Chants thread

Discussion in 'Colorado Supporters Clubs' started by wcgcapone, Nov 8, 2004.

  1. wcgcapone

    wcgcapone Member

    Feb 6, 2001
    Denver, CO, USA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    We don't have one of these yet. A bout of early afternoon drinking and listening to Flogging Molly inspired this one for next year if Hanki is still in charge.

    To the tune of Delilah:
    why, why, why, Stan Kronke?
    Why, why, why, Stan Kronke?
    So before they come to break down the door
    Forgive me Kronke I just couldn't take any more
    Forgive me Kronke I just couldn't take any more
  2. greenie

    greenie New Member

    Feb 6, 2000
    Boulder, CO
    not that I expect many to know the song, but it fits. to the tune of "happy drunk" by the Skoidats. profanity watered down so the kiddies can sing along.

    be careful what you say
    be careful what you do
    we don't care about your team
    we'll beat you black and blue

    cause we're... all Rapids fans,
    don't get in our way.
    cause we're... gonna tie your club
    no matter what you say.
  3. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    Apr 14, 1999
    Alexandria, NOVA
    That makes three people on planet earth that know "Happy Drunk". :)
  4. Daksims

    Daksims New Member

    Jun 27, 2001
    Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch!
    Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.
    Wake up - sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.
    Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead. She's gone where the goblins go,
    Below - below - below. Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out.
    Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
    Let them know
    The Wicked Witch is dead!
  5. wcgcapone

    wcgcapone Member

    Feb 6, 2001
    Denver, CO, USA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    To the tune of My Bonnie (for games against RSL):

    My 3 points lie over the mountain, my 3 points lie over the Rockies,
    My 3 points lie over the mountain, O bring back my 3 points to me.
    Bring back, bring back, O bring back my 3 points to me, to me:
    Bring back, bring back, O bring back my 3 points to me.
  6. Rapids/Arsenal Fan

    Mar 8, 2001
    Denver, CO USA
    Nice one.
  7. He's In Fashion

    Jan 7, 2000
    Littlefun, CO, US
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    In a perfect world, we sign a player named David from Dagenham and Redbridge so I can sing...

    Head in the clouds

    and a mouthful of pie

    Head in a blouse

    Everbody loves him, I , see, why

    Dagenham Dave, Dagenham Dave, oh Dag-en-ham DAVE!
  8. wcgcapone

    wcgcapone Member

    Feb 6, 2001
    Denver, CO, USA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Haha somebody had to do it:

    There was something in the air that night
    The stars were bright, Fernando
    They were shining there for you and me
    For liberty, Fernando
    Though I never thought that we could lose
    There's no regret
    If I had to do the same again
    I would, my friend, Fernando
  9. bilfish

    bilfish New Member

    Feb 23, 2004
    Golden, CO
    Ahhh, Chants. This is clearly the thread AA uses to figure out who to recruit...


    Lessee... Sung to, ohhh, let's say Jingle Bells.

    FC Dallas, FC Dallas
    You used to be the Burn
    But then you got all cor-por-ate
    And that's just out of turn.

    Huh, okay, maybe a little less to drink.

    LDS, LSD,
    Salt Lake here we come,
    Oh what fun, it is to trounce,
    These cheezy new age bums!

    Or perhaps...

    LDS, LSD,
    Salt Lake here we go,
    You're all too new, and cheezy too,
    And such a stupid foe


  10. askum33

    askum33 New Member

    Jun 2, 2004
    San Antonio, TX
    A la Eminem's Shady's back (?)

    Guess who's back...
    Back again...
    Chris is back...
    Tell a friend...
    Chris is back, Chris is back,
    To lay smack....

    Dunn-nu-nuh... EEEp EEEp EEEp EEEp...
    We've created a monster
    Now someones gots ta
    Score some goals,
    What about Zizi?
    Nah, he's chopped liver...
    Now it's up to he,
    Mr. Carr-eee-air-ee.
    Dunn-nu-nuh.. EEEp EEEp EEEp EEEp... :D

    Couldn't resist.
  11. RapidStorm

    RapidStorm Member+

    Jan 30, 2005
    Denver, CO
    For when we're crushing Real Salt Lake, to the tune of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow,"

    Ohhhh...when can we play a real team?
    Oh, please can we play a real team
    Oh, when can we play a real teeeeaam?...

