When you enter www.chicagokick.com, the URL changes to www.chicagosoulfc.com. While nothing else on the website looks different, it appears the new team in Chicago will be named the Soul. Now we just need a new logo, a press release, a coach, players, ...
according to twitter they have a coach already from the grand fc mustangs organization but it looks like he played in the top Mexican leagues with cruz azul in his youngeys if I'm reading it right
It looks like the Chicago Soul (presented by Kick Energy Drink). Check out their Facebook pictures: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.241273752656350.52098.139349952848731&type=1
Their Facebook page says their hired Narciso “Chicho” Cuevas to be the Head Coach Tuesday. Friendly advice. If you're an indoor team: FC in the URL or nameStars in your logo representing championshipsFounding year in your logo=DUMB This goes for everyone PASL, PASL-Premier, and MISL.
I told y'all they would be coming up with a new name... "Soul" is even worse than "Kick" though. The "Kick" name is starting to look good in comparison with "Soul" and "Riot."
Their tagline is "powered by Kick energy drink." Why not revive the Chicago Power team? Soul is just so off the wall....
This has all the credentials for being a proper one and done organization. An owner who has no money, a coach whose highest level of coaching has been the CLASA leagues in Chicago and players who will be Latino with absolutely no professional experience. There might be a few surprises in there as far as players go, but this has all the markings of an utter sh*tshow
I'd have to agree. This team isn't exactly inspiring confidence. The owner and the coach seem to know soccer so they automatically figure they can operate a pro team. Quite a leap except in minds of the foolhardy. Kind of like saying, "I can tell time, therefore, I can build a watch". This has the potential to be a comedy act......stay tuned
Chicago Soul thats the best they could come up with my daughter can can come up with a better name in about 5 mins i bet this is now the worst name in soccer history your name is everything and this one just sucks why not call them the "Chicago Fold " because that is what they are going to do anyway .. Here is what i would love to know why is it every time the MISL looses a team and needs a city to play in we always seem to place a team in chicago that will fail like they have for the last few years .
Just plain disgusting PERIOD. Soul- Are you freaking kidding me? Maybe the other member clubs need to have a say in any new city being "granted" permission to join the exclusive MISL Good Lord- I may call Ed today and beg him to please just fold- this is absurd.
You got to love the passion and venom on these boards. I wonder if Jon Bon Jovi and Ron Jaworski had fans saying they were going to fold cause of naming the Phili AFL team the Soul. http://www.philadelphiasoul.com
Nah, not b/c of the name. It sucks and all, but that won't cause them to fold. Have Bill Gates run the team for a few years and they would do just fine w/ the name Soul. I hope the owners have deep pockets. I hear on here they don't. Sounds low budget, and it will be hard to draw crowds w/out a strong marketing effort. I expect to go to the games and see the same old faces I saw at end of the line Sting, Power, Storm, and Riot games. I think having a coach w/ no MISL experience for an expansion team is usually the kiss of death. Back to the name, as this point, having gone with the name Soul, it makes Chicago Kick look classic - like NY Yankees, Boston Celtics, or Chicago Bears. Chicago appears to be a cursed indoor market. I know they all pretty much fail, but I think Chicago COULD have a team w/ success, such as it is, like the Blast, Wave, Sidekicks, Wings, etc. had. Instead we get these underfunded, poorly named, barely marketed, DOA teams all the time. And for those of us that like the sport in Chicago, it is like going to a wedding of a good friend that you just know isn't gonna work. I am sad already for the inevitable divorce/funeral/folding.
If you look on Twitter (and you have to search) at https://twitter.com/MISL_Chicago you can see that the Soul have announced their official name, their coach, and other stuff. None of this is on their webpage. A twitter handle with Kick or Soul would be better than MISL_Chicago at this point. The webpage has references to both Soul (somewhat updated) and Kick. I have joined the e-mail list, twice under two different e-mail addresses, "to receive the latest news and deals from the Chicago Kick" and have never gotten anything. I guess they have stuff on Facebook, but I am a dinosaur and don't have a Facebook account. This is low budget easy stuff to fix. How are they ever going to get the big stuff right?
I'm not optimistic either about this team's chances of going past this upcoming season. Have no fear though. Someone will try again in Chicago, I am sure.
This will be a one and done i used to coach With Armando the owner of grand sports he likes to do things on his own time and they are a welth of good players in there area but he has already burned bridges with many of them promising them pay they never got and other things. also the charge of 100$ to try out is just so he can pocket some money this is a crazy concept thats will keep many players away. i know many DIV 1 players that want no part of him
Gamboa appears to own an arena and a mortgage biz http://www.grandsportsarena.com/ind...contact&catid=12:contacts&id=1-amrando-gamboa David Morkry appears to be president of the Resort Developers Association
That's their practice arena... I'm surprised (since he owns the arena) that he didn't put a PASL team there. In Chicago, a PASL team might have a better chance at making a go of it. They'd probably draw the same with their poor marketing anyway..
Oh hell no! Grand Sports Arena would be a dump for PASL Pro standards. I used to play league floor hockey at the Grand Arena, and it was just a filthy dump. The indoor soccer fields are just ugly and have really worn carpets(astroturf). The locker room is a joke and infested with diseases. DO NOT walk barefoot in the showers, catching athletes foot is certain there! They do have a decent bar upstairs to drink all the problems away.
IMO, since you are one of few people on this board who actually might spend your own money to see games at the Sears Centre, your opinion matters. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but in the end, the only thing that matters is the impact on ticket sales and most of the people bitching here about the name were not buying tickets anyway. Chicago Soul would not have been my first pick, but I'm not the one writing the checks. I'm sure that a survey of indoor soccer fans in the Chicagoland area would show that having a team with an odd nickname is preferrable to no team at all.
I agree that a poorly named team is better than no team, but here's the deal: Like Skip, I am going to pay my own money to go see the Soul. And every once in a while I will get a buddy of mine to come see a game, sometimes one who has never seen an indoor game. And the first thing almost anybody will say when I mention the team is "Soul?" And I will be embarassed. But I will buy in a become a fan. And they will be one and done. And I will be sad. If the Soul goes w/ a bunch of locals and no proven MISL players on top of the new coach w/ no MISL experience, I am gonna be mad. This just screams of train wreck, and I soooo badly want to be wrong. Really, shouldn't an expansion team fill locals w/ hope? I mean, I had a lot more hope for the Storm and even the Riot. I can't wait to see the logo.....
Have you been to GSA lately? They have been doing some re-vamping and upgrades. It is looking better than it has in the past. I am not defending it or saying it is perfect but they have put some money into it and it is looking much better inside. I went there a few years ago to see the Mustangs play and it did have some issues
The name is starting to grow on me. At least they were original and didn't try to bring back a name like a lot of soccer teams do these days. I will say they should change two things: 1. No indoor teams should put FC after their names. 2. When I think of "Soul," the colors blue and esp. gray do not come to mind. They should change their colors.