Ref Attacked and Other News from South America [R] A referee was punched by a fan who ran onto the pitch during the match between Medellin and Atletico Junior. Play was then held up for nearly ten minutes as angry Medellin fans threw objects at police who arrested the supporter... SoccerNet
Interesting read on the South American Vinnie Jones..... Here's the link....
Thanks for the link, JR. There's no excuse but I can see why he thought the player was attacking him.
referees get treated like crap at every level of the game. personally i say he did right in kneeing the player. knee em all.
I saw the looks funny.... I have seen things like this before where the Ref gets pushed around....but he does not answers back...I guess they pushed around the wrong guy this time. I also saw an interview with the Ecuadorian Ref of the Italy vs Korea game in WC 2002. I kind of agree with the Ref....After I saw the replay of many plays.... He is thought to be the devil in Italy...saying that he "gave" the game to the Italians.... I liked what he had to say about that.... he said... "Christian Vieri....a player that is worth...MILLIONS....had a breakaway during the game...he was left alone against the Korean keeper...He missed the goal...Italy could have won the game with that goal...and NOTHING would of happened...the game and the world cup would of go on"