
Discussion in 'Player' started by Irnbru, Nov 6, 2004.

  1. Irnbru

    Irnbru New Member

    Aug 5, 2004
    Hey guys, my high school team just started practicing this week, and we have a really strong team. (As in, no sophmores made varsity, and one person on varsity is an u-19 U.S. international). And ive noticed that for some reason when im on the ball i have little to no confidence. My passing is good, my touch is the same as always, i get my foot in for lots of tackles, but i always feel scared to be taking people on, even in practice. Its just a practice session, and i get nervous before it has even started. If anyone has ever had something like this happen to them and fixed it, let me know how you did because its pissing me off.
  2. metropolis2k

    metropolis2k New Member

    Sep 7, 2004
    This sounds exactly like the trouble I had last season. It was my first season at University and I got straight into the first team, but deep down I thought I wasn't good enough and it was reflected in my play. I just got nervous, could never keep the ball or make an easy pass and I really let myself and the team down.

    This summer I had a great pre-season and although I had a major setback with injury, I am playing the best football I have ever played at the moment. I am playing like I have always wanted to play.

    All I can suggest is play as much as you can with friends in a 'no pressure' atmosphere. Get comfortable on the ball, get comfortable with making simple passes then moving into space and creating things in the park. This will boost your confidence and just try and play the same game in training sessions that you are taking part in now. Make the easy passes, work on the simple aspects of the game and prove that you can do it all with a cool head.

    I don't know if any of that makes sense to you, but it's only something I worked out by solving the problems myself so it may take some time for you. Also, I'm a central midfielder, so the part about simple passes, making space and creating things might only apply to this position.

    I also found watching as much football as possible and analysing what people in your position do is a great help. You can see where you should be going, what is a good thing and what is bad etc.
  3. twenty

    twenty New Member

    Sep 28, 2004
    I used to have that sort of feeling when I was younger. In fact I'm sure most have.

    I find it helps to focus less on yourself as an individual. Now I know that sounds like something you'd only tell a selfish player, but it is also important for a player who is lacking confidence. Sometimes you concentrate so much on yourself that you end up playing tentatively, overpassing, overthinking.

    You've got to think of yourself as just a cog in the machine. That way, you relax and you don't put so much pressure on yourself. It's like dispersing all the pressure you were putting on yourself onto 10 other guys. You won't overanalyze everything you do and your play will be more natural and less cognitive. Just focus on winning and nothing else. You'll feel more a part of the team and doubt your individual abilities less.

    It's hard to explain, but it's a certain state of mind. I used to be really tentative and worry too much about my play when I was in HS and I think it really held me back. But sometime during my first year of college, a light bulb lit and it was like I finally got it. Ever since then I've approached the game with a totally different attitude and have found it much more enjoyable as a result.

    Anyway, I hope this advice helps. I know it's all over the place, but that's the best I can do. :)
  4. Irnbru

    Irnbru New Member

    Aug 5, 2004
    I got straight into the first team, but deep down I thought I wasn't good enough and it was reflected in my play.

    Wow, thats exactly the same as me
    OUr school has frosh soph team and varsity and last year i was one of 3 starting freshmen, but my confidence was still low. When i hear commentators talking about how wayne rooney plays like hes in the playground, i always think, wow i wish i was like that. I usually play anywhere in the defense or in a defensive midfield role if it helps for peopel to give me answers. I definitely have the problem of overthinking and trying to do to much.. haha. thanks
  5. metropolis2k

    metropolis2k New Member

    Sep 7, 2004
    Damn we sound exactly the same.

    I think the football system is arranged differently here at University but there are a number of teams all managed and run by students. I was only one of two 'freshers' (ie. first year students) to get into the first team.

    In your position I would just make sure I don't get phased by any player you come against. Get it into your head that you can take the ball of them and you can turn their attack into an attack for you. Work with the players behind you and the players alongside you.

    I know what you mean about Wayne Rooney and I think you've mentioned the one reason why he gets on so well at the levels he plays at - it's like he's still playing at school. He enjoys his football and does not let anything get in the way of him enjoying his game.

    I would suggest you watch Steven Gerrard and take some inspiration from that! He is a player I really admire and he is still young.
  6. Irnbru

    Irnbru New Member

    Aug 5, 2004
    yeah gerrard is the sh1t, too bad hes been injured lately
  7. CoachCoach

    CoachCoach New Member

    Jul 18, 2004
    Seeing as you are a defensive-mid player, I would say, as a coach that if you play solid defense and give a full effort, I'd be happy. I wouldn't be so worried about (offensive output) your passing and ball skills for now. Keep practicing those and you will become more comfortable with the faster play you've probably been experiencing.

    Bottom line: If you can shut down the opponent's attacking center-mid, then you've just become equal to your opponents best player. Plus, you've put a huge monkey wrench in the other teams system.

    Good luck.

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