interest doesn't make Convey a good player. Anyway, Convey has only played in 2 of the US' 7 qualifyers. That's not a resounding sign of praise to me.

    I'm not here to bash Convey, and I certainly wouldn't say he lacks talent but I would expect a lot of Reading fans to be disappointed if their record transfer fee signing was riding pine. I think the coaches have a long term plan for Bobby but I would expect that most fans want quicker results. They're fans afterall, most fans have wild expectations for players, read any thread on this board.

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