After reading the "let's get rid of families" thread, I realized that we could all do ourselves and the Rapids a favor by coming up with some constructive ideas for improving the atmosphere at the games. Bitch sessions won't do much to change that atmosphere, good ideas will. What if the Rapids front office were to spring for a big green or green and white flag with the Rapids logo on it? I'm not talking just a little flag, I'm talking some big, 2 to 3 section wide flag that they pull out when the team comes on the field at the beginning of the match. You put that in the center couple of sections, it looks really cool, and then you take it down before the match starts. Of course, the people in those sections won't see the Rapids come on to the field, but they will be participating in the environment. I'm assuming the center of the field (opposite TV cameras) is where most of the consistent fan base sits... I remember seeing them make these big banners when I lived in Spain, and they would unfurl them before the match started and I just got a rush of adrenalin, feeling like I was at a big time soccer game, well, it was a big time soccer game.... I think Sam's Army tried it at one of the World Cup qualifiers a couple of years ago, maybe in Columbus... But the point is that little things like that, just for 30 seconds to 1 minute duration before the match, really set the tone for the rest of the game. People knew they were at a soccer game, unique to other sporting events. Team USA in the "families thread" mentioned allowing flags into the stadium. That's a good idea too. I also think it's a good idea to have all the Rapids' fans who want to be vocal, involved, on their feet and singing, to be in a single area of the stadium (I know that section 129? is already reserved for that, I think they should keep it that way). They do it all over Europe, putting the fan clubs together, and their chants eventually lead the entire stadium. Don't think that there aren't families, kids, parents and suburbanites at European matches. They are there too. The atmosphere will change, but what we are experiencing as soccer fans are the early growing pains of a fledgling league. There will be chanting, there will be a fanatical following, but we can't expect it to happen overnight. Most clubs in Europe have 50+ years of tradition behind them. It would be unreasonable for us to think that we could match their chants, cheers and rivalries when the MLS is only in its 7th full season. Look at Sam's Army, they have grown by leaps and bounds in the last 10-12 years. The US nats are developing a good following. MLS growth and tradition is right around the corner. Give it a couple of years, say 5-10 and we will see a difference.
I like the bit about the flag. I went to Boston for the US-Holland game. Pulling into the parking lot was amazing for me. It seemed like everyone and their brother was playing keepy-uppy and just having a great time kicking the ball around. I felt like I belonged. I bring my ball to every game but normally spend the whole time juggling by myself. GreatZar has joined in a couple of times and when I bring friends they normally join in. Let's get some balls being kicked around an hour or 2 before the Rapids kickoff. I have seen people doing this before the July 4th game and also at 4 am before the Germany US WC viewing.
During the begnining of last season the river rats brought in flags on flag poles and i thought it was great for the atmosphere but during the season the stadium security decided they didnt like it. have the river rats tried to do this at invesco field? i know i would like to see the flags again. also if those drummer boys worked with the ratz and did there drumming along with the ratz chants or singing it would be alot better then the pointless banging they do now. Also if the rapids did some sort of giveaway only to fans wearing green to get more of the team colors in the stands.
Big banner in the middle section: Great idea. Rapids are afraid to make those people mad by having obstructed views during the time the banner is pulled up. They've suggested doing this in the Ratz Nest, but I can never guarentee there'll be enough of us to pull it off. Loud Fans Together: The Rapids already try to do this. If a group identifies themselves as loud, they'll either be put with sec126 or sec129 (two supporters sections somewhat close to each other w/differing views of the field). But it's very rare that people feel they should know to ask to be with a loud supportive area of the stadium. I'd like to see the Rapids announce on the boards and on the PA that "the south-east sections are for louder cheering fans, please ask to be seated in these sections when calling for tickets." After 5-10 matches, people might catch on... Flags: A formal request to use 5ft PVC pipe flag poles as we had used early in 2000 (maybe it was 2001). This was denied. Perhaps if more of you called to request this, the priority would be raised. We still have the flags and poles. Drummers w/Ratz: The drummers organized by the Rapids that currently play in the north end-line were with the Ratz for a few games early in 2001. The Rapids insisted they play continuously making chanting impossible so the Ratz asked that they be relocated away from the Nest.
