Christian Bale is Batman [R]

Discussion in 'Movies, TV and Music' started by TheSlipperyOne, Sep 11, 2003.

  1. Wile Coyote

    Wile Coyote Red Card

    Sep 21, 2000
    Punta del Este, Uru.
    Club Nacional de Football
    This movie is what batman is all about finally Warner Brothers got it right..
    I love this flick I am really happy with it and think that solid writting is the key and directors that are fans of the character I hope that the days of tim burton and joel whatever his name was and 20 big stars in one picture are gone....

    I realy thoght this movie was about batman vs Scarecrow and that Ra was going to play a minor role.. boy was i fooled....

    good flick Loved it...

    Hope Super Man returns is solid as well.. it will not be an origin story so i'm hoping for the best! this flic picks up after super man 2 3and 4 never happened.....
  2. TopDogg

    TopDogg Member

    Jan 31, 2000
    Toronto FC
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    Have to agree with most here, this was by far the best Batman film, and probably the best superhero flick, ever made.

    Does anyone else think that the little boy who kept showing up (the one who 'believed' in Batman when his friends didn't, and the one saved by Holmes' character when the poison was released) will end up being Richard Grayson (aka Robin) in a future film (probably the third of this series)? He's about the right age .

    Any bets on the next villain? They teased Joker, but you never know.
  3. Mel Brennan


    Paris Saint Germain
    United States
    Apr 8, 2002
    Paris Saint Germain FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Nah, the Joe Chill origin is pretty much the origin; the Burton film was the film that took the liberties from the comic canon, this film was much closer to that canon.

    It'll be interesting how close to the canon they remain in the next two films, or if they pull a Peter Jackson and offer the film closest to the canon first, then do a Gotham equivalent of a "Wargs and off the cliff, now a horse is licking my lips" sequence, just b/c they can.

    The Ra's storyline left out Talia, his daughter, which was the part of the original reason Ra's sought out amrry her and inherit his legacy...maybe Talia will return if Ra's returns...who knows.

    The choppy editing is so that the film can get the 12A/PG-13 rating...alot of "action," but if you/when you get the film on DVD, you'll notice that you can't really see anything...that's to get past the ratings boards and include the youth demo, but it makes for crap fighting scenes...especially in an era where tech and moviemaking CAN be at such a high level...
  4. Goodsport

    Goodsport Moderator
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    May 18, 1999
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    I just came back from watching the film. It was awesome! :D

    Director Chris Nolan gave the film a more "realistic" touch, contrasting a bit with Tim Burton's "stylized" touch, both of which worked very well. In any case, both were far superior to Joel Schumaker's "campy" touch.

  5. jec1

    jec1 Member

    Sporting Clube de Portugal
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    glad you like it. batman is going to be this years summer blockbuster no doubt. peace and one love!
  6. otterulz

    otterulz Member

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    Just got back from watching it as well. Awesome movie. It didn't even have to be Bat-Man as the main character and it still would've been good. I love how they got so much into his origin and how he became Bat-Man, and the plot was great as well. And I remember how stupid I thought the new Bat-Mobile was when I first saw the pic but it was great. First movie I've seen in the theater for a long time but it was well worth my $9.25.
  7. Dolemite

    Dolemite Member+

    Apr 2, 2001
    East Bay, Ca
    awesome comic book movie. maybe my favorite.
  8. emp2b3

    emp2b3 Member

    Apr 24, 2001
    Los Angeles, CA
    Thought it was good as well and want to go back to see the first Batman that came out to see how it holds up. Still think the X-Men movies have been the best adaptations so far.
  9. Soccer Ross

    Soccer Ross New Member

    Jun 20, 2005
    Great Britain
    Christian Bale is Batman.

    Hes really is, all previous films have no relevance.

    Saw Batman Begins on sunday and was blown away by its greatness. The film is about as perfect a comic book converstion as we'll ever see on the big screen and it rivals ever the X2 masterpiece.

    The entire cast were top class and David Goyer hit a homer with the script.

    It seems the key to making a great fantasy film is to keep it based in reality as much as possible. In Batman Begins everything has a place and purpose, even the gadgets and weapons get back stories - theyre not just props.

    At the end I was begining to feel it had gone on long enough and should wrap up. Then they show the joker card and Im ready to sit through another two hours.

