Can central america ever host a world cup

Discussion in 'CONCACAF' started by 562nation, Oct 18, 2004.

  1. 562nation

    562nation Member

    May 10, 2004
    (562)areacode LA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Hey heres some food for thought can central america host a world cup. Just like Japan and korea did, share it.Between costa rica Guatemala,El salvador and honduras.
  2. MoRado

    MoRado New Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    San José. Costa Rica
    Deportivo Saprissa
    Nat'l Team:
    Costa Rica
    Dude, once i had that dream when i was 10 years old....... i'll love to have a world cup in CA......thats a wonderful idea.....

    BACK TO REALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CA needs a couple of trillions of dollars to be able to host a WC.... well who knows, maybe we find petrolioum (oil) someday.....

    In my opinion, what CA can host is a Gold CUP, what about that?
  3. Eslv81

    Eslv81 New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    that would be nice, but you at least need 9 stadiums that can hold between 40,000 and 50,000... and of course you definitely need alot of money. maybe a youth world cup like a u-17 or u-20 other than that its to dificult.

    Everything is possible, but 9 stadiums are required, and if we count how many hold 50,000 plus, only 5 hold about the required capacity,,, so counting that there are five, at least 4 more need to be built. but its difficult anyways because fifa doesn't allow full capacity for security reasons.

    the following stadiums that I will list,,,all these stadiums hold a certain capacity, but you will definitely not sell every entrance because the fifa regulations does not permit it,, there will have to be at least a 7,000 deduction for security reasons, after the tragedies that have happened in the past. counting that by fifa law, a deduction has to be made on those 40 45,000 stadiums, so that is a disadvantage, because that will bring them to 37,000 or less, the only stadium that will basically meet the requirements would be Cuscatlan stadium and maybe Metropolitano, ... either they remodel the 40,000 stadium and add capacities or we can forget about on day having a world cup in C.A.

    CUSCATLAN STADIUM... holds 58,000 ...
    Magico Gonzalez stadium... holds 40,000

    Olimpico Metropolitano holds 45,000
    Tiburcio Carias Andino holds 40,000

    Mateo Flores... holds 35,000
    there a couple more that hold 30,000 plus, but I don't know which ones?

    Saprissa stadium ... not sure, I'm assuming 30,000
    I know there is one that holds about 35 to 40,000 but I'm not sure of the name. Maybe MORADO can correct me.

  4. 562nation

    562nation Member

    May 10, 2004
    (562)areacode LA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I agree there would have to be milllions of dollars just to build the stadiums and redo their infrastructure imagine if there was a world cup and one week your team is playing in San jose and the following week your playing in San salvador, I dont think these countries have the infrastructure to support such an event. they would need to come out of being third world countries. I would like to see nice stadiums being build in Central america.
  5. Otaku

    Otaku Member+

    Dec 9, 2003
    CDSC Cruz Azul
    Nat'l Team:
    Too much money is involved. And what about afterwords, when the WC is over? are the people going to fill up the stadiums for the club games? I don't think so
  6. MoRado

    MoRado New Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    San José. Costa Rica
    Deportivo Saprissa
    Nat'l Team:
    Costa Rica
    Saprissa's stadium and Alajuela's stadium both were for 25000-30000 people, but since what happened on Mateo Flores we got new security policies in costa rica, so now they are only for 21000 people.... pretty small to host a WC game...
  7. elcombo

    elcombo New Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    yeah they can join 2 or 3 countries and do it. this would really help the country economicly and it would be really good for the country. their soccer would have much more regognition. costa rica and honduras have good soccer and also export many players into other leagues
  8. denver_mugwamp

    denver_mugwamp New Member

    Feb 9, 2003
    Denver, Colorado
    Don't World Cup stadiums have to be all-seater? Judging from what I've seen on GolTV, most of these stadiums have benches. Although it's at least 20 years off, I would support a WC in Central America because it would focus attention on the region and give them a goal to aim for. I was in South Africa right after they were awarded the 2010 cup and everybody was excited, even those people who didn't follow soccer. People said that the Cup would force the government to move faster of improvements that had been promised for the country. CA could use a bit of the same thing.
  9. Crazy_Yank

    Crazy_Yank Member

    Jan 8, 2001
    Matamoros, Mexico
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Not a chance. There is no way they could get the money to fund 1st class stadiums, nor could they guarentee the security of foreign fans.
  10. MoRado

    MoRado New Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    San José. Costa Rica
    Deportivo Saprissa
    Nat'l Team:
    Costa Rica
    Isn't it funny how these yankees are always afraid(freaked) about security....
  11. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    I think everyone should be concerned about it. Security not also comes in the way of terrorists. Security also includes issues such as transportation, lodging, health clinics, etc.

