Bundesliga 2023/24 - Wolfsburg or Bayern? - It's the same question as the years before

Discussion in 'Germany Mädels: NT and Frauen-Bundesliga' started by Lohmann, Aug 9, 2023.

  1. Lohmann

    Lohmann Member+

    Arminia Bielefeld
    Feb 24, 2020
    Nat'l Team:
    Bayern - Freiburg 4:0(2:0)
    Sembrant(6), Schüller(19), Dallmann(58), Naschenweng(60)

    1.Bayern 30 24-4
    2.Wolfsburg 29 28-9
    3.Frankfurt 26 24-11
    4.Hoffenheim 20 28-17
    5.Bremen 19 24-12
    6.Leverkusen 17 21-15
    7.Essen 17 16-11
    8.Freiburg 15 15-27
    9.Köln 10 15-22
    10.Leipzig 9 10-24
    11.Nürnberg 8 7-31
    12.Duisburg 2 7-36

    Tuesday: Champions League draw

    Thursday: DFB-Pokal Frankfurt vs Freiburg

    Sunday: Wolfsburg vs Frankfurt

    Nürnberg is unhappy about refereeing and wants DFB to end it's only female referees policy in 1. and 2.Bundesliga.
    blissett and Lechus7 repped this.
  2. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    They lost 4-0, it's not like they lost 1-0 in the 93th minute thanks to an offside goal..
  3. Lohmann

    Lohmann Member+

    Arminia Bielefeld
    Feb 24, 2020
    Nat'l Team:
    They claim that the wrong penalty decision had a negative influence on their game(which of course is impossible to prove).
  4. ytrs

    ytrs Member+

    Jan 24, 2018
    Copying Euros because we sign young players? Please. Our professional sports leagues have signed young players for years. We know how to run pro sports leagues here. Your Euro bias is really something.

    Preseason in the ICC for Euros? So they are healthy and fit, while NWSL primarily plays their bench? Nice excuse. Let's be honest, the NWSL teams can go head to head with Europes best.
  5. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    It did but I don't think that's why they conceeded 3 more goals after that, they were just completely lackluster in the second half.
  6. blissett

    blissett Member+

    Aug 20, 2011
    Nat'l Team:
    Well, it will happen anyway, just without German (or Italian) teams. :coffee:
  7. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    But with two Scandinavian teams which hasn't happened since the 2016-2017 season.
    blissett repped this.
  8. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    but with German players(Leupolz, Nusken, Berger, Dabritz, Marozsan, Gasper, maybe more?)

    at least you got Dragoni at Barca, but probable lacking playing time—now you’ll know how it feels to be an Jule Brand fan these days!

    can’t wait for Lohmann to play at Real Madrid—bet we’ll get an sparkling new, ultra informative thread on the Spanish League!!
    blissett repped this.
  9. Lohmann

    Lohmann Member+

    Arminia Bielefeld
    Feb 24, 2020
    Nat'l Team:
    #1834 Lohmann, Feb 6, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2024
    Lena Pauels (Benfica), Sara Ritter(Brann), Laura Benkarth(Lyon)

    Brann vs Barcelona
    Show Spoiler
    vs Lyon
    Show Spoiler
    vs Chelsea
    Häcken vs PSG

    Barcelona vs Chelsea
    Lyon vs PSG

    Barcelona vs Lyon
    blissett repped this.
  10. Bauser

    Bauser Member+

    Dec 23, 2000
    Fredrikstad FK
    Has Ritter been involved in any youth national team activity at DFB since moving to Norway?

    She started against St. Pölten in the UWCL last time around as a left-sided central defender in Brann's back three system and did well. Good pace. It seems she will come up directly against Caroline Graham Hansen in the Barcelona fixtures. That will be an interesting test for her.
    Lohmann repped this.
  11. Lohmann

    Lohmann Member+

    Arminia Bielefeld
    Feb 24, 2020
    Nat'l Team:
    She played in the U19 qualifying round against Israel(scored two goals), Norway:) and Finland.
    blissett and Bauser repped this.
  12. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Well I'm late, but finally got around to watching Bayern take full advantage of Wolfsburg's latest stumble, in the process headed back to the top of the league by a point, producing a mainly entertaining and comfortable 4-0 win over a distinctly lacklustre Freiburg (what's happening at Freiburg...:confused:)

    Key points I noticed in this match, was once again seeing Bayern's legit big time threat coming from corners and freekicks, seeing their defenders continue the pattern of them being far more of a goal threat this season, than the clubs various well known forwards lol.