    With deliberate pronunciation of "reel" included.
  12. IllBeats Hooligan

    IllBeats Hooligan Commander and Chief

    Feb 17, 2005
    Walnut Creek, CA
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Hello out there,
    ILL BeAts FC has several chants that we sing merrily in sec 127. Everyone who went to a Rapids game last year knows the infamous iLL BeATS banner. Here is the song we love singing at the 35th and 70th min:

    Ole can of Burr
    me ole can of burr
    this burr im holdin'
    she sure is golden

    ole can of burr
    she just keeps pour'n

    ( tune of ole man river)
  13. wcgcapone

    wcgcapone Member

    Feb 6, 2001
    Denver, CO, USA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    To Sham 69's Oi classic:

    If the kids beat United, they will never be divided!
    Well if the kids beat United, they will never be divided!
    (ad naseum)
  14. BPBlueSox

    BPBlueSox Member+

    Aug 21, 2003
    AFC Ajax

    hahaha :)
  15. IllBeats Hooligan

    IllBeats Hooligan Commander and Chief

    Feb 17, 2005
    Walnut Creek, CA
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    iLL BeAts here again. Got some more chants for all you but I will post one at a time so everyone can keep up. This one was our new chant for last year:

    We will cheer for the RAPIDS
    We will drink beer for the RAPIDS
    We will break laws for the RAPIDS
    cause thats what hooligans do.....

    We will cheer for the RAPIDS
    We will drink beer for the RAPIDS
    We will sing songs for the RAPIDS
    cause thats what hoolifans do......

    there ya go
  16. BPBlueSox

    BPBlueSox Member+

    Aug 21, 2003
    AFC Ajax
    I liked that one. :D
  17. IllBeats Hooligan

    IllBeats Hooligan Commander and Chief

    Feb 17, 2005
    Walnut Creek, CA
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    here is another one from the chant machine, iLL BeAts :

    We are the few
    the rapids black and blue
    the loud and very rude
    we'll stick by through and through

    We are the lot
    get drunk right on the spot
    we'll sing this till we rot
    and pray the goals don't stop

    yeah, i know what your thinking, this song did used to have beer where "goals" is, but decided to change it because of last seasons goal drought.
  18. Rapids/Arsenal Fan

    Mar 8, 2001
    Denver, CO USA
    Pedro is magic, he wears a magic hat
    And when he saw the Rapids, he said "I'm liking that"
    He scores 'em with his left foot, he scores 'em with his right
    And when he play Real Salt Lake he scores all fu***ing night
  19. bilfish

    bilfish New Member

    Feb 23, 2004
    Golden, CO

  20. BPBlueSox

    BPBlueSox Member+

    Aug 21, 2003
    AFC Ajax
    We're going to have to keep this one in mind. :D
  21. IllBeats Hooligan

    IllBeats Hooligan Commander and Chief

    Feb 17, 2005
    Walnut Creek, CA
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    yes, yes the "Pedro" chant as it shall henceforth be known as, is very well composed. Very good, now people let's keep the chants coming, lively numbers now. Lets have one for good measure about Johnny Spencer shall we. Maybe something along the lines of his Scottish spirit that haunts the opposing goal keeper. That sounds extravagant! Let's have them, I am going to 7-11 for some nachos and there better be at least one here when I wake up from passing out!
  22. Illbeats Hooligan3

    Illbeats Hooligan3 New Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    Currently In Roma
    Heres one for super Spencer its pretty cheesey though

    Our great Scot he's got the best shot
    He makes the goalkeep look like a sheep

    I know it needs some work
  23. Chung'sleftboot

    Chung'sleftboot New Member

    Apr 3, 2004
    Beautiful! Maybe we could get it on the Jumbotron! :D
  24. IllBeats Hooligan

    IllBeats Hooligan Commander and Chief

    Feb 17, 2005
    Walnut Creek, CA
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    A little something for our super keeper, Joe Cannon. Whenever he makes a glorious save this shall be thy chant that will accompany said "save".

    There was a good man,
    with very quick hands
    who could stop the flow of rivers.
    His name is JOE
    he stands in our GOAL
    now look at you shiver!

    iLL BeAts FC
  25. He's In Fashion

    Jan 7, 2000
    Littlefun, CO, US
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    He's a fool!
    He's a liar!
    Not worth the piss if he's on fire!
    Steve Sampson! Steve Sampson!

    Who is it?
    We hate?
    He fvcked up '98!
    Steve Sampson! Steve Sampson!

    How is it?
    We know?
    He fvcked up the Ticos!
    Steve Sampson! Steve Sampson!

    He's useless!
    He's done!
    Steve Sampson! Steve Sampson!

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