The license plate on Agent Smith's car reads ISA5416. For those of you who aren't that familiar with the Bible, that's Isaiah chapter 54, verse 16. Isaiah 54:16 :: King James Version (KJV) 16 Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy. Hmmmm....
Connections definitely there for the original I haven't seen Revolutions, but the original Matrix has lots of connections with the Bible. Obvious examples inclulde the city of Zion, Neo as a Christ-like figure, and Morpheous as taking the role of "God" in the Holy Trinity. It's been awhile since I've seen the movie, but i've had this discussion before. I don't think it's a coincidence; these references were put there for a reason.
Re: Connections definitely there for the original Something like "ISA5416" can't be a coincidence. It's simply not possible. Anyone notice the subway station name and the name on the train in the trailers to Revolutions? "Mobil Ave" and "Loop", repectively. It may not be immediately obvious, but Mobil is an anagram for Limbo. "Loop" should be painfully obvious. These guys are very deliberate with what does and doesn't get put into the film. There are lots of subtle clues prior to all the major revelations in the films - including several shots in the first film foreshadowing the revelations of the Architect. I've never caught them in the first viewing, but they are there.
Anybody notice how Tarantino's CGI-less battle between The Bride and the 88 Assassins makes Nemo's battle with 100 Agent Smiths look like a silly computer game?
If they had spent as much time on the acting and dialogue, we probably wouldn't have to be going to these lengths to make the movie seem worthwhile.
Neo's name is "Anderson", which means "son of man", which is one of the things Jesus calls himself. In the first movie, when Neo gives the illegal CD to the party guy, he says "You're my savior, man. My own personal Jesus Christ." The movie is just entertainment. These things are part of the entertainment.
You know how Cypher sold out and let the Agents infiltrate Nebuchadnezzar and Neo died, but he came back to life? I remember reading something like that in the Bible.
Meaningless numerology: The bike that Trinity rode in the freeway chase scene was a Ducati 996, and has a big "996" printed on it. It may have been picked because the number is close to 666, or it may have been picked because it is a cool-ass bike. The freeway that the chase took place on is the "101". That may have been picked because Neo is the one. Or because it is the name of a major freeway in California not too far from where the fake freeway was built. When Trinity hacked the power station, she changed the root password of the machine (using real hacking software, by the way) to "Z1ON0101". The ones probably refer to Neo again. Or the Dalmatians.
From the Song of Solomon: 7:1 O prince's daughter! the joints of thy thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a cunning workman. 7:2 Thy navel is like a round goblet, which wanteth not liquor: thy belly is like an heap of wheat set about with lilies. ... 7:7 This thy stature is like to a palm tree, and thy breasts to clusters of grapes. 7:8 I said, I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of the boughs thereof: now also thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy nose like apples; 7:9 And the roof of thy mouth like the best wine for my beloved, that goeth down sweetly, causing the lips of those that are asleep to speak. >>> I'm no divinity student but I'm pretty sure they're talking about Monica Bellucci there.
Hey, here is a good one: In the first movie, the humans scorch the sky. They ended up living deep underground where it is hot. Clearly, they attacked heaven and were cast down into the pit of hell. But Zion was created as a place where the 0.01% of humanity that reject the Matrix would go. And it was created by the same being that was attacked by burning the sky. Yes, the AI is God!
Oh, and does anyone know what books were used by Persephone as the switch to open the secret passage to the Keymaker? I can't read it on my DVD.
Re: Re: Connections definitely there for the original Jees foos... freakin' brain teasers! I like those though. spejic - I hope you're reading from a manual because otherwise dude, you have waaaay too much time! I really enjoy the Matrix movies, but c'mon! Well... anyone pick up in the first Matrix when Neo wakes up from the dream of having a bug dissolved in his stomach... and how the music playing at that wake-up scene was of "Dissolved Girl" by Massive Attack? I'm sure there is a point to this somewhere.
This is from a kid named Brian Takle, who submits "...Matrix Reloaded is a story about Genesis. Not the creation story. I mean the transcendence story that comes immediately after the creation story, in which the serpent, who is Loki the Inventor God, who is Neo, leads humanity from the Garden into Middle Earth..." check him out more fully here. A bit in the Bible context: ...Neo #6 is the creation of man on the sixth day. A creation of the Creator. It would carry a lot of momentum if I just left off with that, but I need to tidy up a few loose ends. I'll try to do it with another little bomb to make it exciting. When we go back through the entire dialogue of the Architect's scene, it is natural to wonder about the meaning of a lot the Architect's statements, especially because they seem to contradict my conclusion, or else they seem to be lies. My take on that is to go back much further to the Oracle's scene in the first movie. She says things to Neo that are not literally true, but yet they are true because they allow Neo to become what he must become. Neo would not have risked his life for Morpheus if the Oracle had told Neo he was The One. And so it is with the Architect -- what he says allows Neo become what he must become. It is not very meaningful for Neo to choose Trinity if he doesn't think anything is at stake. It wouldn't have been an act of will. How interesting that the Oracle and the Architect would use such similar devices for such similar reasons. [1] This is the part of the essay where I get angry email, but it really amounts to misunderstanding mythological symbols. They are, as Joseph Campbell put it, "reading the metaphor in terms of denotation rather than connotation." These are all symbolic representations of what is in you. "The devil" is the thing in you that chafes at perfection and desires to get out of the Garden and grow. It is the "splinter in your mind." The theology still works under this interpretation, interestingly enough. The devil is still what takes you away from the Creator God. [Back] [2] Jesus sits at the right hand of God. Therefore, choosing the right-hand door means Neo would become the Christ for the Matrix, sacrificing himself for the good of the world. This is what every previous incarnation has done. The fact that he doesn't do it this time indicates he (and by extension the Matrix) has gone beyond this sacrificial stage.
I just watched it again. Actually, "101" is repeated quite frequently. For example, it is also the address of the building the Merovingian resides in. Also, the freeway chase takes place very close to my house. One of the freeway signs lists exits for Whipple, Woodside and Marsh, which are the Redwood City exits from 101 (headed south).