So I was watching the game against the Wizards on Saturday, and I saw something moving at one end of their field... Cheerleaders? At a soccer game? Why don't we have cheerleaders?? So my friends and I decided that we think the Casbaugh should get some nice cheerleading uniforms, some blue and white pom-poms and shake their asses out in the endzones too! Who said cheerleaders have to be skinny blonde women!? I wanna see those big guys out there in mini skirts! *Gooooo Quaaaaakes!* LOL *j*
I think, skin-head substitutes, chasing each other before North End, are much better than any other kind of cheerleaders.
      What do both Madden NFL 2003 and NCAA Football 2003 (both recently released into stores) have that makes them so much fun (besides the gameplay, graphics, sound, the real players and teams, authentic stadiums, different modes of play, the ability to create your own player and/or teams, and both single-player and multi-player gaming)?       That's right... cheerleaders!       GO EARTHQUAKES!!! -G
I hear what you mean. Well, I'm blonde but that's besides the point... just when I thought I found a league void of explotation of women... the wizards go and get cheerleaders... good lord.
Why is it that whenever I see a cheerleader thread, or an old thread on cheerleaders, restarted, the one doing the restart is my old friend Goodsport? Maybe we could ask Jimmy Moore to hire one cheerleader and have her stand over there on the west side in front of him.
Cheerleaders are a disgrace to soccer and if anyone wants to know, the cheerleaders for the Wizards suck!
Not cheerleaders, they have a "dance team." (The difference appears to be that cheerleaders are good looking.) I discovered they even have their own web page at You can check out the dancers under "Meet the Team" if you dare.
Guy, I thought the SAME exact thing when I saw that picture..abotu you of coarse though. Actually, I figured it was your brother.
cheerleaders and dance teams...for soccer? no offense to the usa but now the other countries is gonna be pickin on us LOL is there any sport completely devoid of sexism? i think not :-( LOL
eek you're right! the "dance team" is pretty ugly...i think the only reason they go picked is cos they're thin and aren't embarrassed about makin fools out of themselves publically...
dont get me wrong people, i'm not against older or heavier people (God knows i'm not THAT skinny!) but the "crewzers" have got 38 year old women and some heavier types...well i guess that's good cos they're goin against the stereotype that you gotta be thin and young to dance...
The NASL Quakes, of course, had cheerleaders. They were called the Shakers. I believe some of them were at the Legends game last year. I have an old photo from '75. I would put it on if I knew how to use my scanner.