Ciao Chivas

Discussion in 'Archives: CD Chivas USA' started by thefishy, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. SoccerPrime

    SoccerPrime Moderator
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  2. henryo

    henryo Member+

    Jun 26, 2007
    Just curious, are there such existing arrangements for the long defunct Tanpa Bay Mutiny and Miami Fusion? ;)
  3. SoccerPrime

    SoccerPrime Moderator
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    Dark days for MLS & BigSoccer
    henryo repped this.
  4. henryo

    henryo Member+

    Jun 26, 2007
    It could well become a place for folks to share / trade those collectors' items of the goats. :p
  5. henryo

    henryo Member+

    Jun 26, 2007
  6. SoccerPrime

    SoccerPrime Moderator
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    henryo repped this.
  7. glyconerd

    glyconerd Member

    Apr 8, 2007
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    CD Chivas USA
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    We had everyone rooting against us. The few times we proved them wrong made it all worth it.
  8. SoccerPrime

    SoccerPrime Moderator
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    You realize it had everything to do with the management and ownership and ZERO to do with the players or fans, right?
  9. glyconerd

    glyconerd Member

    Apr 8, 2007
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    Yes, the dissolvement of my team was a business decision at the end of the day.

    We've taken heavy amounts of abuse despite fans having NOTHING to do with the comments or actions of Vergara. There is a surplus of ignorant, and just blatant racist comments on big soccer (edited out throughout the years by people like me) directed towards Chivas USA fans. We've been vilified for continuing to support our club. Our contributions and commitment to MLS are dismissed because we're different. So, you can see how I might take it personally and take great enjoyment when we get a 1-0 win away from home.
  10. barroldinho

    barroldinho Member+

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    Just wanted to stop by and express my condolences to the Chivas USA Fans.

    There have been jokes and banter but I can't imagine actually losing a team you've become invested in.

    I wish they could have managed a reboot, rebranding or something.

    I'm also from England where rivalries and Derbies are not predicated on the quality of team. When I moved here, you guys were briefly the stronger team but by being in the same city and stadium I saw you as our rivals even when things weren't so good.

    Many won't agree, but I feel that LA Galaxy is losing something too. Some of those games against you were the best atmospheres we had. LAFC may take your spot but they won't replace you.

    I hope you guys get on board with one of us though. The league needs all the fans it can get and I hope too many if you aren't soured by this.

    Anyway, farewell Chivas USA. The history will never die.
  11. SoccerPrime

    SoccerPrime Moderator
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    I maybe incorrect but I think most Chivas USA fans prefer what's happened and are pleased to support the new LAFC. I just think they don't want a 2 year break.
    RevsLiverpool repped this.
  12. thefishy

    thefishy Member

    Feb 5, 2012
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    I am curious to see how many Chivas fans become LA2 fans. I'm really hoping they're not just named LAFC, especially with NYCFC joining next year, and hoping they pick a colour scheme that's not red-black because Atlanta will be red and black and joining the same year. Either way I'll root for them vs. Galaxy
  13. song219

    song219 BigSoccer Supporter

    Apr 5, 2004
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    I liked Chivas USA more because most fans of MLS team or even worse, MLS fans hated you. I only rooted against you when you played DC United.
    U.S Chiva and CTS26 repped this.
  14. henryo

    henryo Member+

    Jun 26, 2007
  15. song219

    song219 BigSoccer Supporter

    Apr 5, 2004
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    probably lost in the crash.
    henryo repped this.
  16. Gamecock14

    Gamecock14 Member+

    May 27, 2010
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    What the hell happened to Chivas til I die?

    The glory years need to be preserved.
  17. SoccerPrime

    SoccerPrime Moderator
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    Pretty sure they get an exception here. Chivas quit on them a long time ago.
  18. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
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    Regardless if it was official or not, I still don't understand why MLS included them as part of the new logo. Maybe it didn't take long to make and maybe there was no effort put into it but then why do it if you knew they were going to fold? It all makes no sense to me.

    henryo repped this.
  19. athletics68

    athletics68 Member+

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    Because they hadn't folded yet and it took nothing to include them in it since the new MLS logo is such a generic piece of shit.
  20. athletics68

    athletics68 Member+

    Dec 12, 2006
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    Chivas died, mission accomplished.
  21. kenntomasch

    kenntomasch Member+

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    I think we all are willing to stipulate that life in general makes no sense to you, but the simple fact is that Chivas wasn't officially terminated until the day after the last day of the season, regardless of them (obviously) knowing they were dead men walking. You just don't do that.

