Chicago v. KC [R]

Discussion in 'Sporting Kansas City' started by KCFutbol, Aug 31, 2002.

  1. KCFutbol

    KCFutbol Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jun 14, 2001
    Overland Park, KS
    Kansas City Wizards
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Wizards take the lead on a goal by Darrio Fabbro in the 22nd minute. Keep it up, three points would look good tonight.
  2. KCFutbol

    KCFutbol Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jun 14, 2001
    Overland Park, KS
    Kansas City Wizards
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Carlos Bocanegra equalizes for the Fire in the 62nd minute. We need to ge this one back.
  3. KCFutbol

    KCFutbol Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jun 14, 2001
    Overland Park, KS
    Kansas City Wizards
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    We're level after the 80th minute so I guess no pizza. :)
  4. KCFutbol

    KCFutbol Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jun 14, 2001
    Overland Park, KS
    Kansas City Wizards
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Great, MLS Scoreboard just took a dump. :(
  5. feuerfex

    feuerfex Member

    Apr 21, 2001
    You were using the mlsnet scoreboard too, I take it?

    To top it off the radio feed to Chicago seems to not be nonexistant too.

    I think it's a conspiracy. ;)
  6. dred

    dred Member+

    Nov 7, 2000
    Land of Champions
    According to Yahoo, Chris Brown with the HUGE winner in the 90th minute.

    Should be close to nailing down that final playoff berth.
  7. KCFutbol

    KCFutbol Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jun 14, 2001
    Overland Park, KS
    Kansas City Wizards
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Brownie, you're the man! I foolishly tried ESPN's website. Next time I'll remember Yahoo. Why does go down on Saturday night?

    MFRONE Member+

    Jul 24, 2000
    Columbus, Ohio
    Columbus Crew
    Thank you
  9. Viking64

    Viking64 Member

    Feb 11, 1999
    Tarheel State
    KC actually played a good game. Might have been the best one I've seen from them in a long time.

    Fire lost their hold on the conference lead too. Gotta like that.
  10. AndyMead

    AndyMead Homo Sapien

    Nov 2, 1999
    Seat 12A
    Sporting Kansas City
    I had to watch the game with three Fire fans in my house. They were rather polite, though.

    The Wizard really looked good. Preki was amazing. He made a couple of passes that were obscene, and was horribly unlucky on the shot that hit the crossbar.
  11. KCFutbol

    KCFutbol Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jun 14, 2001
    Overland Park, KS
    Kansas City Wizards
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Channel 9 actually had a story on tonights game complete with video of both goals. Showed the Cauldron too. Was nice to see this on a college football Saturday.
  12. KC Salty

    KC Salty Member

    Apr 27, 2000
    Kansas City, Missouri
    Sporting Kansas City
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I saw that too. Big props to channel 9. Loved the shot of Matt's checkerboard flag covering the Cauldron!!

    These are 3 very huge points. And thank you Chris Brown. Game tying goal against Morelia and 90th minute game-winning thriller tonight! You've picked a very nice time to find your scoring legs. More please!

    Way to go Wizards! Way to go Cauldron! Way to go Arrowhead with 20K+!

    I'm a very happy Wizards fan right now.
  13. Emiliano240

    Emiliano240 New Member

    Feb 28, 2000
    Central Illinois
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Well, hate to loose, but as far as losses go this was a distinguished one I think. KC simply played a great game, frustrating, but I enjoyed the run of play and thought that both teams were pretty sporting. No doubt you deserved the win, - all in all a fun game. Congratulations :) Now I just can't till we meet again...
  14. Unorthodox Yank

    Feb 27, 2001
    Constant Flux
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    never again will i pass up a wizards game to play a mediocre accoustic set with 1/3rd of my band (myslef being the second 3rd) beacasue my bassist got sick and couldnt play and we couldnt just pull out of the gig because that would not be proffesional.

    ************ Being proffesional. Go wizards.

    I wish i was there, but wow. what a huge win.
  15. Wizardscharter

    Wizardscharter New Member

    Jul 25, 2001
    Blue Springs, MO
    Preki thought he scored and ran away from goal to celebrate. If he follows his shot it would have been 2-0. Glad it didn't matter.
  16. Wizardscharter

    Wizardscharter New Member

    Jul 25, 2001
    Blue Springs, MO
    Our magic number sits at 2 for dc and NE. KC won both series, so KC owns both tiebreakers. So two points lost by them (individually) or gained by KC puts KC in.
  17. Wizardscharter