    Plus I'm sure Harder was deployed in a more controlled CAM role Vs Freiburg too. This being a surprise to me, having previously seen Straus do everything possible not to use CAM's within his system, to the effect of eventually forcing Magull as the club captain to leave the club.

    And it needs to be asked again... what the hell is happing with Freiburg...? Watching Steuerwald struggle as a DM, when they have the leagues most successful tackler this season (Minge), being forced back into a CB role...

    Minge was their top scorer last season too, surely speaking to her all round effectiveness as a CM in this league. And now with a new international quality forward in their team, it's crazy seeing how less effective as a team their coach has made them now...:speechless:
  13. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Wolfsburg's garbage squad balance catches up with them yet again, this time resulting in lost points away from home Vs a very physically aggressive Leverksuen.

    And like I said on hearing the news of her departure, Wolfsburg allowing Rauch to leave during the winter break, will force even more pressure onto Stroots poor mid-field depth now. Where the 10 to 15 goal contributions he'd gain from Rauch, now placed on to the shoulders of mid-fielders/forwards that will likely struggle to compensate and cover what's been lost.

    Hagel known at Hoffenheim for an ability to score and assist goals from a CM/CAM role, but hasn't been able to find her past form for her new club. With none of Brand, SJJ, Endemann, having ever produced Rauch numbers in goal contributions either, as we see Huth continue to underwhelm in a CM role, like someone who's already placed one foot in retirement...:cautious:

    With a garbage RB (seriously, HOW does Wilms continue to play for Wolfsburg...:speechless:), and Rabano being a good player, but unable to overlap, or underlap, to help Pajor in offense, or apply counter pressing pressure to help the CM's. It's seen Stroot also fundamentally change the way Wolfsburg play now, moving away from the established 4-2-3-1, to a 4-3-3.

    But regardless of the tactical concerns, the two yellows for Hegering, Wolfsburg still only have themselves to blame for the draw Vs Leverkusen, after they'd waste a stupid amount of good chances to win the match by a comfortable score line. But hey... maybe this is Karma balancing the scales again, after Wolfsburg's truly lucky victory over Bremen just prior the winter break...
  14. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Seeing Nürnberg's coach have a tantrum about the Referee changing the course of their match Vs Bremen is hilarious...:ROFLMAO:

    If you watch the first half, you see his team waste many CLEAR chances to score, in a match they were also dominant in all areas too, but now in the first division where opposing teams will 100% punish you for not killing games when your in control.

    Even when they'd concede the PK goal in the 2nd half, Nürnberg only have themselves to blame for the resulting complete collapse that would then occur lol. Leaving me to believe their coach just frustrated with a reality his team plays well, and continues to see nothing positive to show for it this season...:rolleyes:
  15. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    No... I tried to watch Portland Vs {insert names} because of wanting to see how Hina Sugita looked in the league... and then went to seeing brief highlights... and now don't expect to be following it at all in future...

    What.. no way! The English coach goes on a English podcast, and tells the English hosts and listeners that his team is better than Lyon, all based on a friendly...

    Age 23 the best player in the NWSL, and already one of the best forwards in the world, comes into a game fresh Vs a goat status 33yo defender Wendie Renard in a friendly on home soil, and goes on to play really well.

    Tell me... why is this impressive, or a genuine metric for how strong the NWSL is...:unsure: If Smith some unknown 3rd choice forward, your example might make more a little more sense lol.
  16. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    I didn't trash your preferred league...:confused: You won't know this, but I've stated the NWSL the most professional league in all women's club football.

    But my point here is that nobody in Europe cares lol. As all the talent the NWSL attracts from UEFA's top leagues now, not coming remotely close to scratching the surface of the true talent that exists among the confederations elite teams

    I'm sure Henry in her 30's probably the most elite player from UEFA seen within the current era US league, and I stand by my point.. the NWSL with the largest domestic player base in global women's football, can't even roster enough of it's own US/North American talent, to produce teams at the same, or higher standard of European rivals...:coffee:

    Your talking about a single 14 team closed North American league (no promotion/relegation), versus the longer season calendar of elite UWCL teams, within a strong wider UEFA...:speechless: And yeah, US women's soccer has genuine clout, but watching the matches, and listening to Euro players talk abut their experiences, I'm not seeing the old reality where NWSL the #1 home for the globes best teams.
  17. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Me and hotjam2 argue about this ALL the time lol, and what is typically being talked about here, is the fact Euro leagues will promote teens as young as 15/16 to play key roles within pro teams, alongside senior international talent. And your simply not going to see this in the NWSL.