    You've answered your own question. It wasn't official. I'd say "How can you not understand that?" but it's obvious why you can't understand that.
  22. falvo

    falvo Member+

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    #72 falvo, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2014
    Maybe a some quality players will come out of this? I think Dan Kennedy would be a good one even though he is 32 but that isn't too old for a GK.
  23. CTS26

    CTS26 Member

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    And the trolls just keep coming, well you trolls got what you wanted.:mad:

    Damn shame really I have never seen a Team who hated as much as this team was, well in any case the only reason I watched MLS at all was because of this team and now that they are about to be gone I see no reason to watch MLS any further. If this Los Angeles FC catch my interest like Chivas USA did( I highly doubt it) then maybe I'll watch MLS maybe.:thumbsdown:
  24. UnionFreak1

    UnionFreak1 Member+

    Oct 14, 2009
    Tucson, Baja AZ
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    I couldn't find a gameday thread for the Chivas/Quakes match, so I figured that this was the best place to post this. And I'm a little late at posting it, but oh well, that's life.
    I usually do an away day review post whenever I travel for Union matches and FCT matches. Unfortunately, this season, I wasn't able to attend any Union matches. I could have made it to both LA matches, but I told myself after the Union's 1-5-5 start that I wouldn't attend/watch a match until after we fired Hack. He was the still the manager when they played both LA clubs. I attended 4 FCT away matches this season, but I posted those reviews on Facebook. I'll post them in the PDL thread during Thanksgiving Break.
    Anyways, here's my road trip review.
    I decided to attend Chivas LA's season finale when I read this article.
    Before 2012, I had always stereotyped Chivas LA as a club that was only supported by Mexicans. Essentially, the club for Mexicans living in Southern Cali. The Galaxy was a club for American soccer fans. It wasn't until April 21, 2012 (Philly Union win via Freddy Adu goal) that I realized that I was completely wrong. For two years, I had stereotyped the Chivas fanbase. But after tailgating with BA1850, talking with the Union Ultras for a bit, and attending the match, I witnessed that most of the fans were just your average sports fan. It was pretty much a Dodgers gameday crowd. Nothing predominantly Hispanic. I started to greatly appreciation the commitment of the Chivas LA fans. Even though there was a plastic team in the same building buying championships left and right, they stuck with Chivas. Hell, if they were located in Philly or Tucson, I would start supporting the team. But they played in LA, so that wasn't going to happen.
    Anyways, when the article came out, I figured I would pay my respect to the fans and the team by attending the match. Plus I wanted to witness history. The last time a team folded (not moved) in one of the big 5 sports in America was in 2001 with the Fusion and Mutiny. Before that, it was the Brooklyn Americans in 1942, the Dallas Texans in 1952, the Baltimore Bullets in 1954, and 3 teams in MLB at the same time in 1899. Originally, I was planning on driving up with two fellow Pricks, but they had to back out, since the Cardinals had a home game. Consequently, they were playing the EAGLES! But it was cheaper for me to go to the Chivas game 7 hours away, and that includes the gas, food, etc. So I stuck with the plan. Solo drive to LA.
    I didn't get any sleep the night before. I tried to, but I was too excited. It would be my third straight year of attending an official MLS match. While I had already attended 19 open and closed scrimmages during the preseason, nothing compares to going to an official match. This would also be my first ever time driving to the StubHub Center. Previously, I would just take Amtrak to LA, crash with a BA1850/AOLA member at his house, and he would drive to and from the match. It's usually the cheapest option for me. $78 roundtrip, plus food, drinks, etc. I got onto I-10 at around 4:00 AM, and it took me 5 hours to get to Palm Springs. Not bad. But once I arrived in Palm Springs, it was absolute hell trying to drive along the stretch where the windmills are located. The wind gusts were at about 50+ mph, and they were constant. Easily, the most difficult stretch of driving in my life. Granted, this is after I've been up for 20 hours straight as well. I felt like pulling over at a couple of points. After driving through the hellish wind for about 15 miles, it finally subsided, and returned to normal wind conditions. By that point, it was time exit onto the Cali60. How the hell is that road considered a highway? Going down some form of mountain at like 70 miles+. Crazy stuff Cali. Once I got onto the Cali91, it was smooth sailing. Everyone's doing 85. I put KDAY on the radio. The life. But once I started approaching the Home Depot Center, I realized that there was zero signage acknowledging the existence of a soccer stadium. There was zero signs on Cali91 saying "Home Depot Center Exit ##". Why? I have to believe that a shit load of out of town soccer fans drive past the exits without realizing it. I hope AEG puts some of the $15 million into highway signs. The only reason I exited at the correct exit was due to the Quakes troll billboard that said "You are ### Miles away from Soccer City USA". So thank you Quakes!