    A ***** classic that puts every other film this year to the sword.
  10. YanksFC

    YanksFC Member

    Feb 3, 2000
    Liverpool FC
    Simply stated, that was a fantastic film.
  11. Stogey23

    Stogey23 Member+

    Dec 12, 1998
    San Diego, CA
    Saw ir last night...yes it was!
  12. TheSlipperyOne

    TheSlipperyOne Member+

    Feb 29, 2000
    Arsenal FC
    As stated previously Joe Chill is the guy who killed the Waynes and not the Joker like TB put in his film.

    Henri Ducard who Liam Neeson was playing at the beginning of the movie is the guy who trained Bruce Wayne in the comics. He was not a prop that was really Ra's like in the movie.

    In the comics Batman saved Ra's daughter, Talia, who fell in love with him so whenever Ra's was going to defeat Batman he never killed him because of her.
  13. bigp

    bigp New Member

    Mar 8, 2004
    I was disappointed that Carmine Falcone turned crazy in this film. I was hoping they would do a Long Halloween type story in a future Batman film. And I guess there won't be Talia in the near future which would have made the Ra's and Batman relationship even more interesting.

    All in all this movie was pretty damn good. I liked how they made the theme of fear an important one. I hope the next film they can show Batman's detective skills.
  14. amerifolklegend

    amerifolklegend New Member

    Jul 21, 1999
    Oakley, America
    Saw it last night.

    It was pretty good. Not horrible. Definately the best one I've seen - of course, I'm not stupid enough to ever see that Mr. Freeze one.

    Anyway, I do have a question about the film?


    Sweet god, that man has never, ever shown even the slightest bit of acting talent. And with each passing day comes a new miracle: The fact that he's still employed. What is wrong with people that they think he can act?
  15. DirtWorshipper

    DirtWorshipper New Member

    Jun 22, 2005
    Best film I've seen in the last 3-4 years. Bale is awesome.
  16. Kenobi

    Kenobi Member

    Jul 11, 1999
    DC United
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    My thoughts exactly. Casting him as a villain on Smallville is one thing, but in a major summer blockbuster? Who does he have compromising photos of?

    Aside from that, this was my favorite Batman movie. I'll take my Batman dark, violent and tortured over campy and spewing one-liners anyday.
  17. Foosinho

    Foosinho New Member

    Jan 11, 1999
    New Albany, OH
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    I liked the Michael Keaton "Batman"... until I saw this film. This made me think the first one was too campy. Totally awesome - Christian Bale is Batman. Menacing. Loved it loved it loved it.

    I hope we get to see an adaptation of Frank Miller's "Dark Knight" version of Batman before the franchise dies.
  18. X X I

    X X I Red Card

    Apr 9, 2004
    Well said.
  19. churchill2000

    churchill2000 3x MLS Cup Champions

    Jul 12, 2004
    Monde Virtuel
    Los Angeles Galaxy

    Agreed, I have always been a fan of Batman, and this movie finally brought him to the big screen.

    On the flipside, this movie has broken past Batman films records, and is on pace to continue.
    Looks like a sequel will be made, Nolan said that he would consider doing another based on how the first was percieved by the fans/critics.

    Is it too early to start wondering who will play the Joker?
    Did I give something away already . . .
  20. Mel Brennan


    Paris Saint Germain
    United States
    Apr 8, 2002
    Paris Saint Germain FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    That's my hope as well; really, I hope that they knock it out of the box with trilogies of Supes and Bats, do one World's Finest film, to have the two actively contrast each other on-screen, and then conclude at least the Batman work with Miller's "Dark Knight Returns."

    Or something along those lines; these guys have earned my trust with regard to the franchise with this film.
  21. Chicago1871

    Chicago1871 Member

    Apr 21, 2001
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Just saw it, quite impressed. Overall I thought it to be a very entertaining film. I agree with an earlier assessment tha the fight scenes were cut a bit fast. I thought the 'Bruce Wayne as a playboy' scene at the restaurant seemed to be an afterthought, and while a certain line came back, it really didn't fit right.

    With regards to Ra's al Ghul: I, despite being a Batman fan on many levels, was a bit confused. Henri Ducard was not portrayed how I would have thought, but Liam Neeson's facial hair gave away how things really worked. I don't think that people who aren't very familiar with the Ra's character will have understood how things worked (imortality of sorts and the actual switchover). Even I had to think about what was just said to "fact-check" in my head. I think fans of the comic see an opening for Ra's to return maybe along with Talia in future films (is Batman the next cinematic Bond series?), but I'd be surprised if it's actually used.
  22. condor11

    condor11 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 2, 2002
    New Zealand
    i had an argument with some of my mates, they seem to think liam neeson was not Ra's al Ghul

    now doubt has crept in, he is Ras right?

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