Maybe if the rapids identified sections 126 and 129 as the sections for fans who want to stand , cheer and be loud through out the entire game on the seating charts at the ticket offices and on the website more people would choose to sit there.
I'll throw some ideas up later... once again, it's the fans having to rally the troops... Nothing like a slap in the face to wake some people up! Good on all the people who are concerned and want to do something, but it's sad that it's always starting from the bottom...
I Hope Not!!!! It reminds me a little bit of the baseball movies where the team is trying, but the owner wants them to lose. The people I have met in the Rapids organization are fans of the Rapids, but I get the feeling that the higher ups find the MLS mostly an investment, one that might even be positive monetarily if it fails. It just seems like the Rapids organization wants to keep the body from dying, but leave it just alive on life support. If the Anschutz' of the world want soccer to succeed, it has to be more than an investment of money, it needs also to be an investment of heart. I haven't seen much of that yet. Go Raps!!!!!
it's the only way to start Fashion. if we all come together we'll get the flag poles back in the stadium. we'll win! in a sense, we own the stadium and the Rapids. it's our team, we keep the Rapids going and we pay for the stadium in some way. the only thing i'm worried about, for the big huge flag, is if the Rapids make it, will it have corporate sponsership on it??? i hate that crap. we're supporting the Rapids, nothing else. the Rapids don't need to identify sections 126 and 129 as standing sections...i think we already did that ourselves. lol
Re: I Hope Not!!!! Thats one of the problems with SEM, unlike in other sports where a owner only has one team in the league, AEG has 5 teams so they cant really be fans of one team they dont care if the rapids win or chicago wins its the same to them unlike say pat bowlen who only cares about the broncos.
Still waiting for the Rapids Front Office to post something regarding ideas................................. I'll stop holding my breath. Allow the flag poles into the stadium. Hell they can take my identification down if they think I'll be a threat in the stadium. The flag idea works. But I think long streaming banners might be easier. Simple colors, green and white, black and blue, whatever. Get a couple of flunkies to the second level and drop those things down at good moments, i.e. taking the pitch, scoring a goal, a great win. Then they can roll those things back up when play starts. I can't believe that those in the luxury boxes would be too upset to have a long banner about four or five feet in width and about forty feet long rain down a few times,......... hopefully. More confettei raining down too after a goal. The cannon is good, I'll give them props for that one. But one of the most basic chants that they could do would be to start with the OLE'S for consecutive passes. Get the "camerapeople" (which I am assuming is mostly guys getting the chicks with T-shirts on the jumbo screen) and graphics people in the control room to start with a big freaking OLE on the screens and let the announcer go off with getting everyone to yell "OLE" after the successful pass. This way those guys get to earn their paychecks too and don't feel left out. Hey everyones happy, including me. Any more info and I think I will have to charge the Rapids a consulting fee. And I ain't cheap either! One more bit of improving the atmosphere, get rid of the damn Peanut Butter and Jelly thing. This one is free.
How about a few slight changes on the Rapids "Stampede" (?!?!?) where they ask fans to stomp their feet. Try getting the announcer to get a clue and only do this when the Rapids have the ball (i.e. *NOT* during a Burn corner kick). And how about renaming it the "Rapids Rumble" for every Rapids corner and set play. *sigh*
Lots of talk. We need action. Bottom line is that quite a few people are very well aware of the two sections that make noise, yet aren't willing to sacrifice their particular seats to join in the cheering. More still will forever complain about the lack of atmosphere but will never bother to do anything about it. This problem is not helped by the fact that we have two different groups in two different places. We don't need more gimmicks. What we need are passionate people to stand up and do something.
I can guarantee you that the more people in the stands making noise, chanting, banging drums, etc. will DIRECTLY RESULT in the amount of artifically-inspired gimmicks the Rapids currently employ. Basically, more fans creating atmosphere=less things like PB&J time.
