I didn't even know there was a rumor. I'd understand SC staying at 96 as he's got to be pretty cozy there at the moment but he could really take another step if he wanted thanks to his current/recent form.
You folks in Hannover like our little Stevie dont you To be honest, I think the people of Hannover have been very good to/for him. He's always spoken well of the team, city and fans.
it also calls him a "US star". Such a big star that he didn't even get called in for a key set of qualifiers. When has he lined up at midfielder?
But it doesn't call him a "star for the USA national team" unless I missed it. He is a star at Hannover... and is from the US... which makes him a "US star" key set of qualifiers? Yes... but also a set that we should have been able to win with a b-team. Brad Freidel wasn't called in ... and he is also a US star...
I would rather see him stay at Hannover, but read that quote carefully, he says he's not in talks. Doesn't mean he won't start tomorrow. What if he doesn't get the deal he wants?
No, as a defensive midfielder. Stevie's basically a wing-back at Hanover. I'd move him to Armas/Zavagnin/Mastroeni central position if in a "diamond" and hope he could handle it defensively - he should - since I'm pretty sure he'd be an improvement offensively. Another option is to play him as a right defensive mid in a 3-2-3-2 or 3-2-4-1 allignment. PS. I'd sit Frankie for Robbie Russell.
Maybe that signifys that the US has made it in the soccer world? Plenty of big national teams have "stars" that don't play that often for the Nats.
But if ba stays with a 4-4-2, SC would be a fine replacement for heydude. As would, I agree, RR. Schlake is a nice team, and it would tough to turn down a move if a decent offer actually arrived. Nothing against Hannover, but they don't have the ambition/resources to match schlake. Still, glad to see the denial. I'd hate to see him benched for the rest of the season for searching out a deal behind the back of club officials.
What the hell was he going to say though, "Oh yeah, I'm gone to Schalke04 next year, toodles"? It 'aint even THanksgiving yet.
Exactly, until I read in the press that he actually signed the contract extension I'm not sure that he really stays. If Schalke indeed is interested and Steven gets the impression that they want him as a starter I really don't see why he wouldn't join them. As much as I love 96, if I was Steven I would go to Schalke.
His former manager, who signed him at Hannover 96, is now the manager at Schalke 04. It is not at all rare for a guy to follow his former manager to another club. That is why these rumors are getting some play. His new manager at 96 also rates him highly, but the good thing about Schalke's interest is that they are not just "infatuated" with 'dolo. They know him very well, so they would not be likely to sign him only to lose interest and stick him on the bench in short order if he had one bad game. And Schalke is a pretty big club with rabid fans. Gelsenkirchen is something else.
I totally agree with you. Hannover is a interesting team to watch but if I was a player, I go to a bigger club with a long history in Budesliga like Schalke.
Hey hey hey, Hannover 96 is older than Schalke and HAS a long history, in fact Hannover used to be much bigger than it is right now. It's not about the long history it's about the recent past that makes Schalke more interesting and bigger.