Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys?

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by MikeLastort2, Nov 2, 2004.

  1. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    Rest of article here.

    Seems to me that the French could teach the Bushies a thing or two about the "War On Terror."
  2. Chicago1871

    Chicago1871 Member

    Apr 21, 2001
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'm sorry, could you say that again. I couldn't hear your over sizzling of my 'Freedom' Fries cooking; and to be honest, I wasn't really paying attention to you, I was focused on purchasing French wine, then dumping it out.
  3. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    :) I fvcking HATE the anti-French lunacy in this coutry. Of course they had their own reasons for not wanting an invasion of Iraq, but suggesting that other options might work is anti-American is ludicrous.
  4. Dante

    Dante Moderator
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    Nov 19, 1998
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    You called?


    ********, I forgot they turned off the pics....

  5. DoctorJones24

    DoctorJones24 Member

    Aug 26, 1999

    What part of "imprisoning 4 innocent men who've already had their lives destroyed" is something we could learn about?

    I mean, this paragraph is totally FUCKED:

    "Not so in France, where four prisoners from the U.S. naval base were arrested as soon as they arrived home in July, and haven't been heard from since. Under French law, they could remain locked up for as long as three years while authorities decide whether to put them on trial -- a legal limbo that their attorneys charge is not much different than what they faced at Guantanamo."

    Sounds more like their moronic decision to ban head scarves. We might have something to learn from the French, but this ain't it.
  6. dawgpound2

    dawgpound2 Member

    Mar 3, 2001
    Los Angeles, CA
    That's the nicest descripition of a country selling out its own people and its allies for oil I've EVER heard.
  7. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    Probably nicer than "sending nearly 1200 American soldiers to their deaths to get even with Saddam trying to off his daddy."
  8. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    True enough. But I was trying to illustrate that the French ain't the wimps the anti-French nut jobs paint them to be.
  9. dawgpound2

    dawgpound2 Member

    Mar 3, 2001
    Los Angeles, CA

    C'mon, Mike. Even your leftist-cynical brain can't wrap around that as truth.

    Faulty intelligence does not equate to "oil for food" lust. Your beloved France is a danger to ALL free societies.
  10. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    France is a danger? Last time I checked, they haven't invaded any countries that haven't actually done anything to harm them.

    And last time I checked, France was a democracy, aka a free society.
  11. dawgpound2

    dawgpound2 Member

    Mar 3, 2001
    Los Angeles, CA

    Really? Didn't you read the article you pasted here in this very thread?!?!!!!

    GWB pulls that stuff and YOU, Mike Lastort2, would be the FIRST to rail him. Your beloved France does it and they're freedom-loving democrats (small "d").

    Ladies and gentlemen, the hypocrisy of BS knows no bounds...on the left.
  12. VFish

    VFish Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Atlanta, GA
    I realized the French weren't wimps when they began snatching scarves off the heads of little girls. That's real bravado!
  13. bostonsoccermdl

    bostonsoccermdl Moderator
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    Apr 3, 2002
    Denver, CO
    Mike, I think most of these "haters" hate Chirac and some of the policies of the gov't, not the french people per se....
  14. fishbiproduct

    fishbiproduct New Member

    Mar 29, 2002
    Pasadena Ca.
    Feuque zaime ainiouais.
  15. JeffS

    JeffS New Member

    Oct 15, 2001
    Cameron Park, CA
    Everton FC
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    Well done Mike. I know you're taking undeserved guff over this.

    I've never been a fan of France or the French. However, I think all of this anti-French bigotry is absolutely stupid, ludicrous, assanine, immoral and disgusting.

    So France didn't support the Bushies in Iraq. So What? That just puts France with the majority of the world's population, as well as with at least half of the population of the U.S.

    And all of the rationale, or rhetoric, or spin that I hear in justifying this anti-French bigotry is based on fantasy world beliefs, erroneous assumptions, false stereotypes, knee-jerk emotional reactions, and general bullsh!t.

    Again, I've never been a big fan of the French, but I just despise bigotry when it rears it's ugly head.
    And ironically, I've started to recognize France more for it's positive qualities. They are a kick ass soccer nation. They have great food and wine. They've given the world lots of great art, music and literature. They gave us the Statue of Liberty. They helped the colonies defeat England in the Revolutionary war. They fought along side us in WWI and WWII. The French are not evil, or cowards. Most French people are quite nice (that I've encountered).

    So good job Mike, and grow up the rest of you!
  16. dawgpound2

    dawgpound2 Member

    Mar 3, 2001
    Los Angeles, CA
    Did you miss the article there, Jeff, that we were speaking of?

    Lastort is hypocritical in his love for France's policies on terrorism vs. his vitriol for GWB on the same issue.
  17. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    Did I say I love the fact that these guys are being locked up with no trial?

    I was pointing out the fact that people who say France does nothing in the "War On Terror" are full of crap.
  18. dawgpound2

    dawgpound2 Member

    Mar 3, 2001
    Los Angeles, CA

    And I say people who like to rail on GWB for the same things they praise France for are full of crap...whomever they may be :)
  19. Roel

    Roel Member

    Jan 15, 2000
    Santa Cruz mountains
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    DP2 totally misunderstands and over-generalizes.

    Mike's article only shows that the French can be as fvcked up as the Bushies. However, the Bushies are breaking US law. If the French want to complain about how their government treats their citizens, let them. In the meantime, we are free to bitch about Bush as much as we want.
  20. bigredfutbol

    bigredfutbol Moderator
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    Sep 5, 2000
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    You'd have a good point if he was praising the French tactics...I think he just said he wasn't.

    I have a pretty low opinion of Chirac and his cynical efforts at 'peacemaking' with Saddam, but I have zilch regard for the moronic French-bashing engaged in by Bush if our allies are obliged to unquestioningly fall into line whenever we say so.
  21. JeffS

    JeffS New Member

    Oct 15, 2001
    Cameron Park, CA
    Everton FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    What Mike was saying about French policy was not the point that I was hammering on. I was hammering on the irrational anti-French bigotry that is so common place.

    Besides, Mike was not coming out in favor of the policy of detaining people without trial. He was making the point about the French being aggresive against terrorisim, and not being "surrender monkeys".
  22. DJPoopypants

    DJPoopypants New Member

    Doesn't the napoleanic code place more emphasis on the accused proving himself innocent than it does on "innocent until proven guilty"?

    In which case, it would kinda make sense that not too many French are getting too worked up over this. Especially if the the leaders of France are not breaking the law or violating centuries of practice - as opposed to...
  23. Mel Brennan


    Paris Saint Germain
    United States
    Apr 8, 2002
    Paris Saint Germain FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    pound will not admit the simple truth of this statement. Ever.
  24. shwantzme

    shwantzme Member

    Jul 11, 2003
    The Old Dominion
    Really? When he said "Seems to me that the French could teach the Bushies a thing or two about the "War On Terror." my impression was that he condones said policy.

    I don't know how anyone could take it any other way.
  25. DJPoopypants

    DJPoopypants New Member


    I took it as Chirac could teach Bush something about how not to get >50% of your nation's population to hate you, even when you act like a dictator.

    But I guess it could be interpreted your way too.

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