The Clarets, after losing 5 million pounds from the collapse of ITV Digital, will no longer allow ITV cameras in Turf Moor.
Even though they're by nature knuckle-dragging idiots, I have to give credit to the Dingles for this move. Hope the other clubs follow suit.
Rather like the child that stamps its feet and puts its hands over its ears in a fit of pique, five minutes of everyones attention may result, achieving absolutely nothing in the process and forgotten before the hour is up. At best, the only long term outcome of this rather feeble display of petulance will be to anger the team's sponsors, who will get even less time on TV then they otherwise might. Dumb as football chairman are, as the other 70 odd clubs are NOT doing the same thing, you can assume the general consensus is that this is a bit of grandstanding likely to achieve absolutely nothing. Still, when you lose at home to the Seaweed I guess you need to convince your fans you are doing something, somewhere...
It IS something, however. Maybe it does come off like a little too much grandstanding, and it certainly won't improve Burnley's finances, but this little publicity stunt is what it is: a way to bring a very serious issue to the public eye. Clubs have to figure out creative ways to fight against a system that is rewarding the big clubs more and more and leaving the smaller clubs to fight against bankruptcy.