"He was so mad because his team had lost it's last game, so he lost every sense in his mind. " He makes some good points. This happened to me but instead of breaking my finger I broke my trashcan.
That site is hilarious. Though I think he might want to look up some synonyms for stupid. He used it way too often.
Absolutely brilliant!! Well I use the word loosely, and certainly not in the traditional sense of 'brilliant'. Those logos are great, I especially like the one done blatantly with MS paint about soccer players running around in grass. Cheerfully funny. And surely with this guy's mindset, shouldn't the second one be calling for all decent humans to burn a soccer ball not a football? Think that one just back fired a touch. He doesn't seem to be all that popular on his message board, presumably put there for all the supporters of his ideas.
I didn't know Bernie Linicombe had a web page!!! Seriously,Matt ,when many Yank sportswriters rant against soccer,this is usually all they can come up with. As a Yank soccer fan,it all cuts too close to the bone for me,even though I know this lad's just taking the piss....
Up there with the most stupidest $hite I've seen on the web. "The first, and most important reason to hate soccer is that it's boring. The problem is, that more than half of the world population is too stupid to understand that. Also, a lot of people would say that you can't discuss taste. So when you are trying to make a soccerfan understand how terrible soccer is (they are too stupid to know for themselves), you have to give them some other reasons." A 'million reasons' and he can only come up with six lame ones. Outstanding.
i dont know wether i want to laugh or punch this guy in the face. It is obviously made up and if he belives it hes crazier than those great people we call hooligans. The story about the woman in prison is true but if she had not taken the drugs she wouldnt of died so it is her fault not the gaurds. This guy needs his head examined ur more likley to trip over an earwig than get hurt in playing football. And if you do manage to get hurt you should be man enough to take the knock and get up an play again like terry butcher did. MagOO(who?)
man that is funny stuff. It was hard I but I resisted the erge to send him mail. I like how the whole site talkes about soccer players getting injured and how dangerouse it is and then this American football idiot mails this too him "REASON WHY I HATE SOCCER PLAYERS: SOCCER IS A SPORT PLAYED BY PUSSIES WHO ARE AFRAID TO GET HIT LIKE REAL MEN. WHY PLAY SOCCER WHEN YOU CAN PLAY A SPORT LIKE FOOTBALL AND LEARN HOW TO TAKE HITS LIKE A REAL PERSON?!?!?! SOCCER IS A SPORT FOR FOREIGN PEOPLE WHO CAN'T PLAY REAL SPORTS!! SOCCER IS NOT A SPORT!!!!!" too much