    Once I arrived at the Home Depot Center parking lots, I was shocked that they were charging for parking. It's Chivas. And it was $15! What a ripoff. I understand $5 or $10, but $15! This is soccer, not the Dodgers. So I parked, and started tailgating with BA1850. I'm happy to note that the beer of choice was PBR. :thumbsup: After chatting with them for over an hour and having a beer, I figured I walk around and checkout the booths setup by Chivas and their sponsors. They were giving away free Adidas Chivas LA t-shirts, and StateFarm was giving away "funeral" towels.
    Picked up a few of them. Chivas also had a booth setup where they were selling play issued gear for extremely cheap. For $40, you could get a brand new, authentic, signed, Dan Kennedy keeper jersey. $40! Most teams don't even sell keeper jerseys. What a steal. They also had brand new player issued signed jerseys for just $60! More deals! After putting all of the free gear in my car, I walked over to the team store to see if they had any deals on Chivas gear. They did, but it was only 75%. And the team store had already raised the prices of all the gear. So a standard authentic Galaxy/Chivas jersey was $155! $40 more than what MLS charges on it's site. So with the 75% off discount, it was still $40 for a jersey. It was still cheaper to buy a signed jersey from the temporary booth. After looking at the limited Chivas gear, I looked at the full range of Galaxy gear. And once again, everything a ripoff. Even the gear that only had three stars above the badge was still full price. WTF? Craziest priced item was a Galaxy full zip sweater, no hoody. Price? $190. Galaxy fans are getting screwed. After the store, I walked back to the BA1850 tailgate, and I couldn't believe how many people were outside the stadium. It looked like Chivas gave away tickets to every youth soccer organization in LA. I thought the crowd would be over 7k. It was that packed. Unfortunately, I was wrong. During the entire tailgate, I noticed how somber the emotion was. Everyone knew this would be the last ever Chivas LA match. Imagine investing and spending thousands of dollars in a team that you love and support. From the tickets, to the gear, to traveling. And then one day, you learn the team is folding. Must be a shitty feeling. So after more chatting, it was already game time.
    Marched into the stadium, and sat behind BA1850. It's funny how crazy the acoustics are at the Home Depot Center. Even though 40+ 1906Ultras traveled to the match, and were sitting at the other corner of the stadium, you couldn't hear them for shit. So that's when I decided to walk around the stadium. At the 20th minute mark, I started walking around the concourse, walking towards the grass end. The closer I got, the better I could hear the Ultras. The 1906Ultras chants sounded loud from behind the goal, but I could also clearly hear the BA1850 and Union Ultras chants. Crazy acoustics. When I started rounding the grass end, a Faultline member stopped me. "Are you a member of Bearfight" or something like that (I was wearing a Union jersey). From there, we talked until the 50th minute of the match. We talked about the Ultras, Tucson, SJ, Philly, and Chivas. Quality chat. If you're on BS, sorry I can't remember your name. During the chat, at halftime, we checked out the concessions, and they were a joke. They only had two concession stands opened up in the entire stadium. On top of that, the amount of items they had for sale was extremely limited. All they had for sales was nachos, pretzels, water, soda, and 2 types of beer. That was it. Definitely scaled back for the Chivas matches. For the final 40 minutes, I sat with BA1850 and enjoyed the atmosphere. I wish Chivas would have scored in the supporters end and celebrated with the supporters. That would have made the match perfect. During the second half, the Union Ultras lit two smoke bombs. It was the funniest scene watching the AEG security try to find the first smoke bomb. After three minutes of searching, they gave up, and went back to the normal duties. 30 seconds later, they lit another one! Truly hysterical shit.
    So the match ended, and all of the Chivas players stayed out for an additional 30 minutes to sign autographs and take pics. During that time, I went out to the parking lot to trade my Pricks scarf with the Faultline member that I chatted with for almost an hour for his Faultline scarf. An hour after the match, Chivas hosted a bbq with the Union Ultras and BA1850, and the players were at the BBQ as well. But I had already said my goodbyes to BA1850, and was back on the 91 by 5:00 PM. The first hour of driving was horrific. I had been up for over 28 hours. I was tired as hell. Once I got to the Morongo Casino, I pulled into the parking garage, and slept for an hour and a half. Once I woke up, I finished my drive to Tucson, pulling into my driveway at 2:00 AM.
    All in all, it was a great experience. BA1850 and the Union Ultras are quality hosts, and top quality supporters. I can't wait till the Chivas supporters support a team that plays in a stadium that's next to public transportation. Imagine having to pay $0 for parking! Imagine not having to worry about traffic when a match ends! That will be the life.
    Sidenote: An ACB member tailgated and sat with BA1850 during the entire match. He didn't want to see his rival fold. He wanted them to thrive and compete against the Galaxy. I thought that was pretty dope.


    SideSideNote: I hope that during the two year break, the Chivas LA supporters start supporting the LA Misioneros. They play in Central LA, only 5 miles away from the Coliseum. Plus, they're a quality soccer team. They made it to the playoffs this season, losing to FCT in the first round.
  25. ceezmad

    ceezmad Member+

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    henryo repped this.

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