Cleats Testers?

Discussion in 'Soccer Boots' started by StandUpSpeakUp21, Jul 16, 2005.

  1. StandUpSpeakUp21

    StandUpSpeakUp21 New Member

    Jun 28, 2005
    Ive read a couple times on this site on how people test new cleats for companies and i just wanted to know how you guys do this?

    do you sign up for it?
    do you pay?
    can anybody do it?
  2. Juventus_Supporter

    May 29, 2005
    Nat'l Team:
    I'd like to know aswell, and does it metter what country you live in??
  3. redalert101

    redalert101 New Member

    Jan 14, 2004
    Streets of Florida
    go to theres an application on there somewhere
  4. squelid

    squelid New Member

    Mar 14, 2004
    Say you test boots for Nike, do you get to keep them?
  5. DaRonaldinhoFan15

    DaRonaldinhoFan15 New Member

    Jul 2, 2005
    Lisle, Il
    I can't find it.
  6. nvan_football

    nvan_football New Member

    Nov 1, 2004
  7. DaRonaldinhoFan15

    DaRonaldinhoFan15 New Member

    Jul 2, 2005
    Lisle, Il
  8. Juventus_Supporter

    May 29, 2005
    Nat'l Team:
    LOL whats nike gonna do with used boots??
  9. nvan_football

    nvan_football New Member

    Nov 1, 2004
    It's obvious! They will look how durable a boot is and what places need improvement.

    I wonder, do you get paid for this or you're supposed to stay happy by just wearing a shoe that will come out in several months or longer?
  10. Juventus_Supporter

    May 29, 2005
    Nat'l Team:
    well boviouslly, i meant after the testing is done it'd be a shame to just throw them away!
  11. Skizz

    Skizz Guest

    It's more than likely they will take the boots back, look at where more wear has occured on them and develop them further so that they wear evenly. They will probably take into account your opinion of the comfort, durability etc. My cousin tested the Legends a year or so ago. Wore a blacked out pair in a couple of European games I think.

    Either way it's a process of improving the boot. Nike hardly came out with the Vapors after trying them once, did they?

    bigg skizzle
  12. Legend_7

    Legend_7 New Member

    May 23, 2004
    do you have to live in the USA or can you live anywhere?
  13. DaRonaldinhoFan15

    DaRonaldinhoFan15 New Member

    Jul 2, 2005
    Lisle, Il
    You dont get paid
  14. DaRonaldinhoFan15

    DaRonaldinhoFan15 New Member

    Jul 2, 2005
    Lisle, Il
    Not only do they look at how durable the boots are, but NIKE doesnt want people signing up just so they can get free shoes.
  15. StandUpSpeakUp21

    StandUpSpeakUp21 New Member

    Jun 28, 2005
    if you send in an application are you automatcally a tester?
  16. ADIKeeper

    ADIKeeper New Member

    Aug 20, 2003
    No. Far from it.
  17. squelid

    squelid New Member

    Mar 14, 2004
    Yeah it takes about 12-16 weeks for your appliance to get confirmed or even looked at by Nike. What's more, the work and testing you actually have to do is incredible and most probably a lot lot more than all of you think- it really isn't just an easy way to get "free boots". You have to spend about 1.5months writing daily reports on the boot you are supplied with, both positive and negative, opinions, types of surfaces you have tried, and everyything. If you apply for boot/cleat testing you have to ultimately be prepared for devoting yourself and your life temporarily to the testing and writing. Its like a massive project you have to carry out. Sure, its great at the end cos u get a pair of Nike boots, perhaps the latest vapors, but if you consider the amount of effort and work you have to put into it, its really like a full-time job you take on. If you miss out part of the project, then Nike don't think twice about removing you- they have thousands of testers!!! Woah thas a lotta writing, i must stop, just thought I'd let you all know. If anyone ends up being a certified tester lemme know though!
  18. nvan_football

    nvan_football New Member

    Nov 1, 2004
    Hey, squelid, if you know so much about it, 1 question: do I have any chances to qualify if I live in Vancouver just several miles from US? Although I didn't find any direct evidence that only US residents are elligable to test cleats, I kind of suspect this, though :( .
  19. BillP

    BillP Member

    Jan 20, 1999
    Nike messed up on the first vapors, b/c everyone i know who had them sent them back b/c the sole ripped off...
  20. ADIKeeper

    ADIKeeper New Member

    Aug 20, 2003
    They'd expressed intrest in my application and I live in Hawaii. So...
  21. Sain1

    Sain1 New Member

    Dec 7, 2003
    Well I just mailed of my application. Do they just give you a call? Or email you to notify you if you have been approved or If you have been declined?
  22. redalert101

    redalert101 New Member

    Jan 14, 2004
    Streets of Florida
    the hardest part about the logs is finding out the average weekly temperature. i play everyday so thats not any different from what they want me to do and if u pay attention to how ur cleats fell when u play it only takes about five minutes to write the log. by the way sain they didnt notify me at all. it was kind of funny actually. i was at my cousins house one day after i just got back from the park and my mom calls me up all pissed off cause she thought i ordered new cleats with her credit card and i didnt tell her but when i got home she gave them to me and i saw the lettera long with the log i have to write my reports on.
  23. ADIKeeper

    ADIKeeper New Member

    Aug 20, 2003
    There are quite a few more testers out there. So, anyone has a chance, really.

    RedAlert: were your boots blacked out? Can they be distinguished as a Nike product in any way?
  24. goalhappy27

    goalhappy27 New Member

    Jul 16, 2004
    Oregon USA
    My old spring soccer coach test cleats for nike..he was testing the Air legends 2 years ago i remember, we all thought they were base ball cleats.
  25. redalert101

    redalert101 New Member

    Jan 14, 2004
    Streets of Florida
    i dont think im supposed to tell

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