    Not a pro Euro bias, simply a fact of how these two regions are truly different in their pathways for female talent becoming professional athletes in this game.

    Right now you have a 16yo junior USwnt player called Lily Yohannes starting regularly for Ajax in UWCL games, experiencing a standard of football she's simply not going to touch if she was in the American system...:whistling:

    No amount of NWSL media clout can remove the undeniable fact Yohannes experiencing something that simply wouldn't happen for her in the US.

    You want to use something as random as this, as the sole measurement guide of quality for all NWSL football... really...:unsure:
  18. ytrs

    ytrs Member+

    Jan 24, 2018
    "Listening to Euro players talk about their experiences?" Please elaborate. It is the most competitive league in the world. Not everyone can adapt to it. As Esther said, 'it is like playing in the champions league every single game".

    "the NWSL with the largest domestic player base in global women's football, can't even roster enough of it's own US/North American talent, to produce teams at the same, or higher standard of European rivals" - Portland Thorns beat Lyon, North Carolina Courage beat Lyon, and that is with us spreading our talent across all 12 teams. But go on with your bias.
  19. ytrs

    ytrs Member+

    Jan 24, 2018
    Your video doesn't work. But how is head to head competition random? It is a lot more substantive than you biased opinion.
  20. ytrs

    ytrs Member+

    Jan 24, 2018
    We have two 15 year olds playing in the NWSL, among some 17 and 18 year olds as well. Ajax is not a top NWSL club. So yes Lily could easily get that standard in the NWSL.

    Lily Yohannes has not been called into a US camp since January 2022 as a U15. Are you sure we want her? Is she good enough to play for our youth national teams, let alone our full senior team one day?
  21. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
  22. Lohmann

    Lohmann Member+

    Arminia Bielefeld
    Feb 24, 2020
    Nat'l Team:
    No, it's a Frisian name(likely from Gabriela).
  23. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    LOL... former Real Madrid Esther...

    Again... the examples your selecting here to try and help validate your frustrations with my recent opinions, aren't exactly the best...:giggle:

    Come on... be serious. Your trying to use a goofy barely visible, mostly ignored, pre season/mid season mini tournament, to justify a reality where US teams beating Lyon somehow proves the NWSL the best league in the world...:confused:

    The video I posted of a nothing match between USA's best, and Chelsea, actually from this goofy tournament you claim a club world cup; and looking at the crowd, I think your the only person who genuinely believes these games are 100% serious, or genuinely contested games of soccer...:rolleyes:
  24. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Would you prefer it if I just lie lol...? I don't believe the US league as a competition can attract the best talent from Europe anymore. And in fact doesn't seem to hold any real value to help improve their attractiveness for the best talents from Europe anymore...

    Wow... a handful of teenagers spread across a few teams, how impressive...:rolleyes:

    And while I'm no fan of Ajax, you might want to ease up on the slander for what Yohannes is doing on their team, as I've seen higher rated junior USwnt talents play in the UWCL, and not look close to being as accomplished tactically/technically, as this one particular player your choosing to dismiss right now...:whistling:

    Cool... again, I don't support the USwnt, the Netherland's, or Ajax, meaning I don't really care what benefits who here. But I do know if the US don't want her, I'm pretty sure they'll be other wnt's who will want her in the future.
  25. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    LOL I've said this multiple times for months now....:rolleyes: Veit being one of Germany's best players among a very talented u17 generation, who not only won their Euro's, but also go on to reach the semi's at the following u17 WC.

    Physically robust, technically composed, all she lacks is the improved decision making that comes with prolonged exposure to senior level football. But of course being at Frankfurt while their home to at least 4 international level CB options, doesn't exactly make this easy for Veit to achieve...:unsure:

    Doorsoun age 32 - Kleinherne age 23, both likely to be the first choice for another 2-3 years, with a 30yo Kirchberger also ahead of her. Veit will need to be patient, but I've been openly confident she'll be a senior wnt CB option in her early 20's...:coffee:

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