Just to clarify something with Greenie's points, I have stellar seats, however, when myself and others went to purchase our seats, we asked to be in the River Ratz section, the Ratz turned around and moved, an no doubt all the confusion was caused by moving into a new facility. I would have no problem giving up my seat to be where the action is in the stands... HOWEVER, he's absolutely correct about there being split factions. These areas need to be consolidated, and maybe even moved to a better location in the stadium. I mean Jaysus, DC United, and I envy those peckers, have the prime spot for their supporters groups and they're right next to each other! How the F did they pull that off. It's time to do something that Colorado sports franchises haven't been able to do, not a one, and that's establish something with a little tradition. It's late in the season, but we need to think ahead for next year. I know I'm going to try and get some things set in motion, I'm really just sick and tired of the passive nature of the crowds, and the entire lack of enthusiam, even when the Rapids are playing some great soccer, there's no one singing their praises, I mean collectively, and it pains me to say it, we are a shite bunch of supporters, and I don't think we do enough with what we have. Yet it's really disheartening to come on the boards and listen to front office people tell us how great a job their doing, when I can see things in the stands with my own eyes. Not only that but have other supporters (?) jump in and voice their satisfaction with the continual bending over backwards to fans(?) that could care less. No one but ourselves are giving us incentive to support the Rapids. I think that's sad. Yet, it's good to see a lot of people jumping in with good suggestions, with at least some thought behind them. I'm currently working on a plan...
I'm going to throw this out here: How about for next year, the two groups that currently exist be in adjacent sections? As repetitive as it may sound, getting the people/sections that are known to be noisier congregated more closely has got to help. Should this be able to get done, I'd go to any location in the stadium to be a part of it.
Nothing's stopping anyone from sitting/standing with either group in 126 and 129. You don't need your tickets purchased there to take part. Publicity of this nature would be the one thing I really wish we'd see from the Rapids -- this should be announced at least twice in each half, if the team is indeed interested in seeing the participation in these sections grow. The front office would also be more than happy to move your tickets officially, either for a single game or the rest of the season, if that was so desired. As for the Screaming Eagles and Barra Brava in DC, it's nothign more than a large group of fans that were willing to pay top dollar for the best season tickets in the house. That's how it's been since 1996. Right now, most fans that are interested in standing up and displaying their support throughout a match are those that would prefer the cheapest seats in the house. As for the Ratz and Mile High folks being in adjacent sections, it's not like there's not enough room for both of them in the same section. The only question is where. The Ratz in 129 offer a spot close to the field and the player tunnel. Great for being on top of the players but bad for actually being able to see the whole field. The Mile High Club in 126 is entirely the opposite -- great sight lines but you're separated from the field. While someday it would be nice that we could have an entire section, top to bottom, in the meantime the only way things are going to improve is if fans are willing to make a sacrifice -- and I'm not talking about the Ratz or MHC folk. With two locations to work with, there is really no reason at all that someone can't get up from their seats and come join either group in cheering on the Rapids.
That's a joke, Greenie, concessions need to be made BY ALL FANS. And gee, doesn't that sound like "Support" "a large group of fans willing to pay for the best spot in the house"? sounds like grudges and ridiculous notions of "good seats" are what's keeping fans from consolidating and massing a solid section of support. I believe we're talking 2 dollars a game for an entire upgrade in section. That would cut into the fixed-income River Ratz, and into the beer money of the Mile High Club. I don't know who the genius is that decided to take the top half of a section for a standing and cheering section? Let's take loud voices and move them to the back, I don't know why I'm complaining about these folks though, it's like they're not even there anyway. And yeah, I'd like the Rapids to announce these sections more, but only if it wasn't so HALF-ASSED. There needs to be a whole-sale change of some sort. And suggesting that someone move isn't a good suggestion, because I can't tell you how many times I've been bugged by security just to enter my section. Kids under 12 seem to be able to roam free, but paying adults are just too suspicious. Change is needed... the stagnation is totally reflected by the crowds.
well whatever you come up with Fashion i'll back you up. i'm not in any group, nor do i care where i sit as long as it's front row (so i can hang my flags over the railing). but like i said, i'm not in any group so i have no suggestions for that really, and i feel i have no right to tell either group where to sit. i'm gonna try and get more people to come with me to games, and maybe i'll make a new banner advertising fans to sit in the east end, anywhere on the East End where we are.
