Cartoon Network's Adult Swim

Discussion in 'Movies, TV and Music' started by PSU92, Jul 22, 2002.

  1. PSU92

    PSU92 Member

    Feb 27, 1999
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    Harvey Birdman Attorney @ Law.
    The Brak Show.
    Sealab 2021.
    Aqua Teen Hunger Squad.

    That is some funny stuff.

    Mission Hill is usually pretty good too.
  2. TheSlipperyOne

    TheSlipperyOne Member+

    Feb 29, 2000
    Arsenal FC
    I like those mentioned, but I love "Home Movies" also.
  3. caddisfly

    caddisfly New Member

    May 24, 2001
    Portland, OR
    I like them all. Anything with the mooninites is pure comedy gold.
  4. PSU92

    PSU92 Member

    Feb 27, 1999
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    "Those were Loverboy songs & Loverboy
    have always sucked."
  5. SportBoy321

    SportBoy321 New Member

    Jul 6, 2002
    New England
    Someone explain why these badly animated cartoons are considered to be
    "adult" I saw a few of them and couldn't figure it out. The only thing I picked up on is one of the characters called someone a b*tch. I guess that makes it a cartoon for the over 18 set then even though 12 year olds use that word now.. I can't believe you people like this lame crap.
  6. evilcrossbar

    evilcrossbar New Member

    Jan 19, 2002
    I was surprised to see Cowboy Bebop (one of the better animes IMO) on Cartoon Network just a few months after I downloaded the episodes (Japanese with English subtitiles).

    Anybody know if they've shown the Cowboy Bebop movie on Cartoon Network yet?

    They should get more DECENT Anime like "Evangelion", or a really f***ed up miniseries like "FL CL".
  7. TrooperBari

    TrooperBari Member

    Apr 3, 2001
    The Cowboy Bebop movie, "Knockin' on Heaven's Door," is yet to be released in America. It's been licensed and is rumored for a late summer release (i.e. late August, early September).

    NGE is on television - The Action Network shows episodes on the weekends. Synch Point, who owns the licensing rights to Furi Kiri, can't even get the DVD released without falling all over themselves, so TV is most likely some time off.

    Ah, for the days of Saturday Morning Anime on Sci-Fi Channel....
  8. Foosinho

    Foosinho New Member

    Jan 11, 1999
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    Don't pin your hangups on us. :D

    I love Cowboy Bebop. Brilliant. I just finished watching this past weekend's Bebop-a-thon on my TiVo, and I think Bebop might be the best anime sci-fi series I've seen.

    Sealab 2021 is hilarious. Capt Murphy is great, and Erik Estrada as Marco is a riot.

    I didn't realize Brak had his own show. I'll have to have my TiVo grab an episode so I can check it out. I do, however, dig those Goldmember ads ("This here movie sure looks good! I hope it's comin' to my neighborhood!").
  9. TrooperBari

    TrooperBari Member

    Apr 3, 2001
    "Crest of the Stars" is a good series in that vein - well-written and very character-driven, as is "Trigun."

    Before anyone asks, I work for Suncoast. I'm obligated to know stuff. :p
  10. caddisfly

    caddisfly New Member

    May 24, 2001
    Portland, OR
    I saw this at
    You might also find this interview interesting. Jason Demarco, a senior writer and producer at Cartoon Network explains why and how the editing process for several anime shown on Toonami, Midnight Run, and Adult Swim happen, as well as the pressure they're under to produce a product acceptable not only to fans but to parents as well. " Gives an interesting perspective on what CN goes through to get certain anime on US TV.
  11. TrooperBari

    TrooperBari Member

    Apr 3, 2001
    Doesn't surprise me ... that dates's been bounced around more than a racquetball recently.

    It's all the same to me as I haven't really been able to get into Cowboy Bebop - which is odd considering my nocturnal schedule.
  12. evilcrossbar

    evilcrossbar New Member

    Jan 19, 2002
    The Cowboy Bebop movie is cool, I downloaded it a while back.

    Right now I happen to be visiting South America, but luckily I have access to cable TV. There´s a network here called "Locomotion" (its been around for at least 2 years) which is actually pretty cool. Its just animation, a lot of it is lame-ass anime but some of it pretty good.

    a bit of the nightly line-up:

    Cowboy Bebop (here it is again - dubbed)
    NGE - subtitled
    Gasaraki (a bit too weird sometimes- subtitled)
    Bubblegum crisis - dubbed
    Southpark (its dubbed into spanish so it sucks)
    Bob and Margaret (also dubbed but into a Spanish accent from Spain - very weird)
    The critic - dubbed
    Space Ghost - really sucks when this is dubbed.
    Dr. Katz - dubbed into spanish with a weird accent from Spain (not the same as the rest of L. America)
    Duckman - dubbed
    Cybaster - sucks
    Blue Seed - sucks
    Berserker - shown a while back.