    Wizardscharter New Member

    Jul 25, 2001
    Blue Springs, MO

    *20,000 people and a win. Haven't seen that since...the original home opener (COL 3-0)??? Beautiful!!!
    Where were those 16-17,000 people Wednesday night?
    *On that note CLB had 24k. Not a bad day for Hunt Group Sports. I hope it's not just because they "concentrated" on this date marketing wise. Then agin fireworks are cheap compared to 5k in attendance. More BLUE fireworks please. Great show though!
    *Again, it's evident that if KC can play quick one-touch triangles to work out of trouble, keep possession, and demoralize defenses, they don't conceed. If the also finish, they win. We lead MLS in ties. Any kind of consistent finishing and KC is top. To me that makes a Cup possible. Points v COL and two road wins from a Cup. Mouthwatering possibilities.
    *Fabbro needs more fitness. Healing or lungs, I dunno. You can't complain about a goal. He's an SI that makes intelligent runs, not many of them, lacks defense, lacks a holding/target ability, and still can't go 90. It's not a problem IF Fabi scores every game AND Brown keeps sizzling off the bench.
    *Brown with his 4th of the league and second in two games off the bench. SUPERSUB BROWN BEAR!!! Nice! Me personally, my favorite thing to see is a solution to my favorite KCW gripe -- disinterested finishing. There is no more time to use 7 chances for 1 goal. It's playoff time now. Two games in a row CB takes one chance and closes like a professional assassin. Awesome, it's about time! Best of all he acted like he's been there before. That's confidence, that's balls. More of it is welcome and overdue.
    *Guti just seems to be that pesky glue guy that pops up in the right spot at the right time. He had the fourth great touch of 5 in a row to get it to Brown. He looks so much better in blue. One error corrected, now go get Hundu back.
    *No more than about 15 bad touches all game. A couple of high or wides in the first half, but that's about it. Understandable when you are shooting at Thornton. Big difference form even two weeks ago.
    *Klein is seemingly off form at the wrong time. His touch is off, his running is there. Is there an injury of some kind? Who can handle him healthy?
    *Zags was quality and hustle tonight
    *Nick was composed tonight unlike Preki. I'm biased, but it did seem like KC got the short end of foul calls on balance tonight.
    *Boca's hearder seemed to surprise Tony. I saw it on tape after and the replay confirmed it. Hart to fault a GK for a header off the ground and barely under the bar from 12 yds. Still, those are ones we've seen Tony make. Bored? Unlucky? I think maybe just a great shot off a D error.
    *Igor carted off - no contact. They said on the broadcast it might be a rip of the plantar something - arch of the foot. I can't imagine that's a quick healing injury. Bad deal.
    *Consensus of TV anouncers and boards is that KC played well and deserved the win. Chicago didn't have thier A game. Good: good teams win anywhere against a B game. Bad: You get rings for beating good teams with A games. LA's the only team playing that kind of ball right now.
    *The MLS home win %age has to be up near 65%. It's tough on the road. That's where KC will have to win eventually in both Cup and Playoffs.
    *All-West better than All-East for now.
    *Stoich and Nowak looked handleable tonight. CHI really missed Wolff. I didn't.
    *7 years and corners only looked good for us with Lalas. Is that a slight on KC or a tremendous compliment to Lalas?
    *Trip to CLB up next, then two with Rapids in green for the last time. No worries, LA will be green next year. Maybe we should switch to purple...
  18. kopiteinkc

    kopiteinkc Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2000
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    My take on this was a very well deserved win.

    We totally outplayed the Fire in the first half, conceded a sloppy set piece goal early in the second and began to concede a bit too much possession but cam back well at the end to win with a spectacular goal.

    I was impressed by Diego G. again tonight. I really like him in this midfield role with Quill outside of him. I was almost a playmaker role and took some pressure off Preki as both were making some great passes into the forwards.

    Igor combined brilliantly with both Preki and Diego until he got injured, any more word on that?

    After Igor wnet off (and after they scored) we lost a little shape and composure and I had this sinking feeling.

    Funny thing was, there was a Chicago fan in GA right behind me giving Brown sh!t the whole time he was on the bench and he really let him have it when he subbed on. My 11 year old daughter even told him to "shut it" and after that goal he was very very quiet! :D
  19. Wizardscharter

    Wizardscharter New Member

    Jul 25, 2001
    Blue Springs, MO
    Maybe KC should pay someone to ride Brown every game the rest of the way!!!
  20. Lucid

    Lucid Member

    May 17, 1999
    San Francisco, CA
    Sporting Kansas City
    "Polite" and "Fire fans" used in the same sentence? Wow! :eek:
  21. willthewizard

    willthewizard New Member

    Apr 22, 2001
    sw mo
    Did anybody notice how unhappy Meola was last night? First off was the Boca goal off the corner. The next three fire corners either Boca again or Curtain got a head to it. It pissed Tony off. And then the sub. of Brown for Klein did not please him. He was screaming at the bench. He did not celebrate when Brown scored, just went back and stood on his line.

    Anyway other game thoughts---Preki had a good first half, but should off been taken off in the second half. He was exhausted and it showed. I thought the Defense did great, even though Chicago didn't bring much. I still want to see Talley back there some how.

    How bad is Igor hurt?
    Beside the nice finish what else did Fabbro do?
    What a shot by Brown

    go Wizards nice win

  22. gofire2001

    gofire2001 New Member

    Apr 5, 2001
    Section 8 Chicago
    It was a fun trip up there but too bad we lost. Props to the attendance number.

    FireUltras on tour
  23. dred

    dred Member+

    Nov 7, 2000
    Land of Champions
    Actually it's 3. With only 2 points, the Wizards can still be passed by either team.
  24. Steve DuBois

    Steve DuBois New Member

    Apr 19, 2000
    Lenexa, KS

    Glad you stopped by. What was the deal on the expulsions? How many, and for what--the toilet paper, or something afterwards?
  25. ojsgillt

    ojsgillt Member

    Feb 27, 2001
    Lee's Summit MO
    I guess it was Wizard day at Worlds of Fun or something becuase I saw Gomez, Darrio and Igor there. (Sunday) Igor was walking around just fine coming off the rollercoaster with Darrio. It slipped my mind to ask him about the injury, but I did congratulate him for the game and Darrio for the Goal.

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