Hi there everybody,im a soccer fan from england and support a team called worksop town who play in the semi-pro league .We have a center forward who plays for us called Chris Cleary,who is american from boston.One of the most highly prized comps in england is called the FA cup and has been running for over 125 years .This year in fact only last week Chris Cleary scored a hat trick (3 goals) in our FA cup match ,the first ever american to acheive this in the history of the competition.The full story can be read on the website www.thefa.com ,on this site please vote for him as man of the round and ask all your friends to do the same ,please help us he will win 1500 dollars of sporting equipment ,which he intends to donate the children of a local school who have just had a serious fire .Thank you again please vote it ends mon 25/10/04 REGARDS PETE MARSH