    I saw a commerical advertising Trigun so they´ll soon show that one.

    Cliffhanger - this one´s actually interesting, its old (late 60s early 70s) but it is the first semi-"mature" anime. A pair of sly guys stealing money and killing bad guys. Its pretty cheesy but you can see a bit of Bebop´s origins in this.

    a couple of special series and movies I´ve happened to catch in the few weeks I´ve been here.

    Akira -(of course)
    Blue Submarine 6
    Fl Cl
    Battleship Yamato

    There are others but I can´t remeber them right now. They also have segments with independent animation (national film board, other English stuff)

    Anyone know anything about this? its only in Latin America (Brazil where this channel seems to be from). I wonder if theyé linked to the cartoon network - they have many of the same shows. While some programs suck when dubbed (at least I speak Spanish) I wish there was somthing like that in the US.

    Anybody know if there is a plan to have an just Anime or mature animation network in the US?
  13. Unorthodox Yank

    Feb 27, 2001
    Constant Flux
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    United States
    God i love sealab so much.

    That episode with the beebop cola and the scorpion is priceless.
  14. Foosinho

    Foosinho New Member

    Jan 11, 1999
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    That one was great.

    Other ones I've seen that stood out were the (fake) sick boy, the one where Stormy and Quinn kept getting thrown back in time, and the one where they were all stuck in the storage room and Capt kept beating up everyone who came to their rescue.

    That blond chick is so trampy. I dig her! :D
  15. Dante

    Dante Moderator
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    KOHD will be using the same voice actors as the tv show, which will be nice. It's not expected to be released until the end of the year though. That was what I read.

    I have the complete collection on DVD and it's wonderful, I also bought the movie on ebay but it's in Japanese with English subtitles. I would HIGHLY recommend it to anyone.
  16. wcgcapone

    wcgcapone Member

    Feb 6, 2001
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    I want big buzz saw hands,
  17. Foosinho

    Foosinho New Member

    Jan 11, 1999
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    United States
    I may be in the minority here, but I prefer most foreign film (and especially anime) in the native language, w/ subtitles. I find that - especially with Japanese - the pacing of the dialog is wrecked when it's in English, and often sounds really bad.

    Of course, that could be (and often is) mostly attributed to lackluster voice talent.

    Reading subtitles is not that difficult once you get in the flow of things, and - IMO - it preserves the original work's feel, mood, and intent. (I even watch Lupin with subtitles!)
  18. olckicker

    olckicker Member

    Jan 30, 2001
    Really?! Encore's Action Network?! When did the channel show the episodes. I just got the Action Network.
  19. minorthreat

    minorthreat Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    No love for Space Ghost: Coast to Coast? Great show.
  20. Dante

    Dante Moderator
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    Nov 19, 1998
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    Action Network just underwent a bit of retooling. Every Friday night at midnight they show an anime movie, and througout the week you can catch episodes of various anime.
  21. Col Mustard

    Col Mustard New Member

    Oct 16, 2000
    If they bring back Marine Boy, then I'll start watching.

    But first I'll take my oxygum.
  22. caddisfly

    caddisfly New Member

    May 24, 2001
    Portland, OR
    Holy crap! I just found out that Erik Estrada, yea that guy from CHiPs, is the voice of Marco Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar Gabriel Garcia Marquez on Sealab 2021.
  23. Freestyle2000

    Freestyle2000 Moderator

    Feb 6, 2000
    DC United
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    Word. I have never laughed as hard as I did at the Busta Rhymes episode.

    "Hey, wood!"

  24. Kenobi

    Kenobi Member

    Jul 11, 1999
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    United States
    Until this past Sunday, Hunger Force was my favorite, with Sealab a close second. Carl cracks me up, because running around in New Jersey as much as I do, I see people like that all the time.

    However, this Sunday's Fred Flintstone episode of Harvey Birdman changed my mind. That had to be one of the funniest, best-written, clever spoofs I've ever seen. I haven't laughed so hard for 12 minutes straight in years.
  25. wu-tang beez

    wu-tang beez New Member

    Apr 19, 2002
    Irving, TX
    This reply may be a bit late but I was searching 4 anime topics and got this one. I prefer subtitles 4 all foreign films because the cadence of a language underlines the meaning the writer was trying to convey.

    This film is cut from the same jaw dropping imagery and exotic themes that captivated everyone w/ Princess Mononoke and is the most successful anime film ever in Japan. Unfortunately, it's being released in select screens 4 now so cross your fingers. If you're in to Anime classics like Akira, Macross, & Cpt Harlock like me than once you'll watch the trailer, as I did, you're going to sweat w/ anticipation.

    I too dig on adult swim somethin awful.

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