Hey sorry I don't belong in these parts but I'm looking for 1-3 experts on Chile's current football team AND that are active on BigSoccer. They need to be knowledgeable of the team, fair, and just. I'm doing a little bit of a project at the moment and would appreciate any help I could get. Thanks in advance!
Dunno if I'd consider myself and expert perse but I'd more than willing to help if it's something reasonable.
Well I'll let "reasonable" be open to your interpretation. I'm trying to put together some world rankings. The idea is to rate every team's player's 1-100 with an expert for every team to give a fair and just review of the their respective team. Obviously whoever shows up here would just cover Chile. Here's how I would compile the ratings. If the World Cup was in one month and every team had a month to prepare it's squad to play, who would be chosen, what would their ratings be, and how many minutes would they play on average? (This is who you would expect to see, not who you'd want to see.) For example, this is what USA's squad would look like, in my opinion: 81 - Howard (GK) 90 mins 73 - Cherundolo (RB) 70 mins 71.5 - Bocanegra (CB) 85 mins 69.5 - Goodson (CB) 70 mins 72.5 - Johnson (LB) 80 mins 74.5 - Bradley (CDM) 90 mins 76.5 - Jones (CDM) 80 mins 70 - Torres (CM) 60 mins 82 - Dempsey (LW) 90 mins 80.5 - Donovan (RW) 90 mins 74 - Altidore (ST) 75 mins 71.5 - Chandler (RB) 15 mins 70.5 - Lichaj (RB) 5 mins 69 - Parkhurst (CB/RB) 5 mins 68 - Onyewu (CB) 13 mins 69 - Cameron (CB) 7 mins 69.5 - Castillo (LB) 10 mins 69.5 - Edu (CM) 15 mins 70.5 - Beckerman (CM) 10 mins 68 - Boyd (ST) 3 mins 70 - Gomez (ST) 25 mins 68 - Wondolowski (ST) 2 mins I gave Howard a 81 rating and expect him to play 90 minutes, every minute, while Goodson is expected to play only 70 minutes as the CB spot is still pretty open for the US. Don't consider limited time as always getting subbed but simply an average over time. Maybe he sits a game here and there.. This is what I have for Chile's current squad, based off FIFA 12's ratings: 77 - C. Bravo (GK) 90 mins 72 - G. Jara (RB) 90 mins 74 - P. Contreras (RCB) 90 mins 77 - W. Ponce (LCB) 90 mins 79 - A. Vidal (LB) 90 mins 76 - G. Medel (CDM) 90 mins 77 - M. Isla (RM) 90 mins 75 - J. Beausejour (LM) 90 mins 79 - M. Fernández (CAM) 90 mins 81 - A. Sánchez (RS) 90 mins 78 - H. Suazo (LS) 90 mins So what needs to change? Are players ratings too high/low? Would you expect a sub to come in and, on average, how long would he play? You have to factor in long term injuries but current fitness issues you could likely ignore. For example, Stuart Holden will likely make the actual World Cup squad but for now I have to keep him off as he is recovering from a massive knee injury. This is a big work in progress but here is the "current" overall rankings. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AttujdNBdATWdHI3WVRSM2xDaWcycnZwbnFKTFRoS0E&output=html I realize this is a big overtaking and should be taken with a grain of salt AND that there's no "correct" answer but I thought it'd still be interesting to compile. If you have any questions let me know.
I did not know where to put this info but it looks like FIFA 14 will have the Chilean league. Just a bit of info for all of you Chilean Video gamers out there.
http://www.cooperativa.cl/noticias/...a-en-juegos-fifa-y-pes/2013-08-07/221014.html Miércoles 7 de agosto de 2013 Sergio Jadue destacó acuerdo comercial que tendrá a la liga chilena en juegos FIFA y PES El presidente de la ANFP, Sergio Jadue, destacó el acuerdo comercial que logró la institución para que la liga chilena esté incluida en las próximas ediciones de los juegos de fútbol más populares a nivel mundial, FIFA y Pro Evolution Soccer. "Era un anhelo que todos teníamos. No queríamos quedar impar, queríamos estar en lo dos -juegos-, por ello logramos un acuerdo comercial en Konami y en EA Sports para que podamos tener el campeonato nacional por primera vez en la historia", manifestó. Los juegos saldrán a la venta el 24 de septiembre y estarán disponibles para las consolas PS2, Xbox360, PS3, Wii, PSP, PS VITA, PC, PS4 y Xbox One.
Saw this the other day: if FIFA and PES remain realistic, I shall be able to easily thrash Barcelona with my beloved Santiago Wanderers.
Just realized that this is an old post, but my 2 cents. Chile's current starting 11 (give or take a few players) would consist of: Bravo, M.Gonzalez, J.Rojas, G. Jara, M.Isla, A.Vidal, D.Pizarro, E.Mena, A.Sanchez, E.Paredes, E.Vargas I would easily rate Vidal higher, than his FIFA 12 ratings (His shooting attributes alone should have him in the 80's). The same with Medel, 76 is low for him.