Choi Yong-Su, Yoon Jung Whan, and Ko Jung-Su is 10000x better than anyone in the chiense NT. They just got injured at the early stage in the world cup. IF they had played for Korea would have won the world cup no problem. IF they hadn't got injured, they would have proved to be better than anyone on the field... I mean but the showing in the world cup doesn't matter!! After all, starting couple games in the EPL is better than playing for 7 games (including the semi finals) in the world cup without getting subbed right? They all had good couple games in their domestic leagues after all. Having played in the couple games make them the best asian player out there!! (by the way this is a trollinng reacting to the other post)
you got it all wrong. Playing 2 games in the EPL is the greatest feat of all Asian players. Sorry man. Thats life. No Korean would ever rival that feat. EVER.
I don't think this is trolling at all. Face it, Chinese folks, deep down in your heart you know this it the truth. Yes, it may sound mean, but it's true.
It's only a couple of EPL games because there's only been two played so far this season. It will be 3 in a couple of hours. BTW i love reading troll it cracks me up so bad, but you take it so seroiusly. C'mon man a friggin trolling thread to reply to another thread in which i just STATED MY OPINION. Man this is a cool forum
i just stated my opinio based on your logic too. another statement based on your logic. Cha doo-ri also better than any player in Chinese NT. He simply hasn't played in any games yet because he didn't have the time. BTW i love it when trolls don't realize that they are trolls. If you want to be as good a troll as me, you gotta realize that you yourself is a troll first. then, you will realize that you are really realy stupid troll because you were serious when you started the other thread. was i serious when i started this thread?
nah~~~~~~ wait up a sec. I think Jiang A (was that what it was called?) is suppose to have more reputation than champions league.
Um, win the world cup, that is never a guaranteed thing........ Sure Korea beat Brazil 1-0 a few years ago, but I still think Brazil would have come out as champs. I don't mean this as a anti-Korean thing, the truth is that I am half-Japanese, yet I own a Korean National Team Uniform......... shhhhhh don't tell anyone that I cheer for Korea.........ha ha ha. Anyway hope to see Korea vs Japan in the finals of Asia Cup in 2 years!
It's Jia A you dumbass. And yes it is better than the champions league. We go to the EPL because we feel sorry for them because they havn't got enough good players. Go shenhua JIA A WINNERS '95
dang you're too nice. I mean, we felt sorry for the world cup that they haven't got any decent players there so we decided to send our team but... for EPL, you decided to send your player?? your countryman must be angels.
if you think this is a cool forum because we let you blurt out whatever you want, you better think twice. I'm seriously considering to close this thread. Don't make the mods here become strict on you guys. I'm talking to everybody here. Heated discussion? fine. But if trolling is what you want, then go to the rivalries board. Like you said, you should try the "Qu Bo is better than Landon Donovan" in the World Rivalries board. You'll get PLENTY of trollings over there if that's what you want.
Re: Re: Choi, Yoon, and Ko is better than anyone on the chinese NT Make that see you in the finals of Germany 2006 in four years!
I think everyone (includin myself) is trippin and sensitive because there was this Korea-Japan thing going on for no effing reason then one of our most classy Japanese posters has left us and then you come in with a dumb@ss argument. And're a troll and they belong in the rivalries forum.
well I understand feuds between Korea, Japan but China? lol well your time hasnt come yep all you chinese friend, not just yet.