    You want to ensure the very best security as possisle to your tourist and locals. It's not just about the stadium situation, but adequate and sufficient lodging units; safe and easy public transportation (how easy it is to move around with out having to ask questions); available health clinics.

    And lets steer away from the security issue. What type of economical impact would it have on the economy as a whole after the competion is over? Will the new stadiums be able attract a set numer of spectators. Will the new lodging units be able to maintain full after the event? How will ne public transportation cost be paid for after the millions of tourist leave?

    I think it would be magnificant for a Central American country to host a Gold Cup. I am skeptical about one country being able to do it by themselves. I do think 2 of them could host it.

    HONDUGOL New Member

    Sep 11, 2004
    Cuscatlan does not hold 58,000 brotha, in fact only holds around 40 to 45 just like Metropolitano in SPS but of course Metropolitano is more moden.
  13. scaryice

    scaryice Member

    Jan 25, 2001
    No way in our lifetimes. USA or Mexico will get it every time. Also, FIFA has said they never want to have co-hosts for a World Cup again.
  14. BorrachoNJ

    BorrachoNJ New Member

    Apr 8, 2001
  15. brianzappa

    brianzappa Member

    Oct 21, 2003
    In a big country
    If this is a rule, it's a relatively recent one. For 1994, Foxboro was a venue and the stadium had bench seating- My Revs season tickets were on them until Gillette was built.
  16. Excape Goat

    Excape Goat Member+

    Mar 18, 1999
    Real Madrid
    They are not going to have 4 automatic spots for the hosts in the Finals. And I seriously doubt that FIFA lets any of the host to be in the WCQ and end of missing the Finals.

    If they do give 4 spots for the 4 hosts, how many spots through WCQ do CONCACAF get in the Finals? 2 more, plus the host? or 1 more, plus the host?
  17. denver_mugwamp

    denver_mugwamp New Member

    Feb 9, 2003
    Denver, Colorado
    Hey Crazy Yank, tell the truth, have you ever traveled in Central America? No? I didn't think so.
  18. MoRado

    MoRado New Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    San José. Costa Rica
    Deportivo Saprissa
    Nat'l Team:
    Costa Rica
    no he is scared as hell to como to our ¨jungle¨
  19. Eslv81

    Eslv81 New Member

    Aug 26, 2004

    is your problem is you don't think so, when built the origal plans saids 58,000 !!! of course they reduced it for security, but the original capacity is 58,000!!! is similar to leon stadium.

    about Metropolitano there is nothing modern about that, is the newest of course, modern in the term that is the lates one built in C.A.,, is a pretty stadium no doubt.

    BUILT IN 1976

    first match played : Costa Rica-Borussia M'Gladbach

    other than this info, there is another website from the ES federation that estates that it was built for 58,000, but like mentioned before, only enable it for 40 or 45,000 for security reasons.

  20. bigredfutbol

    bigredfutbol Moderator
    Staff Member

    Sep 5, 2000
    Woodbridge, VA
    DC United
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    United States
    I know tourism has grown considerably in the region, but you'd need an incredible infrastructure to handle the influx of people. Which Central American countries have it? Keep in mind that although some smaller countries in Europe have hosted big events, Belgium and Holland (for example), still have bigger populations than just about any single CA country, AND many Euro 2000 fans could have just taken the train for the game. People coming to any Central American WC would probably have to stay for a few days.
  21. Crazy_Yank

    Crazy_Yank Member

    Jan 8, 2001
    Matamoros, Mexico
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    I've traveled all over Mexico and Central America on various surf trips. I've surfed off Costa Rica's coast. Incredible waves. Mexico has a lot of good spots as well.
  22. Lithium858

    Lithium858 Member

    Aug 11, 2002
    Baton Rouge
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    They also need feasible transportation (i.e. big airports). Though, I've never been to Central America so I dunno if they have any. I'm sure they have some the size of Lindbergh Field in San Diego. That's why San Diego will never hold the Olympics. But that's another story...

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