And you don't think that a large number of Ratz and MHC folk aren't already making concessions? Furthermore, there are a lot of people invovled with both groups that have made significant effort, both in time and money, to try and establish a better atmosphere at games. Tell me, what kind of concession are you willing to make? Sounds like you don't agree with what anyone else does, and choose to piss on it instead of working to improve it. My point about the Eagles being "nothing more" than a group paying top dollar was simply that -- that the team wasn't making concessions for them, and their members weren't doing likewise. I wasn't being critical of them at all -- I'm entirely jealous of the fact that in DC, a large enough fan base exists that people do exactly that in a large number. Simple fact is Colorado doesn't have as many fans willing to do that.. In fact, no other MLS city does. Notice that even Barn Burners have put themselves in the corners and in the ends. Did you ever think to consider that the Ratz and MHC exist in their current sections because those are the only places the Rapids agreed to put them?
First off, MHC is hardly in the back. The section starts a whopping 25 rows off the field. Look at most stadiums abroad, either in Europe or South America, it's pretty clear to see that the vast majority of the loudest supporters are located in the exact same , generally behind the goal. Perhaps you haven't noticed the rows of empty seats at the bottom of the most passionate groups of fans, down on the field level? When they are occupied it's mostly by kids. The loudest and rowdiest are halfway up in the stands, and farther back. The MHC is in the back of 126 so that they can still get sitelines of the field while in a section that the Rapids allowed. The team was not going to allow us to occupy the front of any sideline sections; they told us plain and simple that they'd have too many complaints.
those fans don't exist YET. they will though mate, they will. lets all just calm down though, the last thing we need is to fight. that doesn't get us anywhere, and we end up looking like shmucks to everyone in the MLS.
I'm willing to move my seats, in fact I'm already preparing for next year... I've already invested large amounts of money and effort... The example about seating in Europe & S. America is off base, those seating and supporter breakdowns have more to do with socio-economic status among supporters (Apples and Oranges)... And YES, I am pissing on it, cause it's a joke! Also I think you're completely wrong about the number or ardent fans! The problem is that they're all spread out. The Rapids office doesn't try and put these supporters in proper sections, nor do they try to identify these fans in anyway. Also SHAME on the Rapids for telling you that you would not be able to occupy the front of a section, they can't fill a section up to begin with. like those people behind couldn't slide over one or be place anywhere else. JodenRapidsFan, I'm already on the East side makin' as much noise as I can... However, we already look like the schmucks of the league, so we might as well fight to see if we can get something positive out of it.
i never said you weren't on the East End. and yes, we do look like shmucks, but all i was saying is that fighting amonst each other isn't going to help much (fighting with other fans is a completely different story haha). the Rapids can't tell anyone where to sit and where not to sit. and complaints from who? i'd like to see these people lol. but i thought that the MHC wanted to sit up there in the first place, they said the view was better, or something like that, and that they didn't want to be apart of the Ratz anymore.
I agree that the hardcore need to consolidate into one section or adjacent sections next year; the Barnburners and the Ultras never had any problems maintaining seperate identities even though they sat in the same section, so I don´t think that this could be called a valid concern by members of either the Ratz or MHC... This is just silly. Why do you need the front office´s help anyway? Is it really that inconvenient for someone to walk for an extra five minutes to get into 126 or 129? My season tickets aren´t in 126 yet I sit there for every game and have never been questioned about them. If you´re really that much of a supporter you can walk over and cheer with those who HAVE made an effort to get sections set up for this.
I do get asked almost every match for my ticket. Even thirty minutes before the match starts if you cut a corner to avoid the tunnel you are asked to walk around. Yeah like I got some agenda to carry out. But during the Dallas match a couple of the field security guys were cool. But I sure did have to do some fast talking. Go into a section on the west side and see how many times you get asked for your ticket. Awwwww I just don't give a crap anymore, I'm gonna make more freaking noise.